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Release management tasks

Maintainers also can use Breeze for other purposes (those are commands that regular contributors likely do not need or have no access to run). Those are usually connected with releasing Airflow:

The outline for this document in GitHub is available at top-right corner button (with 3-dots and 3 lines).

Those are all of the available release management commands:

Breeze release management

Airflow release commands

Running airflow release commands is part of the release procedure performed by the release managers and it is described in detail in dev .

Preparing airflow packages

You can prepare airflow packages using Breeze:

breeze release-management prepare-airflow-package

This prepares airflow .whl package in the dist folder.

Again, you can specify optional --package-format flag to build selected formats of airflow packages, default is to build both type of packages sdist and wheel.

breeze release-management prepare-airflow-package --package-format=wheel
Breeze release-management prepare-airflow-package

Preparing airflow tarball

You can prepare airflow source tarball using Breeze:

breeze release-management prepare-airflow-tarball

This prepares airflow -source.tar.gz package in the dist folder.

You must specify --version flag which is a pre-release version of Airflow you are preparing the tarball for.

breeze release-management prepare-airflow-tarball --version 2.8.0rc1
Breeze release-management prepare-airflow-tarball

Start minor branch of Airflow

When we create a new minor branch of Airflow, we need to perform a few maintenance tasks. This command automates it.

breeze release-management create-minor-branch
Breeze release-management create-minor-branch

Start release candidate process

When we prepare release candidate, we automate some of the steps we need to do.

breeze release-management start-rc-process
Breeze release-management start-rc-process

Start release process

When we prepare final release, we automate some of the steps we need to do.

breeze release-management start-release
Breeze release-management start-rc-process

Generating airflow core Issue

You can use Breeze to generate a airflow core issue when you release new airflow.

Breeze generate-issue-content-core

Preparing Python Clients

The Python client source code can be generated and Python client packages could be built. For that you need to have python client's repository checked out

breeze release-management prepare-python-client --python-client-repo ~/code/airflow-client-python

You can also generate python client with custom security schemes.

These are all of the available flags for the command:

Breeze release management prepare Python client

Releasing Production images

The Production image can be released by release managers who have permissions to push the image. This happens only when there is an RC candidate or final version of Airflow released.

You release "regular" and "slim" images as separate steps.

Releasing "regular" images:

breeze release-management release-prod-images --airflow-version 2.4.0

Or "slim" images:

breeze release-management release-prod-images --airflow-version 2.4.0 --slim-images

By default when you are releasing the "final" image, we also tag image with "latest" tags but this step can be skipped if you pass the --skip-latest flag.

These are all of the available flags for the release-prod-images command:

Breeze release management release prod images

Adding git tags for providers

This command can be utilized to manage git tags for providers within the airflow remote repository during provider releases. Sometimes in cases when there is a connectivity issue to Github, it might be possible that local tags get created and lead to annoying errors. The default behaviour would be to clean such local tags up.

The flag --clean-local-tags can be used to delete the local tags.

However, If you want to disable this behaviour, set the envvar CLEAN_LOCAL_TAGS to false or use the --no-clean-local-tags flag.

breeze release-management tag-providers

These are all of the available flags for the tag-providers command:

Breeze release management tag-providers

Helm Chart release commands

Preparing helm chart tarball

You can prepare helm chart source tarball using Breeze:

breeze release-management prepare-helm-chart-tarball

This prepares helm chart -source.tar.gz package in the dist folder.

You must specify --version and --version-suffix flags that specify which version of Helm Chart you are preparing the tarball for.

breeze release-management prepare-helm-chart-tarball --version 1.12.0 --version-suffix rc1
Breeze release-management prepare-helm-chart-tarball

Preparing helm chart package

You can prepare helm chart package and optionally sign it using Breeze:

breeze release-management prepare-helm-chart-package

This prepares helm chart .tar.gz package in the dist folder.

breeze release-management prepare-helm-chart-package --sign
Breeze release-management prepare-helm-chart-package

Generating helm chart Issue

You can use Breeze to generate a helm chart issue when you release new helm chart.

Breeze generate-issue-content-helm-chart

Provider release commands

Preparing provider release is part of the release procedure by the release managers and it is described in detail in dev .

Preparing provider documentation

You can use Breeze to prepare provider documentation.

