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中文总榜 > 资料类 > C++

数据更新: 2024-03-08   /   温馨提示:中文项目泛指「文档母语为中文」OR「含有中文翻译」的项目,通常在项目的「readme/wiki/官网」可以找到

# Repository Description Stars Updated
1 Light-City/CPlusPlusThings C++那些事 36088 2024-03-06
2 huihut/interview 📚 C/C++ 技术面试基础知识总结,包括语言、程序库、数据结构、算法、系统、网络、链接装载库等知识及面试经验、招聘、内推等信息。This repository is a summary of the basic knowledge of recruiting job seekers and beginners in the direction of C/C++ technology, inclu ... 32339 2023-11-27
3 MaaAssistantArknights/MaaAssistantArknights 《明日方舟》小助手,全日常一键长草! A one-click tool for the daily tasks of Arknights, supporting all clients. 11473 2024-03-07
4 ChenYilong/iOSInterviewQuestions iOS interview questions;iOS面试题集锦(附答案)--学习qq群或 Telegram 群交流 ChenYilong/iOSBlog#21 9251 2024-01-01
5 wuye9036/CppTemplateTutorial 中文的C++ Template的教学指南。与知名书籍C++ Templates不同,该系列教程将C++ Templates作为一门图灵完备的语言来讲授,以求帮助读者对Meta-Programming融会贯通。(正在施工中) 8962 2024-02-20
6 applenob/Cpp_Primer_Practice 搞定C++:punch:。C++ Primer 中文版第5版学习仓库,包括笔记和课后练习答案。 7284 2024-01-02
7 TonyChen56/WeChatRobot 微信HOOK、微信机器人 wxhook,数据库解密 微信公众号采集 微信公众号爬虫,企业微信HOOK 6032 2024-01-15
8 feiyangqingyun/QWidgetDemo Qt编写的一些开源的demo,预计会有100多个,一直持续更新完善,代码简洁易懂注释详细,每个都是独立项目,非常适合初学者,代码随意传播使用,拒绝打赏和捐赠,欢迎留言评论!公众号:CPP软件开发/Qt教程 5271 2024-03-07
9 xtaci/algorithms Algorithms & Data structures in C++. 5100 2023-12-18
10 gaoxiang12/slambook2 edition 2 of the slambook 4929 2023-10-08
11 yuesong-feng/30dayMakeCppServer 30天自制C++服务器,包含教程和源代码 4533 2023-12-27
12 0voice/introduce_c-cpp_manual 一个收集C/C++新手学习的入门项目,整理收纳开发者开源的小项目、工具、框架、游戏等,视频,书籍,面试题/算法题,技术文章。 3813 2023-11-02
13 parallel101/course 高性能并行编程与优化 - 课件 3122 2023-09-24
14 lightvector/KataGo GTP engine and self-play learning in Go 2947 2024-03-03
15 XMuli/QtExamples Qt 之 GUI 控件使用 / 网络 / 架构原理 / 运行机制理解;DTK 重绘控件方式的框架解析;IDE 技巧之 Visual Studio / Qt Creator;此为系列文章教程 2880 2024-01-24
16 liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode My Solutions to Leetcode problems. All solutions support C++ language, some support Java and Python. Multiple solutions will be given by most problems. Enjoy:) 我的Leetcode解答。所有的问题都支持C++语言,一部分问题支持Java语言 ... 2687 2023-11-09
17 ThisisGame/cpp-game-engine-book 从零编写游戏引擎教程 Writing a game engine tutorial from scratch 2475 2024-03-06
18 scarsty/kys-cpp 《金庸群侠传》c++复刻版,已完工 2473 2024-02-16
19 zufuliu/notepad2 Notepad2-zufuliu is a light-weight Scintilla based text editor for Windows with syntax highlighting, code folding, auto-completion and API list for many programming languages and documents, bundled wi ... 2198 2024-03-07
20 opencurve/curve Curve is a sandbox project hosted by the CNCF Foundation. It's cloud-native, high-performance, and easy to operate. Curve is an open-source distributed storage system for block and shared file storage ... 2183 2024-03-07
21 selfboot/CS_Offer 计算机学科基础知识和主流编程语言相关内容的总结 2177 2023-09-24
