Releases: joeyagreco/leeger
Releases · joeyagreco/leeger
v2.1.1 -- Added Needed Dependency
- Updated workflow to be able to run manually
- Updated package versions, including adding typing-extensions which is needed as a temporary dependency due to a bug in
another dependency
v2.1.0 -- Owner Names from League Loaders
- Added method to league loaders to get all owner names
v2.0.0 -- Excel Changes
This release has breaking changes, thus the major version upgrade.
- Removed yearToExcel function
- leagueToExcel now optionally takes a file path
- leagueToExcel now returns the OpenPyXL Worksheet created
- Upgraded OpenPyXL version requirement
- Updated examples
v1.15.0 -- League Object Deserializability
- League objects can now be built from a Python dictionary
- None values for Matchup tiebreakers will default to False instead of raising an exception
- None values for YearSettings leagueMedianGames will default to False instead of raising an exception
v1.14.0 -- Validate Leagues on Load
- Now validate leagues before returning them in all league loaders
- Updated README
v1.13.1 -- Fixes
- Fixed ESPN League Loader issue where teams with byes would cause championship matchups to count as playoff matchups
- Team names are now counted as too similar within a Year if they have the same text minus whitespace and letter case
- Package version updates
- Added a Code of Conduct
- Updated README
v1.13.0 -- General Improvements
- Added Performance model to represent a Team's performance in a given week
- Added method to get a Year by year number to League model
- Added method to get a Team by name to Year model
- Added method to get a Week by week number to Year model
- Added method to get a Matchup with a Team ID to Matchup model
- Added method to split a Matchup model into 2 Performance models to Matchup model
- Added method to get a Performance for a Team ID to Matchup model
- Added validation to ensure no Matchup has 2 of the same Team IDs
- Added a test for Excel
v1.12.1 -- ESPN League Loader Fix
- Fixed bug in the ESPN League Loader where championship weeks could not be added
v1.12.0 -- Matchup Excel Sheets
- Added Excel sheet for each matchup in a year
- Added Excel sheet for each matchup in a league
- Added legend to Excel sheets to show all filters applied to sheet
- Fixed bug where keyword arguments may not work for All Time Teams stat sheet in Excel
- Fixed bug where leagues with some League Median years and some non League Median years would not save to excel
- Improved Excel tests
- Improved filtering flow
v1.11.0 -- Track All Teams in Excel and General Improvements
- Added All-Time Teams stat sheet to Excel
- Fixed formatting in stats documentation
- Fixed broken link in README
- Updated flow diagram
- Updated setup file to ignore unneeded packages
- Upgraded Sleeper package version
- Better documentation flow for setting up league loaders