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JavaScript Localization Convention

We’ve integrated YUI Intl Utility as a platform extension. You just need to make sure whether the getTrans() method is existed in Y.!PlatformSandbox instance.

Getting Start

Include Dependencies

You need to include following dependencies before you can call localization related methods.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

YUI Instance Initialization

Y = YUI({
    filter: "raw", // Currently we don't have minified version yet...
    lang: "zh-TW", // Default language tag
    groups: {
        myapp: {
            filter: "raw",
            base: "static/",
            modules : {
                "miiicasa" : { // A module JavaScript file must be existed. (~/muchiii/static/miiicasa/miiicasa.js)
                    lang: ["jp-JP",| "zh-TW", "zh-CN"] // Accepted languages. You should have related language resource files.
}).use("substitute", "platform-core", "lang-service", "event-delegate", "miiicasa", "datatype", function (Y) {
    // Tell platform which YUI module should have language support.
  • Check YUI config object first. You need to manually assign a module and it’s dependent languages. When using the module, it will automatically fetch current language file with the following rule.

  • Because you assigned module in configuration, you don’t have to include each language or YUI module JavaScript files on page. It can load on-demand.
    YUI( ... configs ... ).use("platform-core", "lang-service", <yui-module>, ..., function (Y) {...});
  • And you have to tell platform which YUI module has language resources you need.

Prepare Language Files

  1. You need to create language files using following pattern.

    ~/miiicasa/static//lang/<yui-module>_<lang-tag>.js </pre>
    • Example:

  2. As for the content of each languge file:
    • Example (~/muchiii/static/miiicasa/lang/miiicasa_zh-TW.js)

      YUI.add("lang/miiicasa_zh-TW", function (Y) { Y.Intl.add("miiicasa","zh-TW", { "miiicasa-home_device-confirm_msg" : "您確定要刪除此裝置嗎?", "miiicasa-home_device-title" : "家庭檔案分享" }); }, "3.1.1");
      • Deciding the name for resource key should rely on its semantic structure instead of direct translation.


Get Translation

You can use Y.Sandbox Instance’s getTrans() method to get string translation for current language.

<Y.Sandbox Instance>.getTrans(<key>, <default>, <tokens>);
Parameter Type Description
key String You can assign any name as a key. The scope is locked inside a module. For example, you assigned a key called ‘foo_msg’ inside ‘#bar’ module which is belonging to ‘miiicasa’ CodeIgniter module. The full key name in both resource file and database would be “miiicasa-bar-foo_msg”. For your convenience, you just need to specify ‘foo_msg’ instead of full name.
default String It displays this default string when related language resource file hasn’t defined the key yet.
tokens Object String replacement token object. You can check the following example. {nickname} keyword would be replaced as Awoo~ because token defines word replacement.

Sample Code

YUI.PlatformModules.<div-module> = (function() {
    var api,
    return {
        init = function (sandbox) {
            api = sandbox;
        onviewload = function () {
            node = api.getViewNode();
            alert(api.getTrans("message_text", "Hello {nickname}!", {nickname: "Awoo~"}));

Switch Language

The most fancy part of our solution is that we can switch JavaScript languages without reloading page. That means the language file can be on-demand download.
You can use Y.Sandbox’s setLang() method to switch language.

<Y.Sandbox Instance>.setLang(<lang>, <callback>);
Parameter Type Description
lang String The language tag you want switch to.
callback Function The callback function which would be executed after the specified language file is loaded.

Sample Code

YUI.PlatformModules.<div-module> = (function() {
    var api, 
        langChangeHandler = function (e) {
            api.setLang(this.get("value"), function () {
    return {
        init: function (sandbox) {
            api = sandbox;
        onviewload: function () {
            var selectNode = api.getViewNode().one("select");
            selectNode.on("change", langChangeHandler);

Get Language

The method lets you know which language user currently uses.




I18N & L10N Explanation

  • I18N : Internationalization is the process of designing a software application so that it can be adapted to various languages and regions without engineering changes.
    • 設計讓某個特定應用程式可以被一個語言或地區使用、且不需要更改工程設計架構的過程。
  • L10N : Localization is the process of adapting internationalized software for a specific region or language by adding locale-specific components and translating text.
    • 藉由提供在地的元件、翻譯的文字,讓 I18N 的應用程式設計被某一個國家或地區使用的過程。
  • So what we are doing right now (providing translation) is Localization not Internalization.

Language Tags

Language Tag Description
zh-CN Chinese, China
zh-TW Chinese, Taiwan
en-US English, United States
en-CA English, Canada
jp-JP Japanese, Japan

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