Before getting into the guide consider using a template for a simpler setup process.
Prebuilt Templates:
For expo you can use this template with the following command
expo init --template expo-template-storybook AwesomeStorybook
For react native cli you can use this template
npx react-native init MyApp --template react-native-template-storybook
You can also choose to use a bash script if you prefer, however it is more involved.
You may wish to setup everything yourself, you can use the following guide to do so.
expo install @storybook/react-native@next @storybook/core-common @react-native-async-storage/async-storage react-dom
React native CLI
yarn add -D @storybook/react-native@next @storybook/core-common @react-native-async-storage/async-storage react-native-safe-area-context react-dom
If running on an IOS device make sure to run pod install first
cd ios; pod install; cd ..;
Create a folder called .storybook
with files: main.js
, preview.js
, Storybook.tsx
You can use this one-liner to quickly create those files:
mkdir .storybook && cd .storybook && touch main.js preview.js Storybook.tsx
module.exports = {
stories: [
addons: [],
export const decorators = [];
export const parameters = {};
import { getStorybookUI } from '@storybook/react-native';
import './storybook.requires';
const StorybookUIRoot = getStorybookUI({});
export default StorybookUIRoot;
Update your metro config to include sbmodern in the resolverMainFields.
On expo you might need create the metro.config.js file.
module.exports = {
/* existing config */
resolver: {
resolverMainFields: ['sbmodern', 'react-native', 'browser', 'main'],
Add the following to the scripts in your package.json, we use the name prestart
to cause the script to run before every yarn start
"scripts": {
"prestart": "sb-rn-get-stories",
"storybook-watcher": "sb-rn-watcher",
To render storybook update your App.tsx file to export the UI component.
import StorybookUIRoot from './.storybook/Storybook';
export { StorybookUIRoot as default };
Add a stories file
In the main.js we created the path was set as ../components/**/*.stories.?(ts|tsx|js|jsx)
which matches any .stories file inside the components folder.
Create a file called Button.stories.tsx
in the components folder.
import {Button} from 'react-native';
export default {
title: 'React Native Button',
component: Button,
args: {
title: 'Hello world',
export const Basic = args => <Button {...args} />;
This is a simple example you can do more by adding addons and exploring more features of storybook.
The only thing left to do is return Storybook's UI in your app entry point (such as App.js
) like this:
export {default} from './.storybook'
If you want to be able to swap easily between storybook and your app, have a look at this blog post
To run storybook first generate the stories list:
yarn sb-rn-get-stories
Then you can run yarn ios
or yarn android
to run the app.