Unfortunately, I don't have the time anymore to support or maintain this extension. Feel free to fork the extension and publish your own version of the extension.
It seems the original extension is no longer being maintained. Let's pick it up from here.
Don't forget to give the extension a review in the marketplace.
Marketplace: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=LoranKloeze.ruby-rubocop-revived
This extension provides interfaces to rubocop for vscode. All versions of Rubcop >= 1.30.0 are supported.
rubocop is a code analyzer for ruby.
This extension may have problems when using a rvm or chruby environment. We recommend vscode-ruby. It can also lint ruby code.
When autoCorrect is enabled, the history of changing file is broken.
- lint by executing the command "Ruby: lint by rubocop" (cmd+shift+p and type command)
- auto correct when saving a file
- auto correct command "Ruby: autocorrect by rubocop"
- quick fixes so you can fix or ignore an error PR with explanation
The extension forces rubocop's force-exclusion
If you do not want rubocop to be executed on some file, you can add AllCops/Exclude in rubocop.yml. The file can be saved without executing rubocop.
Installation of ruby and rubocop is required.
gem install rubocop
- Type F1 (or Command + Shift + P)
- execute "Extensions: install extension"
- type rubocop and execute
ext install ruby-rubocop
If VSCode market place is not configured in your FLOSS distribution of code (you have Open VSX instead):
- Go on VSCode Marketplace and click on the Download Extension button.
- Install the extension manually from the CLI:
code --install-extension LoranKloeze.ruby-rubocop-revived-0.9.5.vsix
Specify configuration (via navigating to File > Preferences > Workspace Settings
and editing file settings.json):
// If not specified searches for 'rubocop' executable available on PATH (default and recommended)
"ruby.rubocop.executePath": "",
// You can use specific path
// "ruby.rubocop.executePath": "/Users/you/.rbenv/shims/"
// "ruby.rubocop.executePath": "/Users/you/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.2/bin/"
// "ruby.rubocop.executePath": "D:/bin/Ruby22-x64/bin/"
// Set to "--autocorrect-all" to enable "unsafe" auto-corrections
"ruby.rubocop.autocorrectArg": "--autocorrect",
// If not specified, it assumes a null value by default.
"ruby.rubocop.configFilePath": "/path/to/config/.rubocop.yml",
// default true
"ruby.rubocop.onSave": true
// use the --server option when running Rubocop - default false
"ruby.rubocop.useServer": true
// If "true", it hides all the Disable/Ignore options, nudging to prefer fixing violations
"ruby.rubocop.hideDisableSuggestions": false
You can change the keybinding (via editing keybindings.json
{ "key": "ctrl+alt+l", "command": "ruby.rubocopAutocorrect",
"when": "editorLangId == 'ruby'" }
- more configurable command line options (like -R)
- integration with rbenv
- testing & CI support
Please install packages with yarn.
yarn install
You could install TSLint extension for .ts files.
Please format code using prettier.
yarn prettier src/* test/* --write
このソフトウェアは MIT ライセンスの元で公開されています。LICENSE.txt をご覧下さい。
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.