Some util function when doing Taiwan stock web scraping and some common stock data parser.
- Getting the newest stock information from the official website.
- Getting daily stock trading data from the official website.
- Getting daily stock institutional investors data from the official website.
- Getting daily stock margin trading data from the official website.
- Getting p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio from the official website.
- Getting stock shareholdings data from the official website.
- Check if the date is open date in stock market.
- Convert specific datetime format more easily.
- The following definition of data and variable are all refer to the official website.
- To avoiding banned by the official website, I recommend that users who use tw-stock-plugin set delay time at least three seconds after calling each function.
- code: 股票代碼
- name: 股票名稱
- ISIN_code: 國際證券辨識號碼(ISIN Code)
- listed_date: 上市/上櫃/興櫃 日
- category: 市場別
- industry: 產業別
- CFI_code: CFICode
- type: 證券類別(股票/ETF...)
from tw_stock_plugin import StockInfo, UpdateStock
# update newest stock info
# init stock info object
stock_info = StockInfo()
# get all stocks info
# get 1101 stock info
# get 1101 stock name
# get 1101 B stock name, it will return value error because it doesn't exists
print(stock_info.get('1101 B'))
from datetime import datetime
from tw_stock_plugin import StockTools
# check if 2020/10/10 is open date, it will return False
print(StockTools.check_is_open_date(datetime.strptime('2020/10/10', '%Y/%m/%d').date()))
# check if 2020/10/23 is open date, it will return True
print(StockTools.check_is_open_date(datetime.strptime('2020/10/23', '%Y/%m/%d').date()))
# check if 2020/10/23 is open date, it will type error because it's not type of datetime.time
from tw_stock_plugin import StockTools
# convert 109/10/10 to ad, it allow Y/m/d and Y-m-d format
# convert 2020/10/10 to republic era, it allow Y/m/d and Y-m-d format
this tool is very useful when crawling tpex api.
You can get all data with specific date or get only single one stock history data.
- Daily Trading Data
- 上市:
- code: 股票代碼
- name: 股票名稱
- trading_volume: 成交股數
- transaction: 成交筆數
- trade_value: 成交金額
- opening_price: 開盤價
- highest_price: 最高價
- lowest_price: 最低價
- closing_price: 收盤價
- change: 漲跌價差
- last_best_bid_price: 最後揭示買價
- last_best_bid_volume: 最後揭示賣價
- last_best_ask_price: 最後揭示買量
- last_best_ask_volume: 最後揭示買量
- price_earning_rate: 本益比
- 上櫃:
- code: 股票代碼
- name: 股票名稱
- closing_price: 收盤價
- change: 漲跌價差
- opening_price: 開盤價
- highest_price: 最高價
- lowest_price: 最低價
- trading_volume: 成交股數
- trade_value: 成交金額
- transaction: 成交筆數
- last_best_bid_price: 最後揭示買價
- last_best_ask_price: 最後揭示買量
- last_best_bid_volume: 最後揭示賣價
- last_best_ask_volume: 最後揭示買量
- issued_shares: 發行股數
- next_limit_up: 次日漲停價
- next_limit_down: 次日跌停價
- Monthly Trading Data
- 上市:
- trading_volume: 成交股數
- transaction: 成交筆數
- trade_value: 成交金額
- opening_price: 開盤價
- highest_price: 最高價
- lowest_price: 最低價
- closing_price: 收盤價
- change: 漲跌價差
- 上櫃:
- closing_price: 收盤價
- change: 漲跌價差
- opening_price: 開盤價
- highest_price: 最高價
- lowest_price: 最低價
- trading_volume: 成交股數
- trade_value: 成交金額
- transaction: 成交筆數
from datetime import datetime
from tw_stock_plugin.core.stock_trading import StockTrading
# setting target date
date_ = datetime(2020, 10, 30).date()
# init stock trading object with specific date
stock_trading = StockTrading(date_=date_)
# getting all trading data in 2020/10/30
trading_all = stock_trading.get_all()
# getting 2330 trading data in 2020/10/30
trading_2330 = trading_all['2330']
# getting monthly history trading data of 1101 in 2020/10
trading_history_1101 = stock_trading.get_history(code=1101)
# getting monthly history trading data of 9962 in 2020/10
trading_history_9962 = stock_trading.get_history(code=9962)
You can get all data with specific date.
