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This project is based on the OpenWrt 19.07.0-rc2 image and the Zidoo Z9S official OTA package, designed to build the latest version of OpenWrt for RTD1295/RTD1296.
The author has only one Zidoo Z9S. In theory, the Android+OpenWrt dual system of the RTD1295/RTD1296 solution can update OpenWrt to the latest version through this project. Theoretically supported box:
- Zidoo X9S/Z9S/X10/Z10/X20
- Kaiboer Q10PLUS (generation 1 and 2) / Q20 / Q20PLUS / Q30PLUS
If there are other boxes with the same solution, welcome to add.
A friend test on Zidoo X9S but failed!! RTD1295 may not supported!!
Linux kernel version and Android version is different from Zidoo X9S to Z9S, so there will offer another package to support them (RTD1295).
- Back up the box configuration (including OpenWrt and Android)
- Select the appropriate version from the Release list
- Click on the appropriate link to go to the version details
- Download update.op18*.zip
- Flash this zip package as a normal OTA package
- OpenWrt reseting may needed after first time installation
After the flashing is finished, it will restart automatically, if it appears:
- Can not enter the Android desktop, may be incompatible, can only use the non-OTA way to flash back the official firmware (such as Z9S's flashing tutorial)
- Can enter the Android desktop, but can not connect OpenWrt, or OpenWrt various problems, please reset OpenWrt, if the reset fails in the settings, you can refer to the following OpenWrt configuration reseting package
- Enter the Android desktop and it restart automatically, that is, cycle restart. It is recommended to refer to 1 to restore the official firmware, upgrade to the appropriate version with the official OTA, do not modify any configuration of Openwrt, and then reinstall, if there is still appears 1 or 3, then refer to 1 to give up
This method is suitable for resetting OpenWrt when you can enter the Android system. Just like the usual OTA package, flash (
Just falsh back the official OTA package.
From 1.3, offering RTD1295 and RTD1296 varients, RTD1295 varient supports (Linux 4.1.17-g9100299-dirty + Android 6.0.1) devices (X9S, etc.), RTD1296 varient supports (Linux 4.1.35-04005-g6c2818e-dirty + Android 7.1.1) (Z9S, etc.).
Before 1.3, only supports (Linux 4.1.35-04005-g6c2818e-dirty + Android 7.1.1).
1. Merged Openwrt 19.07.0-rc2
- RTD1296 (Z9S,etc.)
- Complete Edition (experimental)
- RTD1295 (X9S,etc.)
- Complete Edition (experimental)
*1. Fix FTP user list
- RTD1296 (Z9S,etc.)
- Complete Edition (recommended)
- RTD1295 (X9S,etc.)
- Complete Edition (recommended)
1. Port zidoo's luci-app-diskmanager, the disk manager
2. Recompile lua in 64bit mode, to fix number overflow openwrt/openwrt#2050
3. fix aria2 config apply fail
4. delay Android booting, make ipv6 config works better
- RTD1296 (Z9S,etc.)
- RTD1295 (X9S,etc.)
Complete Edition only add aria2
Offer FlexGet Sepcial, for those who need Python and FlexGet
- RTD1296
- Complete Edition
- FlexGet Sepcial (Python + FlexGet)
- RTD1295 (no update)
1.Supports X9S, Thank 凛冬将至 for his test
2.Supports reset OpenWrt on Android, Thank Zidoo for offering references
3.Try to sleep hard disk before power off or reboot
- RTD1296
- RTD1295
compares to 1.1, 1.2 supports swap auto mounting
compares to 1.0, 1.1 supports network disk (CIFS/NFS) auto mounting
Zidoo Z9S with firmware 2.1.40/2.1.30 tested