The below example perform documentation preparation for provider packages.

breeze release-management prepare-provider-documentation

You can also add --answer yes to perform non-interactive build.

Breeze prepare-provider-documentation

Preparing provider packages

You can use Breeze to prepare provider packages.

The packages are prepared in dist folder. Note, that this command cleans up the dist folder before running, so you should run it before generating airflow package below as it will be removed.

The below example builds provider packages in the wheel format.

breeze release-management prepare-provider-packages

If you run this command without packages, you will prepare all packages, you can however specify providers that you would like to build. By default both types of packages are prepared ( wheel and sdist, but you can change it providing optional --package-format flag.

breeze release-management prepare-provider-packages google amazon

You can see all providers available by running this command:

breeze release-management prepare-provider-packages --help
Breeze prepare-provider-packages

Installing provider packages

In some cases we want to just see if the provider packages generated can be installed with airflow without verifying them. This happens automatically on CI for sdist pcackages but you can also run it manually if you just prepared provider packages and they are present in dist folder.

breeze release-management install-provider-packages

You can also run the verification with an earlier airflow version to check for compatibility.

breeze release-management install-provider-packages --use-airflow-version 2.4.0

All the command parameters are here:

Breeze install-provider-packages

Verifying provider packages

Breeze can also be used to verify if provider classes are importable and if they are following the right naming conventions. This happens automatically on CI but you can also run it manually if you just prepared provider packages and they are present in dist folder.

breeze release-management verify-provider-packages

You can also run the verification with an earlier airflow version to check for compatibility.

breeze release-management verify-provider-packages --use-airflow-version 2.4.0

All the command parameters are here:

Breeze verify-provider-packages

Generating Providers Metadata

The release manager can generate providers metadata per provider version - information about provider versions including the associated Airflow version for the provider version (i.e first airflow version released after the provider has been released) and date of the release of the provider version.

These are all of the available flags for the generate-providers-metadata command:

Breeze release management generate providers metadata

Generating Provider Issue

You can use Breeze to generate a provider issue when you release new providers.

Breeze generate-issue-content-providers

Cleaning up of providers

During the provider releases, we need to clean up the older provider versions in the SVN release folder. Earlier this was done using a script, but now it is being migrated to a breeze command to ease the life of release managers for providers. This can be achieved using breeze release-management clean-old-provider-artifacts command.

These are all available flags of clean-old-provider-artifacts command:

Breeze Clean Old Provider Artifacts

Constraints management

Generating constraints

Whenever pyproject.toml gets modified, the CI main job will re-generate constraint files. Those constraint files are stored in separated orphan branches: constraints-main, constraints-2-0.

Those are constraint files as described in detail in the ../../../contributing-docs/12_airflow_dependencies_and_extras.rst#pinned-constraint-files contributing documentation.

You can use breeze release-management generate-constraints command to manually generate constraints for all or selected python version and single constraint mode like this:


In order to generate constraints, you need to build all images with --upgrade-to-newer-dependencies flag - for all python versions.

breeze release-management generate-constraints --airflow-constraints-mode constraints

Constraints are generated separately for each python version and there are separate constraints modes:

  • 'constraints' - those are constraints generated by matching the current airflow version from sources
    and providers that are installed from PyPI. Those are constraints used by the users who want to install airflow with pip.
  • "constraints-source-providers" - those are constraints generated by using providers installed from current sources. While adding new providers their dependencies might change, so this set of providers is the current set of the constraints for airflow and providers from the current main sources. Those providers are used by CI system to keep "stable" set of constraints.
  • "constraints-no-providers" - those are constraints generated from only Apache Airflow, without any providers. If you want to manage airflow separately and then add providers individually, you can use those.

These are all available flags of generate-constraints command:

Breeze generate-constraints

In case someone modifies pyproject.toml, the scheduled CI Tests automatically upgrades and pushes changes to the constraint files, however you can also perform test run of this locally using the procedure described in the Manually generating image cache and constraints which utilises multiple processors on your local machine to generate such constraints faster.

This bumps the constraint files to latest versions and stores hash of pyproject.toml. The generated constraint and pyproject.toml hash files are stored in the files folder and while generating the constraints diff of changes vs the previous constraint files is printed.

