This section assists business users with the functional aspects of this report
Service platform, currently RedLine or MyGSFS
how often is this dataset refreshed
what business problem does this report solve
what business process begins the production of this report
what negative business impacts does the untimely production of this report have
use either class="complete" or class="incomplete" to note status of governed criteria. Class="data-governance" should remain unmodified
Ownership is complete
Key owner(s) that approve changes to this report are: Doc Emmett Brown, Einstein Brown -
Dataset source is complete
ex. This dataset is an originating dataset. Additional source system information can be found within this document.
[Updated m/dd/yyyy]
[Audit passed on m/dd/yyyy][Owner name] -
Documentation is incomplete
ex. This [report/dataset] is [fully] documented. -
Source system is complete
ex. This dataset uses information captured directly from RedLine’s micro-applicatons. -
Report audit & traceability is complete
This is an advanced level of documentation setting out component, fact and dimension detail at the most granular level on all com-ponents of the report
View provenance
Last audit report
list the data sensitivity classification for this report, if any
ex. This [dataset] is classified as: Sensitive
The security requirements for this dataset are:
[auth/activities for this dataset][activity 1]
ex. This dataset uses a grid for raw data presentation, column filters for slicing, and a download button to export in csv.
Used to download dataset in csv format.
ex. The detailed usage data is presented in a tabular format and displays the underlying dataest without aggregation. The data is grouped by x,y,z
define what a row represents on each component Question to be answered is what does a row represent. Observation granularity for dimension or fact. Dollars sales by week, product, and customer for example.
describe the column and its calculation or forumla
Columns Include:
[column heading ( ∑ )]
- Component Name
- Fully Qualified Column Name e.g. (
) - Column or Column Formula, e.g. (
) * 0.424 - Dimension or Measure/Fact
- Aggregation
- Masking Type: (none, static, or dynamic)
List the dependencies of this report if any
use the same versioning convention used by the source control system of the report
REV | Date | Description |
A | 2020-05-25 | Updated the description for the BoofyWiz column. |