To streamline the process of evaluating multiple methods/VCFs, we use Snakemake.
The sveval docker image that we provide in contains all dependencies necessary to run the snakemake workflow (R+sveval, snakemake, bcftools, bgzip/tabix).
For example, use
(see example below).
It's a snakemake workflow so it should be as simple as naming the input correctly and running the snakemake
The following instructions explain how to name the input files and set up the config.yaml
The VCFs to analyze are placed in a vcf
They must be named following the template: {exp}-{method}-{sample}.vcf.gz
is the experiment name, usually the name of the catalog or gold-standard dataset. For examplehgsvc
is the label of the method used.
is the sample name and should also match the sample name in the calls and truth-set.
In addition to the calls, the vcf
folder must also contains the truth-set, named: {exp}-truth-baseline.vcf.gz
This truth-set must contains genotypes for the samples analyzed.
For example, we could place in the vcf
folder the following files:
With these VCF files we can evaluate both methods in two samples using the specified truth-set using:
snakemake --configfile config.yaml --cores 8
This command reads information from a config.yaml
file and run the commands in parallel using 8 cores.
Of note, any parameter in the config file can be overwritten in the command line --config
The VCF are normalized before evaluation.
This step requires a FASTA file of the reference genome.
The path to the reference file must be specified using the config parameter ref_fa (see config.yaml
We usually evaluate the SVs both across the whole-genome and in non-repeat regions only.
The non-repeat regions are defined in a BED file whose path must be specified in the config parameter nonrep_bed (see config.yaml
For GRCh38 we use this file: hg38_non_repeats.bed.gz.
To help match SVs within simple repeats, we can provide a BED file of the simple repeat annotation. sveval will allow more wiggle room, i.e. for a SV to "move" along a simple repeat segment. It helps matching similar simple repeat variants that are just positioned differently. For example, a similar deletion might be called at the beginning of the annotated repeat but positioned at the end in the truthset. And because simple repeats are not perfect and the SVs exactly the same, left-aligning might not handle these cases.
In the config file, the BED file with the simple repeat annotation is specified with the simprep_bed parameter (see config.yaml
Comment that line out to disable this feature (although it is highly recommended to use it).
Any BED file would work, but we've also prepared some for GRCh38 and GRCh37: ../docs/simpleRepeat_GRCh38.bed.gz and ../docs/simpleRepeat_GRCh37.bed.gz.
To match the config in config.yaml
, those files would be placed in a bed folder.
Of note, they've been prepared with by downloading the TRF annotation from the UCSC Genome Browser and trimming/merging information (see this notebook).
The output files are prefixed by the out_prefix defined in config.yaml
file, and include:
- a PDF with bar graph and precision-recall curves in
. - a merged TSV with number of FP/FN/TP and F1, precision, recall scores, for each quality threshold, in
. See the first rows for the metrics when all calls are used. - a merged TSV as above but where SVs are grouped into a few size classes, in
In addition to Snakemake, the following must be installed:
- R with :
- the sveval package
- the ggplot2 package
- the dplyr package
- bcftools
As mentioned above, a docker container with all the dependencies is available at (e.g.
See example below.
Here are the commands one could use to evaluate a VCF file against the GIAB truthset from scratch.
git clone
cd sveval/snakemake
wget -O hs37d5.fa.gz
gunzip hs37d5.fa.gz
mkdir vcf
Download VCF with the truthset from GIAB:
wget -O vcf/giab-truth-baseline.vcf.gz
Place the VCFs with the calls in the vcf folder. In this example, SV calls using vg on HG002 and GRCh37:
wget -O vcf/giab-vg-HG002.vcf.gz
mkdir bed
wget -O bed/conf.bed
wget -O bed/simpleRepeat_GRCh37.bed.gz
In this example, we evaluate only the 'vg' method, on the 'HG002' sample, and for the 'giab' experiment/truthset.
We also have a different reference fasta, regions BED, and simple repeat BED.
See config.example.yaml
to bind the current directory to a /app working directory in the container-u
to make sure files are created with permissions matching the user (and not created by 'root')
docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/app -w /app -u `id -u $USER`
snakemake --configfile config.example.yaml --cores 4