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Redux alternative, Flat storage with tighter data to component mapping.


npm install flatstore --save

Getting Started

flatstore is a global key/value storage. It connects to components using hooks for functional components and a higher-order component for class components to re-render on data changes for any keys being watched.

Differences from Redux:

  • Data is mutable at the global level.
  • Simplified component connect for watching specific keys
  • Support for storing historical changes for any specific key
  • Supports object drilldown syntax, i.e. where . is delimeter for next child object
  • Supports undo/redo (if used with historical)
  • Updates props everytime flatstore.set is called, letting react handle if re-render is needed.


flatstore.useWatch(key, defaultValue)

Trigger a re-render against the specified key whenever someone calls flatstore.set(key). Note: Default value does update the storage and is only used when no value exists in the storage for the key.

Example Usage

function onChange() {
  flatstore.set("player", "Joe");

function DisplayPlayer(props) {
  let [player] = flatstore.useWatch("player");
  return <span>{player}</span>;
  • key (string) - the key that you want to watch when set is called against the key.
  • defaultValue (any) - the value to use if key has no value yet. Note: this will not call set.

flatstore.useChange(key, defaultValue)

Trigger a re-render against the specified key whenever someone uses flatstore.set(key) AND the value actually changes. It uses === to determine change between previous and current values. Note: Default value does update the storage and is only used when no value exists in the storage for the key.

Example Usage

function onChange() {
  flatstore.set("player", "Joe");

function DisplayPlayer(props) {
  let [player] = flatstore.useChange("player");
  return <span>{player}</span>;
  • key (string) - the key that you want to watch for changes
  • defaultValue (any) - the value to use if key has no value yet. Note: this will not call set.


flatstore.set(key, value)

Set a value to a key in the global storage. If any component is using useWatch, the component will rerender. Or, if subscribed to a key, the callback will be called.

  • key (string) - the key that you want to update
  • value (any) - the value that you want to store at the specified key


Get a value from the global storage. It is mutable.

  • key (string) - the key to retrieve the value

value (any) - value that is stored at the specified key


Sets the delimiter for string traversal of object or array.

  • delim (character) - a single character that will be delimit the keys for object traversal
let family = { parent: { child: { money: 10 } } };
flatstore.set("test", family);
let money = flatstore.get("test|parent|child|money");


Copy the value, so it is immutable.

  • key (string) - the key to retrieve the value

value (any) - value that is stored at the specified key

flatstore.subscribe(key, callback)

Subscribe to a key that will trigger the callback function when someone uses flatstore.set(key,value)

  • key (string) - the key that you want to update
  • callback (function) - Function that is called when the value at key changes.
flatstore.subscribe('test', (key, value) => {
    console.log('test was updated: ', value)

flatstore.set('test', 'hello!');

Simple Example

View example source

flatstore.set lets you add any data into the global store by key name from anywhere.

flatstore.useWatch lets you specify a key to watch for changes.

//Run a query against DuckDuckGo API
export async function SearchDuckDuckGo(query) {
  let url =
    "" + query;
  try {
    let response = await axios.get(url);
    let results = ReduceResults(response); //grabs only the results

    flatstore.set("ddgQuery", query);
    flatstore.set("ddgResults", results);
    flatstore.set("ddgResultCount", results.length);
    flatstore.set("ddgError", false);
  } catch (error) {
    flatstore.set("ddgError", error);


//Show the search status

import React from "react";
import flatstore from "flatstore";

function SearchStatus(props) {
  let [ddgQuery] = flatstore.useWatch("ddgQuery");
  let [ddgResultCount] = flatstore.useWatch("ddgResultCount");
  let [ddgError] = flatstore.useWatch("ddgError");

  if (ddgError) return <div style={{ color: "#f00" }}>{ddgError.message}</div>;

  if (!ddgResultCount || !ddgQuery) return <div></div>;

  return (
        Searched {ddgQuery}
        with {ddgResultCount || 0} results.

export default SearchStatus;

Advanced Example (legacy class components)

View example source

onCustomWatched allows dynamic control on which items to watch (called only once during constructor).

onCustomProps allows mapping your own custom component props using key, value, store, or ownProps. Components are notified every time flatstore.set is used on their watched keys.

flatstore.get gets a direct reference to the data in store. Use flatstore.copy to make a deep copy instead.

flatstore.set supports object and array drill down. i.e. 'todos-a-b-10' will get store['todos']['a']['b'][10]. Both the parent 'todos' and 'todos-a-b-10' will notify watchers/subscribers when using flatstore.set.

export function todoToggleComplete(id) {
  let todos = flatstore.get("todos");
  let todo = todos[id];
  if (!todo) return;

  todo.completed = !todo.completed;
  flatstore.set("todos-" + id, todo);


class TodoResult extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        className={this.props.completed ? "completed" : ""}
        onClick={() => {
        <span className="result-title">{this.props.desc}</span> -
        <span className="result-date">{this.props.dateCreated}</span>

let onCustomWatched = (ownProps) => {
  return ["todos-" +];
let onCustomProps = (key, value, store, ownProps) => {
  return {
export default flatstore.connect(