Try to test in order, so early tests don't require correct interpretation of later tests. This gives an ordering for software development and testing.
Data types
- ITF8
- Strings
- Arrays
- Maps
File definition (magic number)
- Blocks
SAM header
Container basics
Compression header
- Unmapped
- Mapped, no reference
- Mapped, external reference
- Embedded reference
- Basic types
- Auto-generated tags (RG, MD, NM)
Advanced containers
- Multi-slice
- Multi-ref
Built-in compression types
Lossy compression
- Read names
- Quality
Data layout
Corner cases
Slice tags
- Optional auxiliary tags after slice header
Do we need lower level tests of components. Eg ITF8 format data, not as part of a CRAM file itself? (We do this for the codecs already in htscodecs repo.)
Most CRAM test files are uncompressed. It's only when we want to test the compression codecs that it matters. This aids debugging with hexdumps.
The specification describes the file format and the decode process. Hence these files validate CRAM decoder only. However some may also be used for testing CRAM encoder by doing round-trips; CRAM (these files) -> SAM (1) -> CRAM (new) -> SAM (2) and compare the two SAMs. For encoders it would also be recommended to take the SAM test data and validate it can round trip in and out of CRAM, as those files contain a variety of edge cases.
Each CRAM file has an associated SAM file which represents the decoded data.
- Before decoding the first test CRAM file, a CRAM decoder will require an implementation of the ITF8 data type, the block structure / data type, and CRC32 checking.
An empty file to check the file definition can be read. We require a SAM header too, but this is also empty (using one block, see below).
Empty CRAM file (0000_empty_noref.cram)
- File definition
- SAM header container (zero content)
- [End of file; no EOF block so may emit warning]
[Produced by manually removing EOF from 0001_empty_eof.cram]
Empty CRAM file with EOF block (0001_empty_eof.cram)
As above, but with official EOF block.
This EOF block can be decoded either by checking for a specific series of bytes, or by decoding it as Container and Compression Header Block structures and checking the specific fields for their EOF magic-values.
[Subsequent files all have valid EOF block.]
A file with no reads, but containing a SAM header. We have this in basic form and also with an additional blank block for header growth.
Sequence records, including M5 tags (0100_header1.cram)
[ Produced by setting blank_block = 0 and padded_length = 0 in io_lib's cram_write_SAM_hdr(). ]
With optional second block of blanks, to facilitate SAM header in-line replacement (0101_header2.cram)
[Subsequent files all use the extra block of blank data for header extension.]
A file with no reads, but with a compression header detailing the fundamentals of the container header structure and compression header block.
[ Encode a single read file, using same header from above, and remove slice from container in gdb.
b cram_flush_container2 r set c->num_bases=0 set c->num_records=0 set c->num_landmarks=0 set c->curr_slice=0 set c->length=181 c ]
- Container structure + compression header (0200_cmpr_hdr.cram)
- Contains Preservation map
- RN, SM (Substitution map), TD (empty tag definition), AP
- Record encoding map
- RL, RN, QS, BA, BB, TL, IN, BF, MF, TS, CF, AP, MQ, NP, SC, NS, RG, RI.
- Tag encoding map (empty)
- Contains Preservation map
Files with 1 or more sequences. These are all unmapped with no auxiliary tags.
Single read (0300_unmapped.cram)
- Tests decoded data via EXTERNAL, HUFFMAN, BYTE_ARRAY_STOP and BYTE_ARRAY_LEN encodings.
- 4 blocks in slice (CORE - empty, RN, QS, BA).
Two unpaired reads, of differing length (0301_unmapped_cram)
- As above, but RL is no longer a constant and is in its own block.
Three reads, including a pair (0302_unmapped_cram)
- Also contains BF and MF blocks. All still CF "detached".
- BF 77 & 141 match the input SAM, but this is redundant as it's
- also set in MF bit 2.
Three reads, including a pair (0303_unmapped_cram)
- As above, but the SAM FLAGs of 77 and 141 are stored as 69 and 133 (clearing mate unmapped flag). BF + MF are sufficient to regenerate the correct FLAG field.
[ Produced with a SAM file using FLAG 77/141 and under gdb explicitly doing "set cr->mate_flags=2" before writing it. ]
Single read (0400_mapped.cram)
- Container ref id, pos and span, number of records and number of bases fields are changed.
- Checks that mapped data can process MD5 0, provided container RR=0.
- Additional data series in use: FN, FP, FC, MQ.
- One feature of type 'b', with sequence stored in BB.
Paired reads, but detached (0401_mapped.cram)
- Explicit TS, NP, NS with constant values as they would disagree with auto-computed values.
Paired reads, but detached (0402_mapped.cram)
- RNEXT/PNEXT/TLEN filled out.
- Explicit TS, NP, NS, with non-constant values [ Edit htslib to force bam_ins_size check to fail and hence "goto detached". ]
Paired reads, mate downstream (0403_mapped.cram)
- No TS, NP, NS needed, but has NF (next fragment) instead.
- RNEXT/PNEXT/TLEN should be derived with values identical to 0402_mapped.cram
Testing of the FC (Feature Codes) data series types and their associated type-specific data series.
External reference, CIGAR ops (0500_mapped.cram)
- No edits: entirely match reference
- No FP/FC needed (and FN=0).
- Sequence is implicitly assumed to entirely match reference
- Header gains an @SQ UR: tag, although note this pathname is local and not transferable to other systems.
External reference, CIGAR ops (0501_mapped.cram)
- Mismatching first and last base on first seq and first / last 3 bases on second seq.
- Adds use of FC "X" and the BS (base substitution) data series. This tests the compression header "SM" preservation map. Note BB data series has an encoding in the compression header, but is not used here.
As above, but R/Y bases (0502_mapped.cram).
Test of the BA data series and FC "B" code. BS (base substitution) only applies for A, C, G, T, N.
Note "B" FC code reads both base plus quality. However if we have preserved quality too then this will be overwritten by the QS data series.
This test file has different qualities for the first two "B" codes, to test this.
[ Produced by breaking in htslib's cram_compress_slice and modify s->block[12]->data[0].]
As above with R/Y bases, using using "b" FC (0503_mapped.cram).
Unlike FC "B", "b" is a string instead of a single character and doesn't require storing quality data.
[ Produced by changing the "if (0 && CRAM_MAJOR_VERS...)" line in process_one_read().]
Soft/hard clips (0504_mapped.cram)
- FC codes S and H, with associated SC and HC data series.
Indels (0505_mapped.cram)
- Tests FC codes and data-series: D (DL), I (IN) and i (BA). The table below shows cigar ops, with "m" being lowercase as it's not explicitly stored in CRAM. The FC row shows the associated CRAM feature code. REF ATTTTTCGGGTTTTTTGAAATGAATATCGTAGCTACAGAAACGGTTGTGCACTCATCTGAAAGTTTGTTT T TCTTGTTTTCTTGCACTTTGTGCAGAATT SEQ ATTTTTCGGGTTTTTTGAAA AT GTAGCTACAGAAACGGTTGTGCACTCATCTGAAAGTTTGTTTGAAAGTATCTTGTTTTCTTGCACTTTGTGCAGAATT CIG mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmDDDDDmmDmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmIIIIImImmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm FC D D I i
As above, but explicit padding in the 5bp indel (0506_mapped.cram)
As above, but with a ref-skip (0507_mapped.cram)
Alignments against an embedded reference (0600_mapped.cram) The first read matches 0507. The second has additional SNPs to validate BS substitution and literal BA edits against the reference. [ Same htslib edits as 0503 ]
As above, but slice reference MD5 is zero (0601_mapped.cram) This is not required when preservation header has RR=0. [ Same htslib edits as 0503, plus zero md5 ]
TODO: embedded ref having different MD5 to external ref?
TD data series; basic (0700_tag.cram) One single integer tag. Tests TD map, TL data series, and the tag encoding map.
Blank tag lines (0701_tag.cram) As above but one read has no tags. TD now has two entries, one of which is blank.
common tag types: integer, float, string (0702_tag.cram)
Different integer sizes (0703_tag.cram) Like BAM, CRAM has c, C, s, S, i and I encodings.
A tags (0704_tag.cram)
H tags (0705_tag.cram)
B tag types (0706_tag.cram)
Explicit vs implicit MD and NM (0707_tag.cram) These MD/NM match the computed values (eg samtools calmd), so normally wouldn't be stored (but forced with e.g. "samtools view -O cram,store_md,store_nm").
