Bootstrap order book in experiments.
Add trader ids to execution log messages.
Refactor VwapBehaviour to accept different implementations for it’s actions.
Improved the noise trader to follow Gilles PhD Thesis.
Pass the tick size and default price in the Simulation object.
Change Price, AvgPx and LastPx fields in market/ontology to be of type BigDecimal.
Make current working orders available in the Session.
Implement TopOfBookApplication.
Implemented the Vwap agent.
Modules can now run inside an OSGi container.
Added startTime and stopTime to Start message.
Sends startTime and stopTime with Start message.
Implemented OrderReference that is updated by the Session and clients can use to track their orders.
Added logging to file.
Moved all the documentation into a new branch (documentation).
Refactored OrderBook to accept partially filled Orders.
Moved OrderBook implementations to eugene.market.book.impl package and created a OrderBooks factory class.
Implemented SimulationOntology.
Implemented a Simulation Agent that synchronizes the start of the Traders and Market Agent, initializes the
Order Book and stops the simulation.
Integrated Simulation Ontology with Client API.
Refactored ExecutionEngine to immediately execute orders.
Improved performance by putting MarkedDataServer into a separate thread and using LEAP codec.
Integrated Simulation Ontology with the Market Agent.
Implemented integration tests for market/client, market/agent and simulation/agent.
Interim Report.
Implemented Noise Trader.
Refactored OrderBook to accept single sided executions.
Added ability to send messages to Client API.
Added ability to build the order book to Client API.
Unique ExecID is generated on each execution.
Register Market Agent with DFService.
Refactor Order Book into a separate module.
Implement SessionInitiator, Session and Application classes.
Traders logon with Logon message.
Traders receive AddOrder/OrderExecuted/DeleteOrder messages for visible orders on the Order Book.
Accepts NewOrderSingle, enters Order to OrderBook and sends a confirmation ExecutionReport.
Allows creating unit tests for agent behaviours that run inside a in-memory Main JADE container.
Implemented livelock simulation under demo/livelock.
Implemented deadlock simulation under demo/deadlock.
Consolidated eugene-hello and eugene-hello-dist into demo/hello-world.
Enabled maven-pax-plugin to allow running projects from IDE.
Added jade and jade-osgi sources to the repository.
Implemented message-passing simulation under demo/message-passing.
Enabled Maven
Created eugene-hello bundle with HelloAgent and HelloActivator (starts one HelloAgent agent).
Created eugene-hello-dist which creates a zip with eugene-hello bundle and all it’s dependencies, along with equinox that is started with pax-runner.
Added jade-osgi-1.2.0.jar and added .repo to the list of repositories.