Notes on how the framework is built. There is a certain amount of messing around to comply with the idiosyncracies of / my lack of patience with Swift Package Manager.
- CRuby - system modulemap and headers for libruby
- RubyGatewayHelpers - C code layer, depends on CRuby
- RubyGateway - Swift layer, depends on CRuby and RubyGatewayHelpers.
- Users install just one thing (RubyGateway)
- Users do not need any weird flags or settings.
- Users get just the RubyGateway interface
- Support Xcode/Carthage, SwiftPM (because Linux)
Haven't managed to meet all these goals :-)
CRuby is a git submodule of RubyGateway, refer to it via Xcode options.
RubyGatewayHelpers is a static library wrapped up in a modulemap.
RubyGateway depends on CRuby and RubyGatewayHelpers as modules.
Everything is awesome.
CRuby is a formal dependency from Package.swift. The CRuby submodule checkout is unused.
RubyGatewayHelpers is a static lib, RubyGateway depends on them both like the Xcode version.
Everything is fine.
Spell to get Swift docs for CRuby if Xcode can't do it:
jazzy --min-acl private --module CRuby --swift-build-tool symbolgraph --build-tool-arguments -I,/Users/johnf/.rbenv/versions/3.0.0/include/ruby-3.0.0/x86_64-darwin20,-I,/Users/johnf/.rbenv/versions/3.0.0/include/ruby-3.0.0,-I,$(pwd),-Xcc,-fdeclspec
- Update changelog, .jazzy.yaml, TODO, README, LICENSE if year changed.
- Update docs if needed, separate commit.
- Commit + tag + push with
. Check CI. - Github code -> releases -> tags -> 'Create release'
- Title is just release triple
- Paste in changelog section