v0.3.2-test (2021-02-05)
v0.3.1 (2021-02-04)
v0.3.0-espresso (2020-12-10)
v0.2.9 (2020-12-09)
Fixed bugs:
- TODO: Permission denied to ./CB_OPERATOR_MODE #59
Closed issues:
- TODO: Add Weave Scope in Cloud-Barista Helm chart #77
- TODO: Update/Add file(s) of cb-restapigw #73
- TODO: Enable monitoring feature for Cloud-Barista containers #64
- Suggestion: Change the docker network name #61
- TODO: Update Spider's gRPC port from 50251 (30251 for NodePort) to 2048 (32048 for NodePort) #57
- TODO: Add 1 file in docker-compose-files and helm-chart #55
- TODO: Enable gRPC call (TB → Spider) in Helm chart #47
- TODO: Add Spider and TB's conf file to Helm chart #46
- TODO: Open multiple ports for Spider, Tumblebug, and Dragonfly in Helm chart #45
- Need a functionality for partial CB frameworks deployment #36
- Add MariaDB or MySQL for CB-Tumblebug #32
- Add Helm-based K8s-cluster version #31
v0.2.0-cappuccino (2020-06-04)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator