All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Check for double InvalidInputImageTypeException
- Fix wrong exception being caught
- Remove async from function (IE11 Support) (@barryvdh)
- Fix error to config.xml introduced in last version (@chrisastley)
- New option
for better performance with onlylossy
- Prevent exception when GIF is renamed to JPG
- Hide all other fields if setting "Enabled" is set to 0
- Add current store to all methods
- Fix PHP Notice when gallery is missing
- Allow configuring convertors (#77)
- Prevents error if variable $imageData[$imageType] is empty (@maksymcherevko)
- Webp images not being generated if cached jpg does not exist yet #70 (@gtlt)
- Refactor conversion errors
- Move helper function to NextGenImages
- Throw exception when no conversion is needed
- Update convertor class to comply to updated interface
- Log all exceptions to NextGenImages logger
- Make sure configurable images don't throw exception
- Make sure wrong gallery images don't throw exception
- Fix JS error
- Rewrite into synchronous way of detecting WebP
- Improved support on product detail page (configurable swatches + fotorama)
- When no .webp file is available, the source tag will be removed to prevent old image being shown on the frontend (@ar-vie)
- Remove class UrlReplacer again after refactoring NextGenImages
- Fix missing class UrlReplacer
- Fix composer deps with magento2-next-gen-images
- Stick to new ConvertorInterface interface of NextGenImages
- Wrong composer dependency with NextGenImages
- Remove JavaScript check and Browser class
- Moved code from this module to generic NextGenImages module
- Remove Travis CI script
- Lazy loading configuration option was not working
- Add new option for quality level
- Fixes wrong name in require-js config (@johannessmit)
- Add jQuery Cookie to prevent load order issues (@basvanpoppel)
- Image is correctly updated including the source (@johannessmit)
- Undo of
Laminas replacement because this breaks pre-Laminas Magento releases
- Magento 2.4 support
- Numerous PHPCS issues
- URL parsing via laminas/laminas-uri package
- Remove alt attribute from picture element (@gjportegies)
- Quick fix to allow for WebP images in catalog swatches
- Code refactoring to allow for Amasty Shopby compatibility
- Skip captcha images (PR from @jasperzeinstra)
- Do not throw error in debugging with non-existing images
- Rename "Debug Log" to "Debugging" because that's what's happening
- Skipping WebP image creation by configuration option
- Fix next tag not being closed properly
- Prevent overwriting existing
- Upgraded rosell-dk/webp-convert library
- Add class attribute in picture (PR from itsazzad)
- Better support info
- Raise framework requirements for proper support of ViewModels
- Added logic for fetching the css class from the original image (PR from duckchip)
- Added missing variable in the ReplaceTags plugin (PR from duckchip)
- Raise requirements for proper support of ViewModels
- Add check for additional layout handle
- Dirty workaround for email layout
- Add controller for email testing
- Do not apply WebP if no handles
- Make sure modified gallery images are returned as Collection, not an array
- Test with Aimes_Notorama
- Original tag (with custom styling) was not used in
element, but new one was created instead
- Move configuration to separate Yireo section
- Add a
file - Changed configuration path from
- Move
- Fix issue with additional images not being converted if already converted (@jove4015)
- Fix issue with static versioning not being reckognized
- Make sure src, width and height still remain in picture-tag
- Integration test for multiple instances of same image
- Add fields in backend for PHP version and module version
- Integration Test to test conversion of test-files
- Throw an exception of source file is not found
- Add provider of dummy images
- Add integration test of dummy images page
- Add test page with dummy images
- Only show original image in HTML source when debugging
- Fix issue with additional images not being converted if already converted
- Make sure to enable cookie-check whenever FPC is enabled
- Actual meaningful integration test for browsing product page
- Disable gallery fix if FPC is enabled
- Add GD checker in backend settings
- Fix for Fotorama gallery
- Check via timestamps for new and modified files
- Check for browser support via cookie and Chrome-check
- Inspect ACCEPT header for image/webp support
- Implement detect.js script to detect WebP support and set a cookie
- Add configuration values
- Temporary release for CI purpose
- Initial commit
- Support for regular img-tags to picture-tags conversion