22 HarleysZhang/cv_note 记录cv算法工程师的成长之路,分享计算机视觉和模型压缩部署技术栈笔记。 2161 2024-01-23
23 Tencent/UnLua A feature-rich, easy-learning and highly optimized Lua scripting plugin for UE. 1996 2023-12-13
24 ShujiaHuang/Cpp-Primer-Plus-6th 《C++ Primer Plus 第6版(中文版)》原书代码、习题答案和个人笔记,仅供学习和交流。 1678 2023-10-07
25 netwarm007/GameEngineFromScratch 配合我的知乎专栏写的项目 1669 2023-09-16
26 gaoxiang12/slam_in_autonomous_driving 《自动驾驶中的SLAM技术》对应开源代码 1561 2024-02-18
27 hao14293/2021-Postgraduate-408 💯✍备考2021年研究生-408 1392 2024-01-22
28 MKXJun/DirectX11-With-Windows-SDK 现代DX11系列教程:使用Windows SDK(C++)开发Direct3D 11.x 1391 2023-12-12
29 HuangCongQing/pcl-learning 🔥PCL(Point Cloud Library)点云库学习记录 1375 2024-03-07
30 tkchu/Game-Programming-Patterns-CN 《游戏编程模式》中文版 1312 2024-01-17
31 githubhaohao/LearnFFmpeg Android FFmpeg 音视频开发教程 1309 2024-02-23
32 skywind3000/RenderHelp ⚡ 可编程渲染管线实现,帮助初学者学习渲染 1238 2024-01-22
33 alibaba/yalantinglibs A collection of modern C++ libraries, include coro_rpc, struct_pack, struct_json, struct_xml, struct_pb, easylog, async_simple 1221 2024-03-07
34 wqking/eventpp Event Dispatcher and callback list for C++ 1180 2024-02-20
35 mhogomchungu/media-downloader Media Downloader is a Qt/C++ front end to yt-dlp, youtube-dl, gallery-dl, lux, you-get, svtplay-dl, aria2c, wget and safari books.. 1118 2024-03-04
36 Miller-Xie/Code 面试高频算法题总结,个人博客 1079 2023-12-16
37 o0o0o0o0o0o0o/image-processing-from-scratch This project contains some interesting image processing algorithms that were wrote in python and c++ from scratch. 1045 2024-02-13
38 IronsDu/brynet A Header-Only cross-platform C++ TCP network library . We can use vcpkg( install brynet. 997 2024-01-25
39 hedada-hc/pc_wechat_hook pc微信hook 课程例子源码 最新版pc微信hook全套课程尽在网易云课堂 搜索微信逆向即可 pcwx pcweichat 微信hook C语言开发 874 2024-01-11
40 tardate/LittleArduinoProjects a collection of "Little Electronic Art Projects", most involving electronics or an Arduino in one way or another! 633 2024-02-28
41 limbo018/DREAMPlace Deep learning toolkit-enabled VLSI placement 595 2024-02-20
42 Greedysky/TTKWidgetTools QWidget 自定义控件集合 持续更新中...... 559 2024-02-21
43 district10/cmake-templates Some CMake Templates (examples). Qt, Boost, OpenCV, C++11, etc 一些栗子 520 2023-12-07
44 gongluck/AnalysisAVP 音视频学习,相关文件格式/协议分析,框架学习等。encode decode;rgb yuv h264 aac flv mp4 rtmp;libyuv x264 openh264 faac faad2 fdk-aac librtmp ffmpeg sdl2 webrtc;android ios capture videotoolbox; 469 2024-02-23
45 Mq-b/Loser-HomeWork 卢瑟们的作业展示,答案讲解,以及一些C++知识 465 2024-03-03
46 Quanwei1992/GAMES101 GAMES101: 现代计算机图形学入门 作业 451 2023-10-14
47 Mq-b/Cpp20-STL-Cookbook-src C++20 STL Cookbook 430 2024-01-08
48 sophgo/tpu-mlir Machine learning compiler based on MLIR for Sophgo TPU. 419 2024-02-23
49 heyhu/AndroidReverseStudy 安卓逆向学习 389 2023-11-21
50 anbingxu666/WangDao-DataStructure 《数据结构》经典算法代码 362 2023-12-24
51 adah1972/nvwa My small collection of C++ utilities 356 2023-11-03
