After you've forked the repo, clone forrest into a new Laravel application or existing project. I recommend creating a new directory to store this project to seperate it from the rest of your codebase. This guide will assume it is named library
but you can call it anything you like.
git clone<username>/forrest.git libraries/forrest
Next, update your composer.json
to include the psr-4 auto-loader location. Your should already see the App\\
namespace unless you've named it something else:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/",
"Database\\Factories\\": "database/factories/",
"Database\\Seeders\\": "database/seeders/",
"Omniphx\\Forrest\\": "libraries/forrest/src/Omniphx/Forrest"
Add required dependencies:
"require": {
"firebase/php-jwt": "^5.2",
"nesbot/carbon": "^2.0"
Next run: composer update
From your project's root, add the service provider and alias to your config/app.php
(same as the install guide):
'Forrest' => Omniphx\Forrest\Providers\Laravel\Facades\Forrest::class
And publish the forrest configuration: php artisan vendor:publish
For more details on configuration, see the
This project uses the PHPSpec testing framework. PHPSpec leverages mocks so that we only test the code that we've written and assume that other libraries and integrations (such as the Salesforce REST API) are working perfectly fine. You can read more about PHPSpec here:
You'll also need to be in the forrest directory, not your root/project directory to run tests.
cd libary/forrest
composer update
vendor/bin/phpspec run
(it should be fast!)
All test are located in the spec
folder and have a similar namespace to the files in our src
If you add new test methods, please use descriptive method naming. For instance, it_should_not_call_refresh_method_if_there_is_no_token