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Z Garbage Collector


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The Z Garbage Collector, also known as ZGC, is a scalable low latency garbage collector designed to meet the following goals:

  • Sub-millisecond max pause times
  • Pause times do not increase with the heap, live-set or root-set size
  • Handle heaps ranging from a 8MB to 16TB in size

Z垃圾收集器, 简称ZGC, 全称为 Z Garbage Collector, 是一款低延迟的垃圾收集器, 适配各种规模的系统资源配置。 其设计目标包括:

  • 毫秒级以下的最大暂停时间(Sub-millisecond)
  • 暂停时间跟内存配置无关, 不会随堆内存, 存活对象(live-set), GC根(root-set) 的扩大而增加
  • 适用的堆内存大小范围, 涵盖 8MB ~ 16TB

ZGC was initially introduced as an experimental feature in JDK 11, and was declared Production Ready in JDK 15.

ZGC 最早在JDK11中作为实验性质的功能特性引入, 并在JDK15中成为准生产版(Production Ready).

At a glance, ZGC is:

  • Concurrent
  • Region-based
  • Compacting
  • NUMA-aware
  • Using colored pointers
  • Using load barriers


  • 并发(Concurrent)
  • 内存分为多个小块(Region-based)
  • 内存整理(Compacting)
  • 支持 NUMA 体系结构
  • 使用着色指针(colored pointer)
  • 使用读屏障(load barrier)

At its core, ZGC is a concurrent garbage collector, meaning all heavy lifting work is done while Java threads continue to execute. This greatly limits the impact garbage collection will have on your application's response time.

This OpenJDK project is sponsored by the HotSpot Group.

ZGC最核心的特征是并发垃圾收集,并发的意思就是说: 在Java应用线程正常工作的时候, GC线程会与业务线程并发执行, 处理大部分繁重的垃圾收集任务。 这种方式大大降低了GC对系统响应时间(response time)的影响。

ZGC是OpenJDK中的一个项目,由HotSpot Group赞助。

Supported Platforms


系统平台(Platform) 是否支持(Supported) 起始版本(Since) 备注(Comment)
Linux/x64 ✔️ JDK 15 (Experimental since JDK 11) (x86)
Linux/AArch64 ✔️ JDK 15 (Experimental since JDK 13) (ARM版)
Linux/PowerPC ✔️ JDK 18
macOS/x64 ✔️ JDK 15 (Experimental since JDK 14)
macOS/AArch64 ✔️ JDK 15 (Experimental since JDK 14) (ARM版)
Windows/x64 ✔️ JDK 15 (Experimental since JDK 14) 要求Windows 1803 及以上版本 (即Windows 10 或者 Windows Server 2019).
Windows/AArch64 ✔️ JDK 16 (ARM版)

Quick Start


If you're trying out ZGC for the first time, start by using the following GC options:

要试用 ZGC,可以指定以下GC参数:

-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseZGC -Xmx<size> -Xlog:gc

For more detailed logging, use the following options:

如果想要打印更详细的GC日志, 可指定以下参数:

-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseZGC -Xmx<size> -Xlog:gc*

如果是高版本JDK, 已经正式支持 ZGC, 则不需要使用 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions 参数解锁实验特性;

See below for more information on these and additional options.


Configuration & Tuning




The following JVM options can be used with ZGC:


  1. JVM通用的GC参数配置(某些参数只在高版本JDK中支持)
JVM通用GC参数 说明
-XX:MinHeapSize, -Xms 最小堆内存
-XX:InitialHeapSize, -Xms 初始堆内存
-XX:MaxHeapSize, -Xmx 最大堆内存
-XX:SoftMaxHeapSize 最大堆内存软指标
-XX:ConcGCThreads 并发GC线程数
-XX:ParallelGCThreads 并行GC线程数
-XX:UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads 使用动态数量的GC线程数
-XX:UseLargePages 使用内存大页面
-XX:AllocateHeapAt 指定堆内存需要分配到哪个大页面内存池(挂载路径)
  1. ZGC专属配置参数
ZGC专属配置参数 说明
-XX:ZCollectionInterval 定时触发垃圾收集的周期
-XX:ZProactive ZGC主动触发垃圾收集
  1. ZGC诊断参数(需要在前面指定 -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions 参数)
ZGC诊断参数 (需要在前面指定 -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions 参数) 说明


Enabling ZGC

Use the -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseZGC options to enable ZGC.

