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File metadata and controls

96 lines (70 loc) · 2.78 KB

Steps to setup a new Linux computer

  1. Clone dotfiles to ~/gitRepos
  2. Softlink add2dotf and symlndotf to .local/bin


  1. Install antibody (either through AUR or command line)
  2. Remove oh-my-zsh's .zshrc
  3. symlndotf the .zshrc file and .config/zsh/zshPluginList
  4. Source .zshrc and run antibody_bundle_loadfile
  5. Download starship to .local/src/starship (MUSL version if on remote system) and symlink to .local/bin
  6. Source .zshrc again
    • Everything should now be running normally


  1. Load git repository to ~/.local/src/fzf
  2. Install using ~/.local/src/fzf/install --xdg
  3. Symlink .config/fzf/fzf.zsh


  1. Install pip if not already
  2. Run pip install --user ranger-fm
  3. If you get curses module not found error, try with Python 2.7


  1. Install neovim
    • Can be either through package manager or appimage from neovim website
    • Also install python neovim package
    • Place appimage/expanded appimage into .local/src/nvim
  2. Install vim-plug
  3. symlndotf the whole .config/nvim
  4. Start neovim
  5. Run :PlugInstall


  1. symlndotf .config/git/gitconfig
  2. git config --global include.path '~/.config/git/gitconfig'

ssh-agent systemd service

  1. symlndotf .config/systemd/user/ssh-agent.service
  2. cd ~/.config/systemd/user
  3. systemctl --user enable ssh-agent
  4. systemctl --user start ssh-agent
  5. Prepend AddKeysToAgent yes to ~/.ssh/config (assuming the option is valid for the version of ssh installed)


  1. Run command line from odrive sync agent webpage
  2. symlink odrive from $HOME/.odrive-agent
  3. Create/symlink start_odrive shell script
  4. Follow online instructions for settings up authentication keys


  1. Run installer script (or get from AUR)
  2. Symlink .condarc


  1. Install via aur
  2. Login and sync
  3. Add ZotFile, zotero-shortdoi, zutilo, and zotero-better-bibtex
  4. Setup quick copy as a Zotero context menu item (via Zutilo settings)


  1. Install it
  2. Install the settings-sync extension
  3. Log into the settings sync extension and download settings
  4. (Possibly?) Need to add TeXLive to path in .profile to make it behave

Manjaro i3 GUI themes

  1. Kvantum (Qt): KvOxygen
  2. In .config/gtk-3.0, set gtk-theme-name=Clearlooks
  3. Adjust masterpdfeditor4 to default look
  4. Mouse pointer is "Aidwta" or "X11 Default Black" (as found on KDE or Gnome stores)


  • Simply use Manjaro's install script install_pulse


  • Enable redshift via it's systemd service. After installing from AUR,
  1. systemctl --user enable redshift-gtk
  2. systemctl --user start redshift-gtk

Note this means that systemd will restart Redshift if it is killed. You must stop the systemd service to turn it off correctly.