Launch Xcode.
Choose "File" → "New" → "Project".
You see the dialog "Choose a template for your new project".
Choose the "iOS" radio button.
Choose the template icon you want, such as "Single View Application", or "Master-Detail Application", etc.
Tap the button "Next".
You see the dialog "Choose options for your new project".
For "Product Name", type anything you want, such as "Demo".
For "Organization Name", type anything you want. Typically this is your company's name, or team's name, or similiar. For example, "Example Company".
For "Organization Identifier", type anything you want. Typically this is your company's reverse domain name. For example, "com.example".
Tap the button "Next".
You see the file chooser.
Choose where to save your project.
Tap the button "Create".
Xcode creates the project.
If Xcode shows a "Signing" area with a "Status" alert icon, here's how to solve it.
Xcode may show a message such as "Signing requires a development team. Select a development team in the project editor."
In the "Signing" section, choose the "Team" dropdown, and choose your Apple ID.
If there's no Apple ID, then you need to add yours: Xcode → Preferences → Accounts → the "+" button → Add Apple ID
Need help? See our repo demo_swift_hello_world.