52 gongjianbo/MyTestCode Some test code, as example code of my blog, mainly Qt related demo. 一些测试程序,作为我博客的示例代码,主要是Qt相关的Demo。 313 2024-03-06
53 keyou/chromium_demo A series of demos to show how chromium is constructed. 312 2024-02-19
54 AgoraIO/API-Examples Play with AgoraSDK and have fun! Everything you need to start learning Agora. 276 2024-03-05
55 xiihoo/Books_Robot_SLAM_Navigation This project is supporting code for the book of Robot SLAM Navigation Core Technology and the Actual Combat. 275 2024-01-26
56 GoatGirl98/Walkthrough-of-ACCoding-in-BUAA 北航OJ通关攻略,包括北航软件学院的在线评测网站(OJ)——AC编程(开放课程的全部题解 272 2024-02-20
57 upupming/algorithm acwing, leetcode, kickstart, 算法模板, PAT 等等 269 2024-02-26
58 KyrieFeng23/QT5-Image-and-video-processing-software 使用QT5+Opencv完成简单的图像处理及视频处理软件。图像处理包括:灰度化、均值滤波、边缘检测、伽马变换、旋转镜像、亮度调节、二值化、对比度,饱和度调节、色彩调节、图片保存、水印等。 视频处理包括:二值化、边缘检测、灰度化、平滑、局部马赛克、缩放等。 此外还进行了界面美化、中英翻译等。 249 2023-10-05
59 JackeyLea/ffmpeg_beginner 食铁兽 ffmpeg4/5/6入门系列教程代码 244 2023-11-30
60 drken1215/algorithm Implementation of various algorithms 235 2024-02-10
61 Italink/ModernGraphicsEngineGuide 现代图形引擎入门指南 218 2024-02-27
62 Mq-b/Modern-Cpp-templates-tutorial 现代C++模板教程 203 2024-03-04
63 WifWaf/MH-Z19 For Arduino Boards (&ESP32). Additional Examples/Commands., Hardware/Software Serial 190 2023-12-08
64 dependon/fantascene-dynamic-wallpaper Managed animated wallpaper based on X11 under Linux(Dynamic Wallpapers for Linux) 188 2023-12-01
65 youngyangyang04/KVstorageBaseRaft-cpp 【代码随想录知识星球】项目分享-基于Raft的k-v存储数据库 180 2024-03-05
66 CHH3213/Books 书籍资料汇总 180 2023-10-23
67 HACK-THE-WORLD/IDAPluginList IDA插件集合,含项目名称及项目地址,每日定时Clone项目。 178 2024-03-07
68 gesanqiu/gstreamer-example Gstreamer开发教程。 173 2024-02-18
69 HITerltr/HIT-2022-Fall-Computer-Network 哈尔滨工业大学2022秋季学期计算机网络课程实验、期末复习与相关MOOC资料 161 2024-03-05
70 gzc/leetcode LeetCode solutions. 159 2023-12-04
71 JackyLee3362/npee-408-note National Postgraduate Entrance Examination (NPEE) 中国研究生入学考试 408科目课程笔记 153 2024-02-05
72 graycatya/CatLearnQt CatLearnQt,提供QWidget,Quick,网络,串口,基础库和示例。案例软件支持样式切换,与国际化。 151 2023-12-29
73 jinbooooom/programming-summary C/C++/Java/Python 基础知识总结 149 2024-01-10
74 hunterzju/llvm-tutorial llvm-tutorial文档,翻译以及代码仓库 136 2023-10-09
75 KarryRen/SCU-CS-Class-Materials 四川大学计算机学院本科课程资料(更新中) 135 2024-03-05
76 jiaxw32/iNote 个人学习研究笔记,OC、C++、iOS 逆向、汇编、Python。 130 2023-11-19
77 TJ-CSCCG/TJCS-Course 💡 同济大学计算机科学与技术、信息安全专业课程资源共享仓库。含部分科目介绍、报告模板、实验工具等内容。期待更多课程加入…… 129 2024-01-15
78 inte2000/code_for_algo_book 《算法的乐趣》随书发布的代码 126 2023-09-12
79 Greedysky/TTKTinyTools Qt 自定义小工具集合 持续更新中...... 120 2024-02-21
80 datawhalechina/smoothly-vslam VSLAM开源基础教程,各章节练习代码 119 2023-11-26
81 GraphicsEnthusiast/DreamRender My cpu offline renderer for learning. 116 2024-01-27
82 1051727403/SHU-CS-Source-Share SHU-上大计算机资料分享汇总❤️❤️❤️ 112 2024-02-11