开启 ZGC 垃圾收集器

如果是JDK 11,请使用 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseZGC 参数来开启ZGC。

如果是前面表格中列出的支持ZGC的版本, 请使用 -XX:+UseZGC 参数来开启ZGC。

Setting Heap Size

The most important tuning option for ZGC is setting the max heap size (-Xmx<size>). Since ZGC is a concurrent collector a max heap size must be selected such that, 1) the heap can accommodate the live-set of your application, and 2) there is enough headroom in the heap to allow allocations to be serviced while the GC is running. How much headroom is needed very much depends on the allocation rate and the live-set size of the application. In general, the more memory you give to ZGC the better. But at the same time, wasting memory is undesirable, so it’s all about finding a balance between memory usage and how often the GC needs to run.


ZGC最重要的配置参数是设置堆内存的最大值(-Xmx<size>)。 因为ZGC是一款并发垃圾收集器,所以必须指定这个参数。 原因是:

  • 1)堆内存必须足够存放程序运行所需的活动集(live-set);
  • 2)在执行并发GC的过程中,堆内存必须要有足够的空闲内存,以允许程序的正常运行和对应的内存分配。

需要多少空间主要取决于分配速率(allocation rate),以及应用程序的活动集有多大。 通常来说,给ZGC的内存越多越好,但也没必要故意去浪费用不到的内存,所以需要评估程序所需的内存量使用量,并与GC执行的频次之间进行权衡。

Setting Concurrent GC Threads

The second tuning option one might want to look at is setting the number of concurrent GC threads (-XX:ConcGCThreads=<number>). ZGC has heuristics to automatically select this number. This heuristic usually works well but depending on the characteristics of the application this might need to be adjusted. This option essentially dictates how much CPU-time the GC should be given. Give it too much and the GC will steal too much CPU-time from the application. Give it too little, and the application might allocate garbage faster than the GC can collect it.

NOTE! In general, if low latency (i.e. low application response time) is important for you application, then never over-provision your system. Ideally, your system should never have more than 70% CPU utilization.


第二个需要配置的参数, 是设置并发GC线程的数量(-XX:ConcGCThreads=<number>)。 ZGC具有启发式的特性,可以自动选择此数字。 大部分情况下这种启发式的方法效果都很好,但有些系统运行环境比较特殊,可能需要进行手工调整。 这个参数从根本上决定了应该给垃圾收集器多少比例的CPU时间。 给的太多,GC开销就比较大,甚至抢占一些业务线程的CPU时间。 给的太少,GC回收内存的速度可能跟不上应用程序分配内存的速度。

说明! 如果低延迟(即系统响应时间)是非常关键的性能指标,那么整个系统的负载就不能太高。 理想情况下,系统的CPU使用率应该在70%以下, 很多金融系统的CPU使用率要求在30%以下。

Returning Unused Memory to the Operating System

By default, ZGC uncommits unused memory, returning it to the operating system. This is useful for applications and environments where memory footprint is a concern. This feature can be disabled using -XX:-ZUncommit. Furthermore, memory will not be uncommitted so that the heap size shrinks below the minimum heap size (-Xms). This means this feature will be implicitly disabled if the minimum heap size (-Xms) is configured to be equal to the maximum heap size (-Xmx).

An uncommit delay can be configured using -XX:ZUncommitDelay=<seconds> (default is 300 seconds). This delay specifies for how long memory should have been unused before it's eligible for uncommit.

NOTE! On Linux, uncommitting unused memory requires fallocate(2) with FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE support, which first appeared in kernel version 3.5 (for tmpfs) and 4.3 (for hugetlbfs).


默认情况下,ZGC会将未使用的内存申请撤销(uncommits),归还给操作系统。 这对于关注内存占用的应用程序环境很有用。 如果要禁用此功能可以设置参数开关 -XX:-ZUncommit。 当然,撤销内存分配的时候, 不会让堆内存低于最小堆内存空间(-Xms)。 换句话说, 加入将最小堆内存空间(-Xms) 和 最大堆内存空间(-Xmx) 设置为一样大小,则此功能将被隐式地禁用。

可以使用 -XX:ZUncommitDelay=<seconds> 参数(默认值为300秒)来配置撤销分配内存的延迟时间。 这个延迟参数指定了在撤销内存提交之前, 应等待多长时间。

注意! 在Linux系统中,未使用的内存撤销分配时, 需要支持 FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLEfallocate(2) 系统函数, 所以要求 Linux内核版本 3.5(对于tmpfs)和 4.3版本(对于 hugetlbfs)及以上。

Enabling Large Pages On Linux

Configuring ZGC to use large pages will generally yield better performance (in terms of throughput, latency and start up time) and comes with no real disadvantage, except that it's slightly more complicated to setup. The setup process typically requires root privileges, which is why it's not enabled by default.