Updating constraints

Sometimes (very rarely) we might want to update individual packages in constraints that we generated and tagged already in the past. This can be done using breeze release-management update-constraints command.

These are all available flags of update-constraints command:

Breeze update-constraints

You can read more details about what happens when you update constraints in the Manually generating image cache and constraints

Other release commands

Publishing the documentation

To publish the documentation generated by build-docs in Breeze to airflow-site, use the release-management publish-docs command:

breeze release-management publish-docs

The publishing documentation consists of the following steps:

  • checking out the latest main of cloned airflow-site
  • copying the documentation to airflow-site
  • running post-docs scripts on the docs to generate back referencing HTML for new versions of docs
breeze release-management publish-docs <provider id>

Where provider id is a short form of provider name.

breeze release-management publish-docs amazon

The flag --package-filter can be used to selectively publish docs during a release. The filters are glob pattern matching full package names and can be used to select more than one package with single filter.

breeze release-management publish-docs "apache-airflow-providers-microsoft*"
breeze release-management publish-docs --override-versioned

The flag --override-versioned is a boolean flag that is used to override the versioned directories while publishing the documentation.

breeze release-management publish-docs --airflow-site-directory

You can also use shorthand names as arguments instead of using the full names for airflow providers. To find the short hand names, follow the instructions in :ref:`generating_short_form_names`.

The flag --airflow-site-directory takes the path of the cloned airflow-site. The command will not proceed if this is an invalid path.

When you have multi-processor machine docs publishing can be vastly sped up by using --run-in-parallel option when publishing docs for multiple providers.

These are all available flags of release-management publish-docs command:

Breeze Publish documentation

Adding back referencing HTML for the documentation

To add back references to the documentation generated by build-docs in Breeze to airflow-site, use the release-management add-back-references command. This is important to support backward compatibility the airflow documentation.

You have to specify which packages you run it on. For example you can run it for all providers:

release-management add-back-references --airflow-site-directory DIRECTORY all-providers

The flag --airflow-site-directory takes the path of the cloned airflow-site. The command will not proceed if this is an invalid path.

You can also run the command for apache-airflow (core documentation):

breeze release-management publish-docs --airflow-site-directory DIRECTORY apache-airflow

Also for helm-chart package:

breeze release-management publish-docs --airflow-site-directory DIRECTORY helm-chart

You can also manually specify (it's auto-completable) list of packages to run the command for including individual providers - you can mix apache-airflow, helm-chart and provider packages this way:

breeze release-management publish-docs --airflow-site-directory DIRECTORY apache.airflow apache.beam google

These are all available flags of release-management add-back-references command:

Breeze Add Back References

SBOM generation tasks

Maintainers also can use Breeze for SBOM generation:

Breeze sbom

Generating Provider requirements

In order to generate SBOM information for providers, we need to generate requirements for them. This is done by the generate-providers-requirements command. This command generates requirements for the selected provider and python version, using the airflow version specified.

Breeze generate SBOM provider requirements

Generating SBOM information

Thanks to our constraints captured for all versions of Airflow we can easily generate SBOM information for Apache Airflow. SBOM information contains information about Airflow dependencies that are possible to consume by our users and allow them to determine whether security issues in dependencies affect them. The SBOM information is written directly to docs-archive in airflow-site repository.

These are all of the available flags for the update-sbom-information command:

Breeze update sbom information

Build all airflow images

In order to generate providers requirements, we need docker images with all airflow versions pre-installed, such images are built with the build-all-airflow-images command. This command will build one docker image per python version, with all the airflow versions >=2.0.0 compatible.

Breeze build all airflow images

Exporting SBOM information

The SBOM information published on our website can be converted into a spreadsheet that we are using to analyse security properties of the dependencies. This is done by the export-dependency-information command.

Breeze sbom export dependency information

Next step: Follow the Advanced Breeze topics to learn more about Breeze internals.

Preparing airflow Task SDK packages

You can prepare airflow packages using Breeze:

breeze release-management prepare-task-sdk-package

This prepares airflow Task SDK .whl package in the dist folder.

Again, you can specify optional --package-format flag to build selected formats of the Task SDK packages, default is to build both type of packages sdist and wheel.

breeze release-management prepare-task-sdk-package --package-format=wheel
Breeze release-management prepare-task-sdk-package