Client asks server:
"fishnet": {
"version": "1.15.7",
"apikey": "XXX"
Response with work:
202 OK
"work": {
"type": "analysis",
"id": "work_id",
"nodes": { // node limit for each eval flavor
"nnue": 2250000,
"classical": 4050000
// or:
// "work": {
// "type": "move",
// "id": "work_id",
// "level": 5 // 1 to 8
// "clock": { // optional
// "wtime": 18000, // time on white clock (centiseconds)
// "btime": 18000, // time on black clock
// "inc": 2, // fisher increment (seconds)
// }
// },
"game_id": "abcdefgh", // optional, can be empty string for bc
"position": "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1", // start position (X-FEN)
"variant": "standard",
"moves": "e2e4 c7c5 c2c4 b8c6 g1e2 g8f6 b1c3 c6b4 g2g3 b4d3", // moves of the game (UCI)
"skipPositions": [1, 4, 5] // 0 is the first position
Response with no work found:
204 No Content
Client runs Stockfish and sends the analysis to server.
The client can optionally report progress to the server, by sending null for
the pending moves in analysis
"fishnet": {
"version": "0.0.1",
"apikey": "XXX"
"stockfish": {
"flavor": "nnue" // or classical
"analysis": [
{ // first ply
"pv": "e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 g8f6",
"depth": 18,
"score": {
"cp": 24
"time": 1004,
"nodes": 1686023,
"nps": 1670251
{ // second ply (1 was in skipPositions)
"skipped": true
// ...
{ // second last ply
"pv": "b4d3",
"depth": 127,
"score": {
"mate": 1
"time": 3,
"nodes": 3691,
"nps": 1230333
{ // last ply
"depth": 0,
"score": {
"mate": 0
Or the move:
"fishnet": {
"version": "0.0.1",
"apikey": "XXX"
"move": {
"bestmove": "b7b8q"
Query parameters:
: Do not acquire user requested analysis. Speed is not important for system requested analysis.?stop=true
: Submit result. Do not acquire next job.
204 No content
Accepted, with next job:
202 Accepted
The client should send a request like the following, when shutting down instead of completing an analysis. The server can then immediately give the job to another client.
"fishnet": {
"version": "0.0.1",
"apikey": "XXX"
204 No Content
Or abort not supported:
404 Not found
Useful to monitor and react to queue status or spawn spot instances.
200 OK
"analysis": {
"user": { // User requested analysis (respond as soon as possible)
"acquired": 93, // Number of jobs that are currently assigned to clients
"queued": 1, // Number of jobs waiting to be assigned
"oldest": 5 // Age in seconds of oldest job in queue
"system": { // System requested analysis (for example spot check for cheat
// screening, low priority, queue may build up during peak time
// and should be cleared once a day)
"acquired": 128,
"queued": 14886,
"oldest": 7539
Or queue monitoring is not supported (for example internal lila-fishnet):
404 Not found
Key valid:
200 Ok
Key invalid/inactive:
404 Not found
These experimental changes have already been implemented in the client, and future versions of the server might start using them.
- Client version sent as header
User-Agent: fishnet-<os>-<arch>/<version>
. - Key sent as header
Authorization: Bearer <key>
. In the future the key validation endpoint may be deprecated in favor of aGET /fishnet/key
request, a no-op to validate the header. - New optional
. - New optional
, to get top multipv scores and pvs at each depth. - Reject client until update or reconfiguration with status code:
- 400 Bad Request (Update required due to protocol change)
- 401 Unauthorized (Unknown key)
- 403 Forbidden (Key disabled)
- 406 Not Acceptable (Update required)