On Linux/x86, large pages (also known as "huge pages") have a size of 2MB.

Let's assume you want a 16G Java heap. That means you need 16G / 2M = 8192 huge pages.

First assign at least 16G (8192 pages) of memory to the pool of huge pages. The "at least" part is important, since enabling the use of large pages in the JVM means that not only the GC will try to use these for the Java heap, but also that other parts of the JVM will try to use them for various internal data structures (code heap, marking bitmaps, etc). In this example we will therefore reserve 9216 pages (18G) to allow for 2G of non-Java heap allocations to use large pages.

Configure the system's huge page pool to have the required number pages (requires root privileges):


配置ZGC使用大页面通常会产生更好的性能(包括吞吐量,延迟和启动时间),除了设置稍微复杂之外并没有什么缺点。 但配置的过程中需要root权限,这也是为什么默认情况下不开启的原因。

在 Linux/x86 平台上,大页面(large pages) 也称为 "巨型页面"(huge pages), 其大小为2MB。

假设Java堆内存为16G, 那么需要的大页面数量为: 16G / 2M = 8192

首先,将至少16G(8192页)的内存分配给大页面内存池(huge page pool)。 “至少” 这个描述很关键,因为在JVM中启用大页面, 意味着不仅GC会使用大页面来处理Java堆,其他JVM组件也会将其用于各种内部数据结构,比如 code heap, marking bitmaps 等等。

在这个示例中,我们将分配2G的大页来作为非堆部分(non-Java heap), 所以设置保留9216页(也就是18G)。


$ echo 9216 > /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages

Note that the above command is not guaranteed to be successful if the kernel can not find enough free huge pages to satisfy the request. Also note that it might take some time for the kernel to process the request. Before proceeding, check the number of huge pages assigned to the pool to make sure the request was successful and has completed.

请注意以上命令不一定保证能执行成功,比如内核找不到足够的空闲大页面等情况。 另外请注意,内核可能需要一段时间来处理这种请求。 在继续之前,请检查分配给大页面内存池的页面数,以确保请求已成功完成。

$ cat /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages


NOTE! If you're using a Linux kernel >= 4.14, then the next step (where you mount a hugetlbfs filesystem) can be skipped. However, if you're using an older kernel then ZGC needs to access large pages through a hugetlbfs filesystem.

Mount a hugetlbfs filesystem (requires root privileges) and make it accessible to the user running the JVM (in this example we're assuming this user has 123 as its uid).

如果 Linux 内核版本号 >= 4.14, 则可以跳过接下来挂载 hugetlbfs 文件系统的步骤。 但如果使用的内核版本较老,则ZGC需要通过 hugetlbfs 文件系统来访问大页面。

挂载 hugetlbfs 文件系统需要root权限,而且需要让启动JVM的用户(假定该用户的uid为123)可以访问:

$ mkdir /hugepages
$ mount -t hugetlbfs -o uid=123 nodev /hugepages

Now start the JVM using the -XX:+UseLargePages option.

这些条件都具备之后,我们可以使用 -XX:+UseLargePages 参数来开启大页面:

$ java -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseZGC -Xms16G -Xmx16G -XX:+UseLargePages ...

If there are more than one accessible hugetlbfs filesystem available, then (and only then) do you also have to use -XX:AllocateHeapAt to specify the path to the filesystems you want to use. For example, assume there are multiple accessible hugetlbfs filesystems mounted, but the filesystem you specifically want to use it mounted on /hugepages, then use the following options.

如果有多个可用的 hugetlbfs 文件系统, 那么我们必须同时使用 -XX:AllocateHeapAt 参数来指定需要使用哪个挂载路径。 例如,假设系统中挂载了多个可访问的 hugetlbfs 文件系统,但我们想使用挂载到 /hugepages 目录的这个,则使用的参数为:

$ java -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseZGC -Xms16G -Xmx16G -XX:+UseLargePages -XX:AllocateHeapAt=/hugepages ...

