An app that helps users create itineraries for their vacations.
- Katie Goines (katiegoines)
- Cole Herzer (coleherzer)
- Philip Karz (philipkarz)
- Jason Rouse (jrrouse88)
(including outside APIs)
User Stories:
Data Models:
Presentation Deck:
Your team must:
- Come up with an idea as a team, and confirm the idea with an instructor to make sure it's challenging enough as well as within the scope of the allowed time.
- Document your app's RESTful API.
- Craft thoughtful user stories together, as a team, and manage and distribute those user stories to team members based on skills and interests using Trello.
- Manage team contributions and collaboration using Git, GitHub and a standard team work-flow.
- Present the app at the end of the sprint as a team.
- Perform a team-wide retro and at least one code-review after the completion of the sprint.
Your app must:
- Use MongoDB & Express to CRUD your data.
- Produce a RESTful API that exposes at least one model.
- Consume its own API using AJAX if there's a single page application component to it.
- Authenticate users using at least one OAuth provider.
- Restrict access to the Creation, Updating & Deletion of resource(s) using an authorization middleware function.
- Be deployed online using Heroku.