- #6900: feature: Add
- Add
- #6899: fix: Update isSelfAsserted method in funding and fix NPE in peer review
- Update isSelfAsserted method in funding and fix NPE in peer review
- #6898: Fix NPE when checking for the peer review source
- #6897: 8716 source sorting option
- #6895: feature: Add sorting by source functionality to funding and works
- Update comparator class to not be static so we can assign an orcid id every time the comparator class its generated
- Sort by source unit test
- Add sorting by source functionality to funding and works
- #6896: Self asserted activities should not have the green check on the summary
- #6892: fix: Validate that availability and documentStyle exist
- Validate if urlType its not null
- Validate that availability and documentStyle are included
- #6890: 8831 tech send spam notification to the spam channel collab spam reports
- #6889: Update support url
- #6888: Stage name is NONE_PLANNED
- #6886: Added the code to send the slack alert to dedicated channel, increased the number of threads for the sched task pool
- #6887: If a record was member created and the member added activities to it …
- #6885: Remove the integration if it is not in one of the desiered stages
- #6884: Leave only the following status: In Development, Complete, Certified …
- #6883: fix: Use distinction start date as an end data for sorting if exists
- Use distinction start date as an end data for sorting if exists
- #6875: Added user_obo_enabled column to dw_client_details view
- #6878: Deactivate endpoint should return the email in a json object
- #6877: Remove tokens from cache
- #6876: Remove token from cache when it is revoked
- Sort professional activities by end date in summary endpoint
- #6873: send-deactivate-account.json should be a POST action, since we are as…
- #6871: Fixed the s3 auth , code formatting
- #6870: fix: Sort affiliations by created date
- Fix test errors caused by adding more affiliations in test data
- Sort affiliations by created date
- #6837: Add Redis cache to store the tokens
- #6847: notify.orcid.org and verify.orcid.org should be not reply addresses
- #6859: Changed the translation for email.common.warm_regards key
- #6846: Ror to fundref ringgold mapping
- #6757: Bump jettison from 1.5.1 to 1.5.4 in /orcid-core
- #6863: fix: Add commonName and reference in ExternalIdentifiersSummary
- #6867: Bump socket.io-parser from 4.2.2 to 4.2.4 in /orcid-web/src/main/webapp/static/javascript/ng1Orcid
- #6853: Fixed the bug when the grouping is undone for an existing Fundref that has been updated in Fundref registry
- Add commonName and reference in ExternalIdentifiersSummary
- #6869: fix: Remove duplicated email in claim reminder email
- Remove duplicated email in claim reminder email
- #6866: Refactoring of the autospamcli so it can be run as scheduled or manual cli
- #6865: Added pre tag to fix the new lines in the email footer
- #6864: Transifex
- #6861: Fix jackson problem
- #6860: fix: Remove indentation added in ftl email locked
- Remove indentation added in ftl email locked
- #6857: fix: Count only default affiliation group
- Count only default affiliation group
- #6858: Remove the extra space between the Orcid team and the link
- #6856: fix: Remove field from response if its private
- Remove field from response if its private
- #6855: fix: Fix summary peer reviews count
- Fix summary peer reviews count
- #6854: Added a line break in the emails footer
- #6852: feature: Add production script one trust
- Add production script one trust
- #6851: fix: Rename variables in summary endpoint
- Rename variable in summary endpoint
- #6850: fix: Remove duplicated footer in locked email
- Remove duplicated email
- #6849: Fix more tests
- #6848: Check the source of the element based on the source ids and not the name
- #6845: fix: Remove extra content set to one trust link
- Remove extra content set to one trust link
- #6844: fix: Add status and fix organization name
- Add status and fix organization name
- #6838: 8734 update the registry emails to remove links to the support team emails and forms
- Remove empty white space
- Fix typos and add missing paragraphs
- Rollback loced orcid email
- #6842: For ISSN loading, use the table id to iterate over the existing list …
- #6841: EThOS description had a typo and said 'Peristent' instead of 'Persist…
- #6840: fix: Remove duplicated attribute and fix organization name
- Remove duplicated attribute and fix organization name
- #6839: style: fix a tags color
- #6835: Update emails notifications
- Refactor deactivate email
- Update emails notifications
- #6836: fix: One trust style on print preview
- One trust style on print preview
- #6834: ETHOS to be case sensitive
- #6833: fix: NPE and compare if its self asserted or validated work or funding
- Replace incorrect variables
- NPE and compare if its self asserted or validated work or funding
- #6831: 8682 trust summary json format
- Only get summary if record is not deprecated
- Update dates format
- Add new endpoint
- #6832: fix: Rollback ot
- Rollback ot
- #6830: fix: Temporarily remove onetrust
- Temporarily remove onetrust
- #6829: 8659 access the onetrust widget through a link in the site footer
- Remove duplicated links
- Add link back and fix styles
- #6828: Added the config to group/re-index all ROR, removed ringgold references
- #6827: Use mainTitle and fallback to name, do not update if nothing changes
- #6826: feature: Enable language detection in onetrust
- Enable language detection in onetrust
- #6825: fix: Temporarily remove onetrust
- #6824: fix: Temporarily remove onetrust link from footer
- #6821: leo/8661-account-developer-tools
- Temporarily remove onetrust
- Temporarily remove onetrust link from footer
- #6824: fix: Temporarily remove onetrust link from footer
- Temporarily remove onetrust link from footer
- #6821: leo/8661-account-developer-tools
- #6823: Make the orgs indexing batch configurable
- #6820: Added the check for affiliations before locking records
- #6819: feature: Remove old banner and add one trus to index and link to footer
- Remove old banner and add one trus to index and link to footer
- #6816: Use REMOVED org status to remove RINGGOLD orgs from the index
- #6822: Add a property to indicate if a record should have the noindex metatag
- #6817: fix: Rollback clientId in ApplicationSummary
- Rollback clientId in ApplicationSummary
- #6815: Create a csv file with the Ringgold to RORs ids
- #6814: feature: Update
Contact us
toContact Support
in footer
- Update
Contact us
toContact Support
in footer
- #6813: Do not include ringgold in ORG grouping
- #6812: feature: Refactor
endpoint and remove unneces…
- Replace label for scope type
- Refactor
endpoint and remove unnecessary data
- #6810: Remove RINGGOLD from the orgs query
- #6811: check if the profile has an auth token
- #6809: feature: Add professional activities togglz
- Add professional activities togglz
- #6794: Changes to cli to support sending notification emails and only lock unverified, unlocked records
- #6807: Redirect to the root endpoint with path /oauth/token
- #6803: Transifex
- #6801: fix/update-node-version
- #6798: 8625 awstechtogglz redirect token endpoint in puborcidorg to the root endpoint
- #6800: Remove all togglz that have to do with the angular pages
- all multiple prs to be merged at the same time
- inject version into cache key to allow for only tagging changes