Releases: jrossignol/ContractConfigurator
Releases · jrossignol/ContractConfigurator
Contract Configurator 1.23.3
- Recompile for KSP 1.3.1
- Improved display of HasAntenna parameter ratings (thanks Kerbas-ad-astra).
- Fixed logic for determining contract prestige (thanks sopindm).
- Fixed previously unlocked parts being re-locked if player tries to buy a science node they don't have sufficient funds for (thanks inigma).
- Fixed issue using DATA_EXPAND with values that had special characters in them. Fixes interop issues between CatEye and Other Worlds Planet pack (thanks Chemox).
Contract Configurator 1.23.2
- Clarified wording of ActiveVesselRangeRequirement for RemoteTech (thanks Alshain).
- Added check for old usage of partModuleType=Power (thanks muppet9876).
- Prevent Rendezvous parameter from completing when doing an EVA (thanks pap1723).
- Don't allow main menu to continue while still loading (prevents issues on slower systems).
- Made RemoteTech distance function (for coverage system) more generous (thanks NathanKell).
- Fixed issue with Kerbals spawned at KSC starting an extra ~60 meters in the air (thanks Keniamin).
- Fixed error when cancelling a contract with spawned Kerbals.
- Fixed exception with FlyBy and ReturnFromFlyBy requirements.
- Properly fixed Facility requirement in the tracking station (thanks Kerbas_ad_astra).
- Fixed NRE from struts breaking (thanks Alshain).
- Fixed multiple exceptions when using Sigma Binary (thanks Rodger).
Contract Configurator 1.23.1
- Fixed major bug with VisitWaypoint not properly setting waypoint distances (thanks Keniamin and others).
- Fixed issue with FacilityRequirement in tracking station (thanks JPLRepo).
- Fixed issue where some requirement details weren't being saved in contracts.
- Fixed localisation issue with character names in dialog boxes.
- Fixed exception when pressing orbit buttons in tracking station (thanks doktorstick).
Contract Configurator 1.23.0
- Support for KSP 1.3.0
- Fix issue with contract item sizes not always being set correctly in mission control when switching tabs.
- Fixed "input is null" error in Docking parameter (thanks linuxgurugamer).
- Fixed to not generate contracts without parameters (thanks severedsolo).
- Fixed Sigma Dimensions compatibility issue with atmosphere height (thanks pap1723 and Sigma88).
Contract Configurator 1.22.2
- Fix possible argumentOfPeriapsis issue (thanks Intrepidrd).
Contract Configurator 1.22.1
- Fixed issue with vessel identifier parsing introduced in 1.22.0 (thanks Li0n).
Contract Configurator 1.22.0
- Added HasAntenna parameter (thanks Kerbas-ad-astra).
- Added Vessel.AntennaTransmitPower() and Vesse.AntennaRelayPower() (thanks Kerbas-ad-astra).
- Contract weights for celestial bodies are now set by Contract Configurator (affecting the likelihood of stock contracts generating for the given body).
- Added minArgumentOfPeriapsis and maxArgumentOfPeriapsis to Orbit parameter.
- Added horizontalDistance to VisitWaypoint.
- Make references to 'Sun' generic in SolarScience.cfg to fix Galileo compatibility (thanks SirBriguy).
- Added Sun() function to get the Sun in a non-name specific way. Assumes a single star.
- Change enum parse to be case insensitive.
- Change Vessel Identifier parsing to allow a wider range of characters.
- Fixed format text for funding message in mission control (thanks JPLRepo).
- Fixed issue with NextUnreachedBody() call caching results (thanks severedsolo).
Contract Configurator 1.21.0
- Found new workaround for GetExportedTypes reflection issue (the "toolbar" issue).
- Added NextUnreachedBody() and NextUnreachedBodies() methods.
- Added Part.MassDry() and Part.MassWet() methods.
- Added CelestialBody.CanHaveSynchronousOrbit() method.
- Recompile Kerbal Konstructs integration.
- Fixed contract window text not updating for dynamic text (duration timers, etc.).
Contract Configurator 1.20.3
- Regenerate biome data for KSP 1.2 biomes (fixes Field Research "Rare Science" contracts, thanks FlatEric).
- Added RemoteTech integration back in.
- Fixed issue with nested contract groups not working (thanks jeisen).
Contract Configurator 1.20.2
- Support for KSP 1.2
- Allow contract title in mission control to span two lines.
- Moved settings into stock settings screen.
- Fixed NRE when vessel's Landed At string is null (thanks SamLex).
- Check for sufficient funds when there are negative contract advances (thanks 5thHorseman).
- Fixed display issue with partially complete CollectScience parameters.