83 juhuaguai/duilib 由官方的duilib( ) 复制过来的,仅为了个人学习使用。可以使用vs2008打开,新增一些学习测试用的demo,代码也会同步官方的后续修改。Q群:594312689。欢迎交流学习。 111 2023-10-27
84 Yufccode/Load-balanced-online-OJ-system Implement an online programming system similar to LeetCode. Multiple compilation service hosts (CR hosts) can be deployed in the background, and then oj_server service will load balance a large number ... 106 2024-02-24
85 xianfei/SSE18_Homework 北京邮电大学计算机学院软件工程系作业代码汇总 97 2024-02-03
86 Tyson-Hu/RazerBlade15-Base-Model-Hackintosh_macOS_Sonoma 一个关于RazerBlade15的黑苹果efi分享,macOS Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma的安装教程,以及一些优化分享。 89 2023-11-06
87 lxiao217/study428 深度学习、计算机视觉、OpenCV、自动驾驶、SLAM、C++/Python语言开发学习分享 88 2023-11-14
88 wx-chevalier/CPP-Notes CPP Notes & RoadMaps for Coder, Programming Language, Software Engineering, Web, Backend, Distributed Infrastructure, DataScience & AI 技术领域前瞻与程序员的进阶之路 85 2023-11-28
89 coloz/Arduino-book 《Arduino程序设计基础》例程集 83 2023-11-30
90 tiankonguse/leetcode-solutions My Solutions to Leetcode problems ! leetcode 算法题源代码 & Leetcode 互动编程项目 79 2024-01-21
91 EricPengShuai/Interview CPP面试修炼 78 2024-01-12
92 x-jeff/OpenCV_Code_Demo OpenCV教程👀:c++代码示例➕博客讲解 77 2023-11-20
93 MaaAssistantArknights/MAABH3 《崩坏3》小助手 A one-click tool for the daily tasks of Honkai Impact. 72 2023-12-09
94 loyinglin/Codeforces 日常练习,保持手感。题目主要来源是Codeforces和leetcode。 面试BAT必备。 69 2024-01-06
95 DylanAo/AHU-AI-Repository 安徽大学人工智能学院学习资源汇总 68 2024-01-25
96 parallel101/simdtutor x86-64 SIMD矢量优化系列教程 61 2024-01-22
97 npu-cs/Course-Material 西工大计算机专业课程攻略 npu-cs/Course-Material 56 2024-01-17
98 Nagi-ovo/Cherno-CPP-Notes Cherno C++课程个人笔记 56 2023-11-15
99 huguangAOA/Bilibili-Algorithm 胡船长,B 站《船说:算法与数据结构》课程讲义和代码 47 2024-01-21
100 hitfyd/ShowJCR 期刊分区查询小工具,包括中科院分区表升级版(2023、2022、2021)及国际期刊预警名单(2023、2021、2020)、JCR(2022、2021、2020)、CCF推荐国际会议和期刊目录(2022)、计算领域高质量科技期刊分级目录(2022)。 47 2023-12-28
101 leioukupo/ROCK_5b 关于rock5b的玩法文档资料 36 2023-11-27
102 529106896/FishTouchingXMUer 部分资料整理 35 2023-10-29
103 bryceustc/CodingInterviews 剑指Offer笔记 34 2023-10-10
104 wx-chevalier/algorithm-examples Code Snippets of DataStructure & Algorithm & LeetCode Implementations/Solutions for Several Programming Language: Java, JavaScript, Go, Python, Rust, etc. 💫 多语言版本的数据结构与算法实现分析 34 2023-12-25
105 Kami-chanw/SEU-Course-Homework 东南大学计软智部分课程作业。 33 2023-11-30
106 zjh171/RuntimeSample 小专栏【iOS开发之深入理解runtime】( 的配套Demo 33 2023-12-08
107 MoonforDream/Data-Structure-and-Algorithms Some data structures and algorithms implemented in C++(数据结构与算法学习笔记C++版) 32 2024-01-09
108 ducafecat/flutter_develop_tips flutter技巧 32 2023-10-31
109 2694048168/C-and-C-plus-plus Modern CPlusPlus Guide; The Modern C++ to solve real-world problems; CMake、C/C++学习例子、OpenCV for CPP,数字图像处理DIP,深度学习CUDA加速,GPU编程,OpenGL and QT。Linux Shell 常用命令,Ubuntu and Manjaro。 32 2024-01-24

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