If needed, setup a new ssh key for pushing / pulling my dotfiles repo
mkdir ~/.ssh chmod go-rwx ~/.ssh cd ~/.ssh # Create a new key ssh-keygen
Add the key to the ssh keyagent to use it.
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Clone the repo to
cd git clone git@github.com:jlinder/dotfiles.git cd dotfiles
Bootstrap part 1
./bootstrap/01-linked-files.sh ./bootstrap/02-brew-install.sh
Open a new bash shell.
Bootstrap part 2
./bootstrap/03-brew-update.sh ./bootstrap/04-language-installation.sh
Open a new bash shell.
Bootstrap part 3
./bootstrap/05-python-setup.sh ./bootstrap/06-vim.sh
This will drop you into vim to do the vim setup
Vim setup
:LspInstall awk
LSPs to install:
awk bash clangd cmake css cssmodules dockerfile elixer eslint gopls gradle graphql groovy html jq json lua nginx pyright ruby sql (sqlls) terraform tflint typescript vim yaml
:TSInstall awk bash c cmake commonlisp cpp css diff dockerfile elixir fish git_rebase gitattributes :TSInstall gitcommit gitignore go gomod graphql html http java javascript jq jsdoc json json5 jsonc :TSInstall lua make markdown markdown_inline org python regex ruby scheme scss sql terraform toml :TSInstall typescript vim yaml
:PackerClean :PackerSync