This is an Ansible playbook used to fully provision a Ubuntu machine for OTS Hosting.
Supported OS: Ubuntu 20.04
Make sure to have universe, multiverse and restricted repositories enabled.
A script to run on a standalone machine to provision it. If user "otsmanager" does not exist, it will be created with password: "otsmanager".
#!/bin/bash -ex
apt-get update
apt install -y -q python-simplejson git-core ansible
ansible-pull -i localhost, -U -d /srv/otshosting-provisioning --purge -t default
Available tags:
- systemd - enables persistent journald logging (default)
- general - software & integration (default)
- mysql - MariaDB SQL server (default)
- php-fpm - PHP support for website (default)
- nginx - web server (default)
- pma - phpMyAdmin for easy administration (default)
- tfs - TFS 1.X automatically compiled and installed (default)
- tfs-old - packages ONLY to compile older versions
- znote - ZnoteAAC automatically installed & configured (default)
- myaac - only installation, without configuration
- wine - wine packages to run exe (engines compiled for Windows)
A cloud-init script to provision a cloud instance using this playbook:
- name: otsmanager
gecos: OTS Manager
lock-passwd: false
disable_root: true
ssh_pwauth: True
timezone: Europe/Warsaw
package_upgrade: true
package_update: true
- python-simplejson
- git
- ansible
- aptitude
- 'ansible-pull -i localhost, -U -d /srv/otshosting-provisioning --purge'