NOTE! The configuration of the huge page pool and the mounting of the hugetlbfs file system is not persistent across reboots, unless adequate measures are taken.

注意! 大页面内存池的配置和 hugetlbfs 文件系统的挂载不会自动持久化,除非采取其他措施,否则系统重启后就会丢失。

Enabling Transparent Huge Pages On Linux

An alternative to using explicit large pages (as described above) is to use transparent huge pages. Use of transparent huge pages is usually not recommended for latency sensitive applications, because it tends to cause unwanted latency spikes. However, it might be worth experimenting with to see if/how your workload is affected by it. But be aware, your mileage may vary.

NOTE! On Linux, using ZGC with transparent huge pages enabled requires kernel >= 4.7.

Use the following options to enable transparent huge pages in the VM:


除了上面提到的通过参数明确指定使用大页面之外, 还可以使用透明方式的大页面。 对于响应延迟非常敏感的系统,一般不建议使用透明大页,因为有可能会导致不必要的延迟尖刺。 但系统调优时也可以尝试一下,看看是否会影响工作负载。 当然,根据各个业务系统的特征,具体情况可能会有所不同。

注意! 在Linux上,使用透明大页要求内核版本 kernel >= 4.7


# 低延迟敏感的系统不推荐
-XX:+UseLargePages -XX:+UseTransparentHugePages

Transparent HugePages 是在运行时动态分配内存的,而标准的 HugePages 是在程序启动时预先分配内存,并在系统运行时不再改变。

因为 Transparent HugePages 是在运行时动态分配内存的,所以会在分配内存时产生延迟。

These options tell the JVM to issue madvise(..., MADV_HUGEPAGE) calls for memory it mapps, which is useful when using transparent huge pages in madvise mode.

To enable transparent huge pages you also need to configure the kernel, by enabling the madvise mode.

这些参数让JVM对其映射的内存执行 madvise(..., MADV_HUGEPAGE) 调用, 这在 madvise 模式下使用透明大页时非常有用。

要启用透明大页, 还需要系统管理员启用madvise模式, 配置内核的方法为:

$ echo madvise > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled

$ echo advise > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/shmem_enabled

See the kernel documentation for more information.

更多信息请参考 Linux内核参考文档

Enabling NUMA Support

ZGC has NUMA support, which means it will try it's best to direct Java heap allocations to NUMA-local memory. This feature is enabled by default. However, it will automatically be disabled if the JVM detects that it's bound to a sub-set of the CPUs in the system. In general, you don't need to worry about this setting, but if you want to explicitly override the JVM's decision you can do so by using the -XX:+UseNUMA or -XX:-UseNUMA options.

When running on a NUMA machine (e.g. a multi-socket x86 machine), having NUMA support enabled will often give a noticeable performance boost.


NUMA (non-Uniform Memory Access), 非均匀内存访问架构, 在多处理器系统中,内存的访问时间是依赖处理器和内存之间相对位置的。 在这种设计里面存在和处理器相近的内存,称作本地内存(NUMA-local);还有和处理器相对远的内存,称为远端内存。

ZGC 对 NUMA 提供支持,也就是说, 会尽可能地将Java堆内存分配定向到 NUMA-local 内存。 默认情况下这个功能是开启的。 但如果JVM进程检测到自身被绑定到某一部分CPU,则会自动禁用。 一般情况下我们不需要关心此项配置, 如果要明确指定JVM的行为,则可以使用 -XX:+UseNUMA 或者 -XX:-UseNUMA 参数开关。

在 NUMA 机器(例如多个插槽的x86机器)上运行时, 启用NUMA支持通常会获得显著的性能提升。

Enabling GC Logging


GC logging is enabled using the following command-line option:


-Xlog:<tag set>,[<tag set>, ...]:<log file>

For general information/help on this option:


java -Xlog:help

To enable basic logging (one line of output per GC):

打印基本的GC日志, 每次GC只打印1行日志:


To enable GC logging that is useful for tuning/performance analysis:



Where gc* means log all tag combinations that contain the gc tag, and :gc.log means write the log to a file named gc.log.

