Here you will find instructions on how to build a custom Docker container for SuricataLog.
It is assumed you have docker-ce version '24.0.7' or better.
You need to have the SuricataLog wheelhouse
test -d dist && rm -f dist/*
python -m venv ~/virtualenv/SuricataLog
. ~/virtualenv/SuricataLog/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install build
pip install wheel
python -m build .
docker compose --file docker-compose.yml build
docker images suricatalog:latest
If the image was built correctly, you will see something like this:
(SuricataLog) [josevnz@dmaf5 SuriCon-2024]$ docker images suricatalog:latest
suricatalog latest ed1aaac1f3de 6 minutes ago 173MB
You first start a docker container, and then you can attach to it. You need to pass the directory where you have your eve.json files so the volume is accessible to SuricataLog
If you download the docker-compose.yml you can then do the following, with less typing:
Build a new docker image:
docker compose --file docker-compose.yml build
And then run it:
docker compose --file docker-compose.yml up --detach
And then you can either log into the container and run commands from there:
docker compose exec suricatalog /bin/bash -l
# to explore (press eve_ + <TAB> to autocomplete):
eve_log eve.json
eve_json --flow eve.json
Or run commands from outside the container:
docker compose exec suricatalog eve_log eve.json
docker compose exec suricatalog eve_json --flow eve.json
To stop the container:
docker compose stop suricatalog
function eve { docker compose exec suricatalog $*; }
eve eve_log eve.json
eve eve_json --flow eve.json
You get the idea.
If you prefer to have more control you can run the container directly
docker run --restart always --detach --tty --volume $PWD/test:/suricatalog --name suricatalog suricatalog:latest
# Run eve_log
docker exec --interactive --tty suricatalog eve_log /suricatalog/eve.json
# Exit and then run eve_json
docker exec --interactive --tty suricatalog eve_json --payload /suricatalog/eve.json
Once you are done with the container you can kill it with:
docker stop suricatalog