- code: 股票代碼
- name: 股票名稱
- foreign_mainland_area_buy: 外陸資買進股數(不含外資自營商)
- foreign_mainland_area_sell: 外陸資賣出股數(不含外資自營商)
- foreign_mainland_area_diff: 外陸資買賣超股數(不含外資自營商)
- foreign_buy: 外資自營商買進股數
- foreign_sell: 外資自營商賣出股數
- foreign_diff: 外資自營商買賣超股數
- trust_buy: 投信買進股數
- trust_sell: 投信賣出股數
- trust_diff: 投信買賣超股數
- proprietary_dealers_buy: 自營商買進股數(自行買賣)
- proprietary_dealers_sell: 自營商賣出股數(自行買賣)
- proprietary_dealers_diff: 自營商買賣超股數(自行買賣)
- hedge_dealers_buy: 自營商買進股數(避險)
- hedge_dealers_sell: 自營商賣出股數(避險)
- hedge_dealers_diff: 自營商買賣超股數(避險)
- total_diff: 三大法人買賣超股數
from datetime import datetime
from tw_stock_plugin.core.stock_institutional_investors import StockInstitutionalInvestors
date_ = datetime(2020, 11, 6).date()
# init stock institutional investors object with specific date
stock_institutional_investors = StockInstitutionalInvestors(date_=date_)
# getting all institutional investors data in 2020/10/30
institutional_investors_all = stock_institutional_investors.get_all()
# getting 2330 institutional investors data in 2020/10/30
institutional_investors_2330 = institutional_investors_all['2330']
# getting 3529 institutional investors data in 2020/10/30
institutional_investors_3529 = institutional_investors_all['3529']
You can get all data with specific date.
- 上市:
- code: 股票代碼
- name: 股票名稱
- margin_purchase: 融資買進
- margin_sells: 融資賣出
- cash_redemption: 現金償還
- cash_balance_of_previous_day: 前日餘額
- cash_balance_of_the_day: 今日餘額
- cash_quota: 限額
- short_covering: 融券買進
- short_sale: 融券賣出
- stock_redemption: 現金償還
- stock_balance_of_previous_day: 前日餘額
- stock_balance_of_the_day: 今日餘額
- stock_quota: 限額
- offset: 資券互抵
- note: 備註
- 備註欄說明:
- 上櫃:
- code: 股票代碼
- name: 股票名稱
- cash_balance_of_previous_day: 前日餘額
- margin_purchase: 融資買進
- margin_sells: 融資賣出
- cash_redemption: 現金償還
- cash_balance_of_the_day: 今日餘額
- cash_belong_to_securities_finance: 資屬證金
- cash_utilization_rate(%): 資使用率(%)
- cash_quota: 限額
- stock_balance_of_previous_day: 前日餘額
- short_covering: 融券買進
- short_sale: 融券賣出
- stock_redemption: 現金償還
- stock_balance_of_the_day: 今日餘額
- stock_belong_to_securities_finance: 券屬證金
- stock_utilization_rate(%): 券使用率(%)
- stock_quota: 限額
- offset: 資券互抵
- note: 備註
- 備註欄說明
from datetime import datetime
from tw_stock_plugin.core.stock_margin_trading import StockMarginTrading
date_ = datetime(2020, 11, 6).date()
# init stock margin trading object with specific date
stock_margin_trading = StockMarginTrading(date_=date_)
# getting all margin trading data in 2020/10/30
margin_trading_all = stock_margin_trading.get_all()
# getting 2330 margin trading data in 2020/10/30
margin_trading_2330 = margin_trading_all['2330']
# print 2330 margin purchase
# print 2330 short covering
# getting 3529 margin trading data in 2020/10/30
margin_trading_3529 = margin_trading_all['3529']
# print 3529 margin purchase
# print 3529 short covering
You can get all data with specific date or get only single one stock history data.
- P/E Ratio Data
- 上市:
- code: 股票代碼
- name: 股票名稱
- yield_ratio: 殖利率(%)
- dividend_year: 股利年度
- per: 本益比
- pbr: 股價淨值比
- fiscal_year_quarter: 財報年/季
- 上櫃:
- code: 股票代碼
- name: 股票名稱
- yield_ratio: 殖利率(%)
- dividend_year: 股利年度
- per: 本益比
- pbr: 股價淨值比
- dividend_per_share: 每股股利
- Monthly P/E Ratio Data
- 上市:
- yield_ratio: 殖利率(%)
- dividend_year: 股利年度
- per: 本益比
- pbr: 股價淨值比
- fiscal_year_quarter: 財報年/季
- 上櫃:
- yield_ratio: 殖利率(%)
- dividend_year: 股利年度
- per: 本益比
- pbr: 股價淨值比
from datetime import datetime
from tw_stock_plugin.core.stock_peratio import StockPERatio
date_ = datetime(2020, 11, 6).date()
# init stock p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio object with specific date
stock_p_e_ratio = StockPERatio(date_=date_)
# getting all p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data in 2020/10/30
p_e_ratio_all = stock_p_e_ratio.get_all()
# getting 2330 p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data in 2020/10/30
p_e_ratio_2330 = p_e_ratio_all['2330']
# print 2330 pbr
# print 2330 per
# getting monthly history p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data of 1101 in 2020/10
p_e_ratio_history_1101 = stock_p_e_ratio.get_history(code=1101)
# get only 2020/10/30 p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data
# getting monthly history p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data data of 9962 in 2020/10
p_e_ratio_history_9962 = stock_p_e_ratio.get_history(code=9962)
# get only 2020/10/30 p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data data
You can get newest data or only specific stock data at specific date.