其中, gc* 的含义是: 标签(tag)中以 gc 这两个字母开头的所有日志信息都打印出来。 :gc.log 则表示将日志信息输出到文件 gc.log 之中。

Change Log



JDK 18

  • Support for String Deduplication (-XX:+UseStringDeduplication)
  • Linux/PowerPC support
  • Various bug-fixes and optimizations

JDK 18版本

  • 支持字符串去重 (-XX:+UseStringDeduplication)
  • 支持 Linux/PowerPC 平台
  • 多项BUG修复与性能优化

JDK 17

  • Dynamic Number of GC threads
  • Reduced mark stack memory usage
  • macOS/aarch64 support
  • GarbageCollectorMXBeans for both pauses and cycles
  • Fast JVM termination

JDK 17版本

  • 动态GC线程数
  • 减少标记栈(mark stack)的内存占用
  • 支持 macOS/aarch64 平台
  • GarbageCollectorMXBeans 支持暂停时间与GC周期两种不同的指标
  • 快速JVM终止

JDK 16

  • Concurrent Thread Stack Scanning (JEP 376 )
  • Support for in-place relocation
  • Performance improvements (allocation/initialization of forwarding tables, etc)

JDK 16版本

  • 并发执行线程栈扫描(Concurrent Thread Stack Scanning, JEP 376 )
  • 支持原地替换方式的内存分配(in-place relocation)
  • 性能改进(包括跳转表(forwarding tables)的分配/初始化 )

JDK 15

  • Production ready (JEP 377)
  • Improved NUMA awareness
  • Improved allocation concurrency
  • Support for Class Data Sharing (CDS)
  • Support for placing the heap on NVRAM
  • Support for compressed class pointers
  • Support for incremental uncommit
  • Fixed support for transparent huge pages
  • Additional JFR events

JDK 15版本

  • ZGC生产版本准备就绪 (JEP 377)
  • 提高 NUMA 的识别灵敏度
  • 改进内存分配的并发度
  • 支持类信息共享, Class Data Sharing (CDS)
  • 支持将堆内存分配到 NVRAM
  • 支持压缩class指针(compressed class pointers)
  • 支持增量式内存返还
  • 修正对透明大页的支持
  • 新增部分 JFR 事件

JDK 14

  • macOS support (JEP 364)
  • Windows support (JEP 365)
  • Support for tiny/small heaps (down to 8M)
  • Support for JFR leak profiler
  • Support for limited and discontiguous address space
  • Parallel pre-touch (when using -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch)
  • Performance improvements (clone intrinsic, etc)
  • Stability improvements

JDK 14 版本

  • 支持 macOS 系统 (JEP 364)
  • 支持 Windows 系统 (JEP 365)
  • 支持超小堆内存(tiny/small heaps, 下限为8M)
  • 支持JFR泄漏分析器
  • 支持受限的和不连续的地址空间
  • 并行 pre-touch (使用参数 -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch)
  • 性能优化 (clone intrinsic, etc)
  • 提升稳定性

JDK 13

  • Increased max heap size from 4TB to 16TB
  • Support for uncommitting unused memory (JEP 351)
  • Support for -XX:SoftMaxHeapSIze
  • Support for the Linux/AArch64 platform
  • Reduced Time-To-Safepoint

JDK 13 版本

  • 最大堆内存从 4TB 扩展到 16TB
  • 支持返还未使用的内存 (JEP 351)
  • 支持 -XX:SoftMaxHeapSIze
  • 支持 Linux/AArch64 平台
  • 缩短安全点时间(Time-To-Safepoint)

JDK 12

  • Support for concurrent class unloading
  • Further pause time reductions

JDK 12 版本

  • 支持并发方式的类卸载(class unloading)
  • 进一步减少GC暂停时间

JDK 11

  • Initial version of ZGC
  • Does not support class unloading (using -XX:+ClassUnloading has no effect)

JDK 11 版本

  • ZGC的第一版
  • 不支持类卸载( -XX:+ClassUnloading 参数在此版本中无效)


What does the "Z" in ZGC stand for?

It doesn't stand for anything, ZGC is just a name. It was originally inspired by, or a homage to, ZFS (the filesystem) which in many ways was revolutionary when it first came out. Originally, ZFS was an acronym for "Zettabyte File System", but that meaning was abandoned and it was later said to not stand for anything. It's just a name. See Jeff Bonwick's Blog for more details.


