Simply check the issue board! You may start a branch on an issue that isn't formally declared but this is usually a bad idea in the case where someone else may be working on the same thing and there ends up being a conflict.
If you would like to add an issue, first make sure that no similar issue already exists. If one exists then simply add any useful findings. When creating a new issue you will be given a template - please make use of these as they enforce descriptive and well thought out solutions/fixes.
Start by fork + cloning the project. Once you make an addition then make the pull request, easy!
If you are a contributor then you may go the branching route. Prefix your branch as follows:
When the change is primarily an enhancementfix/
When the change is primarily a bug fixdocs/
When the change is primarily adding documentation or code commenting
Title: No emojis in the title. This is a simple and concise header
Body: The body should be a concise, bulleted list describing changes made
All pull requests are Squashed and Merged where the commit message is the title and the description is a list of bullet points describing the changes.
Commit messages are prefixed with emojis for easy categorization. Commits should be loosely categorized but this won't be enforced particularly strictly. Here is a list of prefixes:
- 🎨
Improving structure / format of the code. - ⚡
Improving performance. - 🔥
Removing code or files. - 🐛
Fixing a bug. - 🚑
Critical hotfix. - ✨
Introducing new features. - 📝
Writing/updating docs. - 💄
Updating the UI and style files. - 🎉
Initial commit. - ✅
Updating tests. - 🔒
Fixing security issues. - 🚧
Work in progress. - 💚
Fixing CI Build. - ⬇️
Downgrading dependencies. - ⬆️
Upgrading dependencies. - ♻️
Refactoring code. - ➕
Adding a dependency. - ➖
Removing a dependency. - 🔧
Changing configuration files. - ✏️
Fixing typos. - 🚚
Moving or renaming files. - 🍱
Adding or updating assets. - 🏗️
Making architectural changes. - 🙈
Adding or updating .gitignore file.
Anything beyond 50 characters needs to be placed in the description in bullet form.