We’ve integrated YUI Intl Utility as a platform extension. You just need to make sure whether the getTrans() method is existed in Y.!PlatformSandbox instance.
You need to include following dependencies before you can call localization related methods.
<script src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.1.1/build/yui/yui-min.js"></script>
<script src="http://a.mimgs.com/lib/mui/platform/core.js"></script>
<script src="http://a.mimgs.com/lib/mui/platform/sandbox.js"></script>
<script src="http://a.mimgs.com/lib/mui/static/platform/lang_service.js"></script>
Y = YUI({
filter: "raw", // Currently we don't have minified version yet...
lang: "zh-TW", // Default language tag
groups: {
myapp: {
filter: "raw",
base: "static/",
modules : {
"miiicasa" : { // A module JavaScript file must be existed. (~/muchiii/static/miiicasa/miiicasa.js)
lang: ["jp-JP",| "zh-TW", "zh-CN"] // Accepted languages. You should have related language resource files.
}).use("substitute", "platform-core", "lang-service", "event-delegate", "miiicasa", "datatype", function (Y) {
// Tell platform which YUI module should have language support.
- Check YUI config object first. You need to manually assign a module and it’s dependent languages. When using the module, it will automatically fetch current language file with the following rule.
- Because you assigned module in configuration, you don’t have to include each language or YUI module JavaScript files on page. It can load on-demand.
YUI( ... configs ... ).use("platform-core", "lang-service", <yui-module>, ..., function (Y) {...});
- And you have to tell platform which YUI module has language resources you need.
- You need to create language files using following pattern.
~/miiicasa/static//lang/<yui-module>_<lang-tag>.js </pre>- Example:
- Example:
- As for the content of each languge file:
- Example (~/muchiii/static/miiicasa/lang/miiicasa_zh-TW.js)
YUI.add("lang/miiicasa_zh-TW", function (Y) { Y.Intl.add("miiicasa","zh-TW", { "miiicasa-home_device-confirm_msg" : "您確定要刪除此裝置嗎?", "miiicasa-home_device-title" : "家庭檔案分享" }); }, "3.1.1");
- Deciding the name for resource key should rely on its semantic structure instead of direct translation.
- Deciding the name for resource key should rely on its semantic structure instead of direct translation.
- Example (~/muchiii/static/miiicasa/lang/miiicasa_zh-TW.js)
You can use Y.Sandbox Instance’s getTrans() method to get string translation for current language.
<Y.Sandbox Instance>.getTrans(<key>, <default>, <tokens>);
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | String | You can assign any name as a key. The scope is locked inside a module. For example, you assigned a key called ‘foo_msg’ inside ‘#bar’ module which is belonging to ‘miiicasa’ CodeIgniter module. The full key name in both resource file and database would be “miiicasa-bar-foo_msg”. For your convenience, you just need to specify ‘foo_msg’ instead of full name. |
default | String | It displays this default string when related language resource file hasn’t defined the key yet. |
tokens | Object | String replacement token object. You can check the following example. {nickname} keyword would be replaced as Awoo~ because token defines word replacement. |
YUI.PlatformModules.<div-module> = (function() {
var api,
return {
init = function (sandbox) {
api = sandbox;
onviewload = function () {
node = api.getViewNode();
alert(api.getTrans("message_text", "Hello {nickname}!", {nickname: "Awoo~"}));
The most fancy part of our solution is that we can switch JavaScript languages without reloading page. That means the language file can be on-demand download.
You can use Y.Sandbox’s setLang() method to switch language.
<Y.Sandbox Instance>.setLang(<lang>, <callback>);
Parameter | Type | Description |
lang | String | The language tag you want switch to. |
callback | Function | The callback function which would be executed after the specified language file is loaded. |
YUI.PlatformModules.<div-module> = (function() {
var api,
langChangeHandler = function (e) {
api.setLang(this.get("value"), function () {
return {
init: function (sandbox) {
api = sandbox;
onviewload: function () {
var selectNode = api.getViewNode().one("select");
selectNode.on("change", langChangeHandler);
The method lets you know which language user currently uses.
- I18N : Internationalization is the process of designing a software application so that it can be adapted to various languages and regions without engineering changes.
- 設計讓某個特定應用程式可以被一個語言或地區使用、且不需要更改工程設計架構的過程。
- L10N : Localization is the process of adapting internationalized software for a specific region or language by adding locale-specific components and translating text.
- 藉由提供在地的元件、翻譯的文字,讓 I18N 的應用程式設計被某一個國家或地區使用的過程。
- So what we are doing right now (providing translation) is Localization not Internalization.
- BCP47 Tag: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/3/intl/#bcp47
- We will provide [[language]]-[[country]] as our standard resource bundles. We will only provide script subtag in particular situation.
Language Tag | Description |
zh-CN | Chinese, China |
zh-TW | Chinese, Taiwan |
en-US | English, United States |
en-CA | English, Canada |
jp-JP | Japanese, Japan |