Explicit vs implicit MD and NM (0708_tag.cram) This data has invalid MD/NM tags. The decoder should honour the specified tags, although may warn.
Explicit RG (0709_tag.cram) RG:Z tag is stored verbatim and the RG data series is -1 (to indicate the RG tag should not be auto-generated).
Implicit RG (0710_tag.cram) No RG:Z tag stored verbatim, and the RG data series is used to specify which read group to emit. Both 0709 nd 0710 should decode to the same content. Note this data is unsorted too so tests preservation map AP=0
Multiple concatenated containers (0800_ctr.cram)
Multiple references in the same container (0801_ctr.cram) Used for many small references / contigs. Same output expected as 0800.
Multiple slices per container (0802_ctr.cram) 3 slices per container, 3 reads per slice. Same output expected as 0800.
All identical content. All blocks compressed as specified bar the CORE block, which may only be compressed with GZIP.
- Uncompressed baseline (0900_comp_raw.cram)
- Gzip (0901_comp_gz.cram)
- Bzip2 (0902_comp_bz2.cram)
- Lzma (0903_comp_lzma.cram)
- rANS order 0 (0904_comp_rans0.cram)
- rANS order 1 (0905_comp_rans1.cram)
Lossless read-names baseline (1000_name.cram) Also tests RNEXT being another reference (so not = or *).
Read names absent (1001_name.cram) Tests preservation map RN=0. Recs r1 and r2 are paired and within the same slice, so the names are absent. Those retained are labelled as detached, which still forces decode of RN data series.
Quality absent, unmapped (1002_qual.cram) Unmapped data, with 3 out of 4 sequences having no QS fields. This also tests the CF data series. [ set cr->cram_flags=0 in process_one_read after // Unmapped comment. ] Absolutely no quality, so
is the suitable qual to decode. -
Quality absent, mapped with diff (1003_qual.cram) Using feature code "B" (base + qual). Has partial quality, so should decode with a default qual for the missing values and #, X, C etc for the supplied quals.
In this file "match" pair has the CF&1 flag clear, as does "noqual". Read "qual" has quality values stored verbatim. Read "qstar" had quality string
which is stored verbatim as a string of quality 255, as it is also encoded in BAM. "Qstar" and "noqual" are expected to decode the same. The spec has nothing to say about the default quality to use for missing qualities in "match", but as the entire quality string is not*
they have to be set to something. -
Quality absent, mapped with diff (1004_qual.cram) With explicit Q features to flag specific bases as needing their quality retained. [ if (1) vs if (fd->no_ref && ...) for BAM_CSOFT_CLIP case in process_one_read, along with sam breakpoint to set cr->cram_flags = 0 ]
Quality absent, mapped with diff (1005_qual.cram) As 1004_qual.cram but using 'q' instead of a series of 'Q' features. [ complex to generate! see CRAM.q.gen.patch ]
(1006_seq.cram) Tests CF bit 0x8. CIGAR is basic 100M. -
(1007_seq.cram) CIGAR has soft-clips. These have to be stored in the SC data series to regenerate the cigar, but the sequence stored does not matter as we decode SEQ to*
. Hence this is filled out with Ns.
All in CORE block (1100_CORE.cram) All data series bar RN, QS and SC are in CORE block. Tests that the order of decoding as the data series are now interleaved together.
[ Produced via "scramble -q -r ../ce.fa" with cram_stats.c changed to always return E_HUFFMAN. ]
All in CORE block, BETA (1101_BETA.cram) As above but with BETA encoding instead of huffman
- Beyond end of reference (1200_overflow.cram) The bit that overlaps the reference matches, with bases beyond that being stored explicitly. (It is not permissible to have reference matches outside the range of the reference.)
There are are no formally described header in the current specification, but the format of them is specified and user-defined tags are permitted. These files are examples produced by some current implementations.
