GDPR Transparency and Consent Framework SDK Rust
extern crate gdpr_consent;
extern crate reqwest;
use gdpr_consent:: vendor_list:: VendorList ;
use std:: error:: Error ;
fn main ( ) -> Result < ( ) , Box < Error > > {
let json = reqwest:: get ( "" ) ?. text ( ) ?;
let vendor_list: VendorList = json. parse ( ) ?;
match vendor_list. vendors . get ( & 32 ) {
Some ( appnexus) => println ! ( "{:?}" , appnexus) ,
None => println ! ( "AppNexus was not present in the vendor list." ) ,
Ok ( ( ) )
extern crate chrono;
extern crate gdpr_consent;
use gdpr_consent:: vendor_consent:: VendorConsent ;
use std:: error:: Error ;
fn main ( ) -> Result < ( ) , Box < Error > > {
let vendor_consent = "BOEFEAyOEFEAyAHABDENAI4AAAB9vABAASA" . parse ( ) ?;
let VendorConsent :: V1 ( mut v1) = vendor_consent;
v1. last_updated = "2018-05-11T12:00:00.000Z" . parse ( ) ?;
v1. vendor_consent . remove ( 9 ) ; // remove consent for Vendor ID 10
let serialized = VendorConsent :: V1 ( v1) . to_string ( ) ?;
assert_eq ! ( serialized, "BOEFEAyONlzmAAHABDENAI4AAAB9vABgASABQA" ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )