Brownian microhydrodynamics of active filaments.
Abhrajit Laskar, R. Adhikari.
Versions : Soft Matter, RSC Publication (2015) or preprint version.- Highlighted by cover page in **Soft Matter, RSC Publication (2015) **
Hydrodynamic Instabilities Provide a Generic Route to Spontaneous Biomimetic Oscillations in Active Filaments.
Abhrajit Laskar, Rajeev Singh, S Ghose, G Jayaraman, P. B. Sunil Kumar, R. Adhikari.
Versions : Scientific Reports, Nature (2013) or preprint version. -
Autonomous Motility of Active Filaments due to Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking.
G Jayaraman, S Ramachandran, S Ghose, **Abhrajit Laskar **, M. S Bhamla, P. B. Sunil Kumar, and R. Adhikari.
Versions : Physical Review Letters, 109, 158302 (2012) or preprint version.