#Chop ?
I <3 Backbone object model https://gist.github.com/2287018, but sometimes i need it without Backbone. Then i've created Chop, an object model Backbone-flavored.
I've cribbed the Backbone object model ;)
#How to ?
##Class , constructor & static members
var Human = Chop.extend({ //instance members
name : "John Doe",
constructor : function (name) {
if(name) this.name = name;
hello : function () {
console.log("Hello i am ", this.name);
},{ //class members
counter : 0,
getCounter : function () { return Human.counter; },
incrementCounter : function () { Human.counter+=1; }
##Inheritance & super
var Hero = Human.extend({
constructor : function (name, nickName) {
Hero.__super__.constructor.call(this, name);
this.nickName = nickName;
hello : function () {
console.log("My Hero name is", this.nickName);
##Use it with html
<script src="chop.js"></script>
##Run it
var john = new Human();
var bob = new Human("Bob Morane");
console.log(Human.getCounter(), " Humans");
var clark = new Hero("Clark Kent", "Super Man");
console.log(Human.getCounter(), " Humans");
Hello i am John Doe
Hello i am Bob Morane
2 ' Humans'
3 ' Humans'
Hello i am Clark Kent
My Hero name is Super Man
##Use it with NodeJS
var Chop = require('./chop');