Releases: jpaulm/javafbp-websockets
Releases · jpaulm/javafbp-websockets
Changed coding of Maven dependencies
Simplified coding of Maven dependencies in build.gradle
Changes made to put on Maven
v1.2.1 Don't know where the extra directory came from!
HTML5 files can now send multiple messages in single substream
HTML5 files can now send multiple messages in single substream
Passing substream brackets to onmessage in client code; clearing container on open bracket
Passing substream brackets to onmessage in client code; clearing container on open bracket
Use Java-WebSocket 1.3.0 from Maven
Obtain Java-WebSocket 1.3.0 from Maven - see #1
Changed qualifier jpmorrsn to jpaulmorrison
Changed qualifier jpmorrsn to jpaulmorrison; javafbp version no. updated to 4.1.0
Move JavaFBP jar file name to input field, instead of IIP
The test case will take the JavaFBP jar file name from an input field in chatx.html, rather than from a network IIP. This means the test can be run using only jar files, without requiring Eclipse.
Add options to WebSocketSimProc
complist and namelist options now both work - see Readme for instructions on testing