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Restart Crashed Apps with Monit

Note: Much of this example comes from the tutorial by Digital Ocean, node-monit by Nico Kaiser.


Install using apt-get.

$ sudo apt-get install monit

The config file is called monitrc and it is located in /etc/monit. Let's open this file.

$ sudo vim /etc/monit/monitrc

Notice towards the top the set daemon 120 property. This property instructs monit how often it should check-on services. The number is in seconds, so 120 equals 2 minutes.

set daemon 120            # check services at 2-minute intervals

To enable http access to monit status and summaries, uncomment the first couple lines for the httpd service. I discovered this is mandatory, even when using the command line to check monit status and summary.

set httpd port 2812 and
    use address localhost  # only accept connection from localhost
    allow localhost        # allow localhost to connect to the server and

Restart monit. Always use the service method to start, stop or restart monit instead of sudo monit stop all or sudo monit start all. You will get errors for the latter commands.

$ sudo service monit restart

View status.

$ sudo monit status

The Monit daemon 5.6 uptime: 3m 

System 'svr1'
  status                            Running
  monitoring status                 Monitored
  load average                      [0.52] [0.48] [0.46]
  cpu                               2.3%us 0.3%sy 0.0%wa
  memory usage                      3687284 kB [11.2%]
  swap usage                        0 kB [0.0%]
  data collected                    Sun, 12 Oct 2014 21:18:30

View summary.

$ sudo monit summary

The Monit daemon 5.6 uptime: 4m 

System 'svr1'              Running

The monit log file can be found in /var/log/monit.log.

View using web

Ubuntu server installs w3m as the default text-based web-browser. View in w3m:

$ w3m http://localhost:2812

If the server has a desktop GUI installed (eg Gnome or KDE), open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:2812. You should see something like the following:

Results of monit after first startup

Configuration examples

Let's first create the monit for nginx.

$ sudo vim /etc/monit/conf.d/nginx


check process nginx with pidfile /var/run/
    start program = "/etc/init.d/nginx start"
    stop program = "/etc/init.d/nginx stop"

Now a monit for our node-app process.

Create the file.

$ sudo vim /etc/monit/conf.d/node-app 


check node-app with pidfile /var/run/
start program = "/etc/init.d/node-app start"
stop program = "/etc/init.d/node-app stop"

if failed port 1337 protocol HTTP request / with timeout 10 seconds then restart
if 3 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout

Restart monit.

$ sudo service monit restart

Show a summary of what is being monitored by command (see below) or refresh your monit web page to view the new items monitored.

$ sudo monit summary

The Monit daemon 5.6 uptime: 1d 1h 33m 

Process 'node-app'         Running
Process 'nginx'            Running
System 'svr1'              Not monitored

Note: See monit wiki for a list of configurations to common services.

$ sudo monit status | less

The Monit daemon 5.6 uptime: 1d 1h 33m 

Process 'node-app'
  status                            Running
  monitoring status                 Monitored
  pid                               2619
  parent pid                        1
  uptime                            1d 1h 32m 
  children                          1
  memory kilobytes                  2000
  memory kilobytes total            19416
  memory percent                    0.0%
  memory percent total              0.0%
  cpu percent                       0.0%
  cpu percent total                 0.0%
  port response time                0.001s to localhost:1337/ [HTTP via TCP]
  data collected                    Sat, 25 Oct 2014 11:06:56

Process 'nginx'
  status                            Running
  monitoring status                 Monitored
  pid                               2607
  parent pid                        1
  uptime                            1d 1h 32m 
  children                          4
  memory kilobytes                  1376
  memory kilobytes total            9076
  memory percent                    0.0%
  memory percent total              0.0%
  cpu percent                       0.0%
  cpu percent total                 0.0%
  data collected                    Sat, 25 Oct 2014 11:06:56

System 'svr1'
  status                            Not monitored
  monitoring status                 Not monitored
  data collected                    Fri, 24 Oct 2014 09:34:38

Stop-Start services using monit commands

Stop a service.

$ sudo monit stop node-app

View summary.

$ sudo monit summary
The Monit daemon 5.6 uptime: 1d 1h 38m 

Process 'node-app'                  Not monitored
Process 'nginx'                     Running
System 'svr1'                       Not monitored

Start node-app.

$ sudo monit start node-app

View summary.

$ sudo monit summary
The Monit daemon 5.6 uptime: 1d 1h 40m 

Process 'node-app'                  Initializing
Process 'nginx'                     Running
System 'svr1'                       Not monitored

Initializing will show until monit checks on its status. Our daemon is set to refresh its checks every 2 minutes. After 2 minutes, we see the updated summary.

$ sudo monit summary
The Monit daemon 5.6 uptime: 1d 1h 40m 

Process 'node-app'                  Running
Process 'nginx'                     Running
System 'svr1'                       Not monitored

Testing if monit detects service stoppage

Stop one of the monitored services, like nginx or node-app and wait for monit to restart it.

Stop nginx.

$ sudo service nginx stop

Wait 2 minutes.

View the end of the monit log for when it restarted nginx.

$ tail -n 100 /var/log/monit.log | less

[CDT Oct 12 23:32:29] error    : 'nginx' process is not running
[CDT Oct 12 23:32:29] info     : 'nginx' trying to restart
[CDT Oct 12 23:32:29] info     : 'nginx' start: /etc/init.d/nginx
[CDT Oct 12 23:34:29] info     : 'nginx' process is running with pid 1058