"id/$id" |
jsonsc-ld:Schema |
a unique identifier for a JSON schema |
"$schema" |
defines which dialect of JSON Schema a JSON Schema was written for |
"type": "string" |
ex:property rdfs:range xsd:string. |
[sh:datatype xsd:string] |
string-type schema |
"type": "number" |
ex:property rdfs:range xsd:decimal. |
[sh:datatype xsd:decimal] |
accepts any numeric type, either integers or floating point numbers |
"type": "object" |
ex:property rdf:type rdf:Property. |
[sh:path ex:property] |
a base schema in which other type schemas wrapped |
"type": "array" |
similar to object type schema |
"type": "boolean" |
ex:property rdfs:range boolean. |
[sh:datatype xsd:boolean] |
boolean-type schema |
"type": "null" |
accepts only "null" value. |
"title" |
dcterms:title |
sh:name |
"description" |
dcterms:description |
sh:description |
"comment" |
rdfs:comment |
rdfs:comment |
"example" |
skos:example |
skos:example |
"deprecated" |
owl:deprecated |
owl:deprecated |
"readonly" |
jsonsc:readOnly |
jsonsc:readOnly |
"writeonly" |
jsonsc:writeOnly |
jsonsc:writeOnly |
"const" |
sh:hasValue |
has a constant value |
"minLength" |
sh:minLength |
"maxLength" |
sh:maxLength |
"pattern" |
sh:pattern |
sh:pattern can be only applied to a shape that are literals with datatype |
xsd:string |
"format" |
sh:datatype |
"date-time": "xsd:dateTime", "time": "xsd:time", "date": "xsd:date", |
"idn-email": "schema:email", "hostname": "xsd:string", |
"idn-hostname": "xsd:string", "ipv4": "xsd:string", "ipv6": "xsd:string", |
"uuid": "uuidType", "uri": "xsd:anyURI", "uri-reference": "xsd:string", |
"iri": "xsd:string", "iri-reference":"xsd:string", |
"uri-template": "xsd:string", "json-pointer": "xsd:string", |
"relative-json-pointer": "xsd:string", "regex": "jsonsc:pattern" |
"minItems" |
sh:minCount |
"maxItems" |
sh:maxCount |
"enum" |
skos:Concept |
each element in the enum array is of type skos:Concept. |
"minimum" |
sh:minInclusive |
"exclusiveMinimum" |
sh:minExclusive |
"maximum" |
sh:maxInclusive |
"exclusiveMaximum" |
sh:maxExclusive |
"required" |
sh:minCount 1 sh:maxCount 1 |
"not" |
sh:not |
"allOf" |
sh:and |
"oneOf" |
sh:xone |
"anyOf" |
sh:or |