Extra aux fields after slice structure: (1300_slice_aux.cram) BD:B:c, and SD:B:c, CRC checksums for bases and quality scores. [ Produced by Scramble, with a tweak to fd->ignore_chksum ]
Extra aux fields after slice structure: (1301_slice_aux.cram) As above, but more tags (B5, B1, S5, S1). [ Produced by Htsjdk ]
EXTERNAL already tested
HUFFMAN already tests (both minimally for uni-symbol data, but more extensively in 1100_HUFFMAN.cram)
BYTE_ARRAY_LEN already tested
BYTE_ARRAY_STOP already tested
BETA (already tested in 1101_BETA.cram)
- I have no code to write this data format. Exists in htsjdk though?
- I have no code to write this data format. Exists in htsjdk though?
GOLOMB (deprecated)
- I have no code to read nor write this data format
GOLOMB-RICE (deprecated)
- I have no code to read nor write this data format
Simple mapped case (1400_index_simple.cram)
- 10bp reads starting one per base. Read name indicates bases covered.
- 77 reads per container
- Index query CHROMOSOME_I:333-444 should return 121 records, from s324-333 to s444-453
Unmapped data (1401_index_unmapped.cram)
- As above, but all data is unmapped
- Index query for unmapped (eg ref
) should return all 1000 records.
Multiple references + unmapped (1402_index_3ref.cram)
- 300 for first ref, 10 for second, 300 for third, and 300 unmapped.
- Only one reference per slice.
- CHROMOSOME_I:100-200 returns 110 records
- CHROMOSOME_II:5-5 returns 5 records
- CHROMOSOME_II:10-10 returns 10 records
- CHROMOSOME_II:15-15 returns 5 records
- CHROMOSOME_III:15-15 returns 10 records
(unmapped) returns 300 records
Multi-ref mode (1403_index_multiref.cram)
As above, but containers / slices use the RI data series with multiple references per container. The same queries will work as above.
Hence index reports reference IDs, but multiple references can occur at the same location:
#ID POS SPAN Ctr.OFF Slc.OFF SIZE 0 199 75 2289 202 416 0 265 45 2931 199 429 1 1 19 2931 199 429 2 1 29 2931 199 429 2 21 75 3583 202 386
The container at 2931 has the last reads in ref 0 (CHROMOSOME_I), all of ref 1, and the first reads in ref 2. Similarly the unmapped data shares the same container as the last reads in ref 2.
Multi-slice containers (1404_index_multislice.cram)
- As 1402_index_3ref.cram, but 3 slices per container.
- Same queries will work as above.
Multi-slice multi-ref containers (1405_index_multisliceref.cram)
- As above, but with multiple references permitted per slice.
- Same queries will work as above.
Mix of long and short reads
- 10bp reads starting every position
- 350bp reads starting every 300 positions
Query to CHROMOSOME_I:500-550 should decode these containers, returning 61 records:
500 550
1 350 ------------------ | |
66 140 ---- | |
132 206 ---- | |
198 272 ---- | |
264 650 ====================
329 403 ---- | |
395 469 ---- | |
461 535 ==== |
527 601 ====
593 950 ------------------
658 732 ----
724 798 ----
790 864 ----
856 1250 --------------------
921 995 ----
987 1009 --
- Query to CHROMOSOME_I:500-650 returns 162 records
- Query to CHROMOSOME_I:610-910 returns 313 records
Also note that while we validate most things in these tests, we do not yet have should-fail tests.
- Fields validated: Length, ref seq (-1, -2, >= 0), start, span, num blocks, landmarks, crc
- Not validated Alignment num records, counter,
- All fields validated
Preservation map
- Validated: RN, AP, RR, TD
- SM used, but all tests have the same map.
Data series
- Validated: AP, BA, BB, BF, BS, CF, DL, FC, FN, FP, HC, IN, MF, MQ, NF, NP, NS, PD, QS, QQ, RG, RI, RL, RN, RS, SC, SQ, TL, TN, TS
- CF: all 4 bits tested
- MF: both bits tested
Tag types
- Validated: C c S s I i f A Z H B
- Field validated: Ref seq, start, span, MD5, num blocks, blk IDs, embedded ref id
- Not validated Counter, num records, Optional tags
EOF validated
- Validated: External, Huffman, byte array len, byte array stop, beta
- Not validated: subexponential, gamma, golomb, golomb rice
- Validated: none, gzip, bzip2, lzma, rans (order 0, order 1)