- date: 日期
- code: 股票代碼
- index: 序
- number_of_shares: 持股/單位數分級
- number_of_shareholders: 人數
- total_shares: 股數/單位數
- percentage_over_total_shares: 占集保庫存數比例 (%)
from datetime import datetime
from tw_stock_plugin.core.stock_shareholdings import StockShareholdings
# init stock shareholdings object
stock_shareholdings = StockShareholdings()
# getting newest shareholdings data
shareholdings_newest = stock_shareholdings.get_newest()
# getting level 1 of 0050 shareholdings data form latest release
# getting 0050 shareholdings data at 2020/11/6
shareholdings_0050 = stock_shareholdings.get_by_query(code='0050', date_=datetime(2020, 11, 6).date())
# getting level 15 of 0050 shareholdings data at 2020/11/6
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
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God Bless,Never Bug
from datetime import datetime
from tw_stock_plugin import StockInfo, StockTrading, StockInstitutionalInvestors, StockMarginTrading, StockPERatio, \
StockShareholdings, StockTools, UpdateStock
if __name__ == '__main__':
""" basic info """
# init stock info object
stock_info = StockInfo()
# get all stocks info
# get 1101 stock info
# get 1101 stock name
# get 1101 B stock name, it will return value error because it doesn't exists
print(stock_info.get('1101 B'))
# check if 2020/10/10 is open date, it will return False
print(StockTools.check_is_open_date(datetime.strptime('2020/10/10', '%Y/%m/%d').date()))
# check if 2020/10/23 is open date, it will return True
print(StockTools.check_is_open_date(datetime.strptime('2020/10/23', '%Y/%m/%d').date()))
# check if 2020/10/23 is open date, it will type error because it's not type of datetime.time
# convert 109/10/10 to ad, it allow Y/m/d and Y-m-d format
# convert 2020/10/10 to republic era, it allow Y/m/d and Y-m-d format
# setting target date
date_ = datetime(2020, 10, 30).date()
""" daily trading """
# init stock trading object with specific date
stock_trading = StockTrading(date_=date_)
# getting all trading data in 2020/10/30
trading_all = stock_trading.get_all()
# getting 2330 trading data in 2020/10/30
trading_2330 = trading_all['2330']
# print 2330 name
# print 2330 code
# print 2330 trade_value
# print 2330 closing_price
# getting monthly history trading data of 1101 in 2020/10
trading_history_1101 = stock_trading.get_history(code=1101)
# get only 2020/10/30 trading data
# getting monthly history trading data of 9962 in 2020/10
trading_history_9962 = stock_trading.get_history(code=9962)
# get only 2020/10/30 trading data
""" institutional investors """
# init stock institutional investors object with specific date
stock_institutional_investors = StockInstitutionalInvestors(date_=date_)
# getting all institutional investors data in 2020/10/30
institutional_investors_all = stock_institutional_investors.get_all()
# getting 2330 institutional investors data in 2020/10/30
institutional_investors_2330 = institutional_investors_all['2330']
# print 2330 foreign mainland area buy
# getting 3529 institutional investors data in 2020/10/30
institutional_investors_3529 = institutional_investors_all['3529']
# print 3529 foreign mainland area buy
""" margin trading """
# init stock margin trading object with specific date
stock_margin_trading = StockMarginTrading(date_=date_)
# getting all margin trading data in 2020/10/30
margin_trading_all = stock_margin_trading.get_all()
# getting 2330 margin trading data in 2020/10/30
margin_trading_2330 = margin_trading_all['2330']
# print 2330 margin purchase
# print 2330 short covering
# getting 3529 margin trading data in 2020/10/30
margin_trading_3529 = margin_trading_all['3529']
# print 3529 margin purchase
# print 3529 short covering
""" P/E ratio """
# init stock p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio object with specific date
stock_p_e_ratio = StockPERatio(date_=date_)
# getting all p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data in 2020/10/30
p_e_ratio_all = stock_p_e_ratio.get_all()
# getting 2330 p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data in 2020/10/30
p_e_ratio_2330 = p_e_ratio_all['2330']
# print 2330 pbr
# print 2330 per
# getting monthly history p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data of 1101 in 2020/10
p_e_ratio_history_1101 = stock_p_e_ratio.get_history(code=1101)
# get only 2020/10/30 p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data
# getting monthly history p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data data of 9962 in 2020/10
p_e_ratio_history_9962 = stock_p_e_ratio.get_history(code=9962)
# get only 2020/10/30 p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data data
""" shareholdings """
# init stock shareholdings object
stock_shareholdings = StockShareholdings()
# getting newest shareholdings data
shareholdings_newest = stock_shareholdings.get_newest()
# getting level 1 of 0050 shareholdings data form latest release
# getting 0050 shareholdings data at 2020/11/6
shareholdings_0050 = stock_shareholdings.get_by_query(code='0050', date_=datetime(2020, 11, 6).date())
# getting level 15 of 0050 shareholdings data at 2020/11/6
# update newest stock info
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