其实这个Z没有什么特殊的含义,ZGC就是一个名字而已。 最初名字的来源是为了致敬伟大的 ZFS 文件系统。 最初 ZFS 的含义是 "Zettabyte File System", 但后来这个含义也被放弃了。 所以这个ZGC就只是一个代号,具体的信息可以参考: Jeff Bonwick's Blog

^_^ 其实业界猜测有一点 Zero 的意思,无停顿垃圾收集算法(Pauseless GC Algorithm), 然而这个目标还没有完全达到。



# cat /etc/lsb-release

JVM 启动参数:

export JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx6g -Xms6g -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseZGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=8 -XX:ConcGCThreads=28 -XX:ZCollectionInterval=5"


[GC日志监听-GC事件]gcId=8; duration:61; gcDetail: {"duration":61,"maxPauseMillis":61,"gcCause":"Timer","collectionTime":37,"gcAction":"end of major GC","afterUsage":{"ZHeap":"738MB","CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'":"20MB","CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'":"7MB","Metaspace":"85MB","CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'":"1MB"},"gcId":8,"collectionCount":8,"gcName":"ZGC","type":"jvm.gc.pause"}

[GC日志监听-GC事件]gcId=165; duration:34; gcDetail: {"duration":34,"maxPauseMillis":61,"gcCause":"Timer","collectionTime":973,"gcAction":"end of major GC","afterUsage":{"ZHeap":"184MB","CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'":"26MB","CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'":"9MB","Metaspace":"93MB","CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'":"1MB"},"gcId":165,"collectionCount":165,"gcName":"ZGC","type":"jvm.gc.pause"}

[GC日志监听-GC事件]gcId=179; duration:38; gcDetail: {"duration":38,"maxPauseMillis":61,"gcCause":"Timer","collectionTime":1060,"gcAction":"end of major GC","afterUsage":{"ZHeap":"184MB","CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'":"26MB","CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'":"9MB","Metaspace":"93MB","CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'":"1MB"},"gcId":179,"collectionCount":179,"gcName":"ZGC","type":"jvm.gc.pause"}



# ps -ef | wc -l

# free -h
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            31G        1.0G         21G        6.3G        9.0G         23G
Swap:          4.0G          0B        4.0G

# top
top - 11:07:28 up 777 days, 18:57,  1 user,  load average: 1.28, 1.14, 1.18
Tasks: 240 total,   1 running, 134 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  0.2 us,  0.1 sy,  0.0 ni, 99.4 id,  0.3 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
KiB Mem : 32917052 total, 22454852 free,  1018152 used,  9444048 buff/cache
KiB Swap:  4190204 total,  4190204 free,        0 used. 24765604 avail Mem

ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep java | grep hostname

修改JVM 启动参数 -XX:ConcGCThreads=8:

export JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx6g -Xms6g -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseZGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=8 -XX:ConcGCThreads=8 -XX:ZCollectionInterval=5"

再次启动, 结果略有降低:

[GC日志监听-GC事件]gcId=7; duration:131; gcDetail: {"duration":131,"maxPauseMillis":131,"gcCause":"Timer","collectionTime":20,"gcAction":"end of major GC","afterUsage":{"ZHeap":"678MB","CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'":"20MB","CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'":"7MB","Metaspace":"85MB","CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'":"1MB"},"gcId":7,"collectionCount":7,"gcName":"ZGC","type":"jvm.gc.pause"}

[GC日志监听-GC事件]gcId=29; duration:25; gcDetail: {"duration":25,"maxPauseMillis":131,"gcCause":"Timer","collectionTime":96,"gcAction":"end of major GC","afterUsage":{"ZHeap":"186MB","CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'":"24MB","CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'":"7MB","Metaspace":"86MB","CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'":"1MB"},"gcId":29,"collectionCount":29,"gcName":"ZGC","type":"jvm.gc.pause"}

[GC日志监听-GC事件]gcId=3225; duration:24; gcDetail: {"duration":24,"maxPauseMillis":131,"gcCause":"Timer","collectionTime":11879,"gcAction":"end of major GC","afterUsage":{"ZHeap":"178MB","CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'":"25MB","CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'":"10MB","Metaspace":"95MB","CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'":"1MB"},"gcId":3225,"collectionCount":3225,"gcName":"ZGC","type":"jvm.gc.pause"}


[GC日志监听-初始化]jvmInfo={"osConfig":{"freePhysicalMemorySize":"102405MB","availableProcessors":8,"name":"Linux","totalPhysicalMemorySize":"140767MB","arch":"amd64","version":"4.15.0-64-generic"},"runtimeConfig":{"vmName":"Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM","specVersion":"11","inputArguments":["-Xmx4g","-Xms4g","-XX:ParallelGCThreads=8","-XX:ConcGCThreads=8","-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions","-XX:+UseZGC","-XX:ZCollectionInterval=5","","","","",""],"vmId":"1@cnc-report-78cf5c6bcd-7drlp","vmVersion":"11.0.6+8-LTS","vmVendor":"Oracle Corporation","uptime":27977}}



[GC日志监听-GC事件]gcId=74; duration:42; gcDetail: {"duration":42,"maxPauseMillis":67,"gcCause":"Timer","collectionTime":255,"gcAction":"end of major GC","afterUsage":{"ZHeap":"332MB","CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'":"32MB","CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'":"15MB","Metaspace":"103MB","CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'":"1MB"},"gcId":74,"collectionCount":74,"gcName":"ZGC","type":"jvm.gc.pause"}

[GC日志监听-GC事件]gcId=73; duration:45; gcDetail: {"duration":45,"maxPauseMillis":67,"gcCause":"Timer","collectionTime":252,"gcAction":"end of major GC","afterUsage":{"ZHeap":"352MB","CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'":"32MB","CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'":"15MB","Metaspace":"103MB","CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'":"1MB"},"gcId":73,"collectionCount":73,"gcName":"ZGC","type":"jvm.gc.pause"}
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseZGC -XX:ZCollectionInterval=5
-XX:+UseG1GC  -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50

# 如果G1的并发GC线程超过并行GC线程数则会报错。
-XX:ParallelGCThreads=1 -XX:ConcGCThreads=2


[GC日志监听-初始化]jvmInfo={"osConfig":{"freePhysicalMemorySize":"106219MB","availableProcessors":8,"name":"Linux","totalPhysicalMemorySize":"140767MB","arch":"amd64","version":"4.15.0-64-generic"},"runtimeConfig":{"vmName":"Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM","specVersion":"11","inputArguments":["-Xmx4g","-Xms4g","-XX:ParallelGCThreads=8","-XX:ConcGCThreads=8","-XX:+UseG1GC","-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50","","","","",""],"vmId":"1@cnc-report-57c5548475-rmmqq","vmVersion":"11.0.6+8-LTS","vmVendor":"Oracle Corporation","uptime":26211}}

[GC日志监听-GC事件]gcId=18; duration:19; gcDetail: {"duration":19,"maxPauseMillis":24,"gcCause":"G1 Evacuation Pause","liveDataSize":"94MB","collectionTime":259,"gcAction":"end of minor GC","afterUsage":{"CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'":"34MB","G1 Old Gen":"94MB","CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'":"15MB","G1 Survivor Space":"22MB","Compressed Class Space":"11MB","Metaspace":"100MB","G1 Eden Space":"0","CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'":"1MB"},"gcId":18,"collectionCount":18,"gcName":"G1 Young Generation","type":"jvm.gc.pause"}

[GC日志监听-GC事件]gcId=20; duration:13; gcDetail: {"duration":13,"maxPauseMillis":24,"gcCause":"G1 Evacuation Pause","liveDataSize":"94MB","collectionTime":288,"gcAction":"end of minor GC","afterUsage":{"CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'":"28MB","G1 Old Gen":"94MB","CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'":"15MB","G1 Survivor Space":"26MB","Compressed Class Space":"11MB","Metaspace":"103MB","G1 Eden Space":"0","CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'":"1MB"},"gcId":20,"collectionCount":20,"gcName":"G1 Young Generation","type":"jvm.gc.pause"}


[GC日志监听-GC事件]gcId=7; duration:25; gcDetail: {"duration":25,"maxPauseMillis":71,"gcCause":"Proactive","collectionTime":31,"gcAction":"end of major GC","afterUsage":{"ZHeap":"214MB","CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'":"26MB","CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'":"8MB","Metaspace":"95MB","CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'":"1MB"},"gcId":7,"collectionCount":7,"gcName":"ZGC","type":"jvm.gc.pause"}

结论: GC


Source Code





