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File metadata and controls

261 lines (204 loc) · 7.28 KB

The JSPM Generator API is the low-level core library for working with import map generation.

Usually, the generator is used indirectly through a wrapper project such as the JSPM CLI, Online Generator, CDN Generation API or an integration project.


JSPM Generator can be installed via npm:

npm install @jspm/generator

or it can be consumed via an import map directly in browsers or Deno.

JSPM Generator ships as an ES module package only.


The generator package exposes a Generator class, which is initialized with Generation Options.

Methods on the generator class apply install operations such as generator.install().

Extraction methods like getMap() are used to retrieve the final generated import map.

Static API functions are provided for stateless commands.

For comprehensive API documentation, select one of these APIs from the right-hand side documentation listing for further information.


The global provider can be configured by the defaultProvider generator option.

For multi-provider projects, scoped providers can be configured via the providers option.

Custom providers can be defined based on provider hooks.


For debugging, a logger is provided via generator.logStream:

const generator = new Generator();

(async () => {
  for await (const { type, message } of generator.logStream()) {
    console.log(`${type}: ${message}`);

Log events recorded include trace, resolve and install.

Note that the log messages are for debugging and not currently part of the semver contract of the project.

Alternatively set the environment variable JSPM_GENERATOR_LOG to enable default console logging.


Creating Import Maps

import { Generator } from '@jspm/generator';

const generator = new Generator({
  // The URL of the import map, for normalising relative URLs:
  mapUrl: import.meta.url,
  // The default CDN to use for external package resolutions:
  defaultProvider: 'jspm',
  // The environment(s) to target. Note that JSPM will use these to resolve
  // conditional exports in any package it encounters:
  env: ['production', 'browser', 'module'],

// Install the main entry point of the latest version of a package:
await generator.install('react-dom');

// Install a particular entry point of a package:
await generator.install('lit@2/decorators.js');
await generator.install({ target: 'lit@2', subpath: './html.js' });

// Install to a custom alias:
await generator.install({ target: 'react@16', alias: 'react16' });

// Install from a local package:
await generator.install({
  target: './packages/local-pkg',
  alias: 'mypkg'
  subpath: './feature',

// Output the import map:
console.log(JSON.stringify(generator.getMap(), null, 2));
  "imports": {
    "lit/decorators.js": "",
    "lit/html.js": "",
    "mypkg/feature": "./packages/local-pkg/feature.js",
    "react": "./local/react.js",
    "react16": "",
  "scopes": { ... }

Linking Local Dependencies

// file: ./mapping.js
import * as lit from 'lit';
// file: generate.js
import { Generator } from "@jspm/generator";

const generator = new Generator({
  mapUrl: import.meta.url,
  env: ['production', 'module', 'browser'],

console.log(JSON.stringify(generator.getMap(), null, 2));
  "imports": {
    "lit": ""
  "scopes": { ... }

Input Maps

An import map can be passed to the generator with the inputMap option, which will be used as the initial resolution solution. Further installs will use these resolutions where possible, like a lock file:

const generator = new Generator({
  env: ['production', 'module', 'browser'],
  inputMap: {
    "imports": {
      "react": ""
    "scopes": {
      "": {
        "object-assign": ""

await generator.install('lit');
console.log(JSON.stringify(generator.getMap(), null, 2));
  "imports": {
    "lit": "",
    "react": ""
  "scopes": { ... }


import { Generator } from '@jspm/generator';

const generator = new Generator({
  mapUrl: import.meta.url,
  env: ['production', 'browser', 'module'],
  defaultProvider: 'nodemodules',

// Assuming you have run 'npm install lit' in the same directory already:
await generator.install('lit');
console.log(JSON.stringify(generator.getMap(), null, 2));
  "imports": {
    "lit": "./node_modules/lit/index.js"
  "scopes": { ... }

HTML Injection

import { generator } from '@jspm/generator';

const generator = new generator({
  mapurl: import.meta.url,
  env: ['production', 'browser', 'module'],

console.log(await generator.htmlinject(`
  <!doctype html>
  <script type="module">import 'react'</script>
`, {
  trace: true,
  esmoduleshims: true
<!doctype html>
<!-- generated by @jspm/generator - -->
<script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script type="importmap">
  "imports": {
    "react": ""
<script type="module">import 'react'</script>

Module Preloading and Integrity

import { Generator } from '@jspm/generator';

const generator = new Generator({
  mapUrl: import.meta.url,
  env: ['production', 'browser', 'module'],
  inputMap: {
    imports: {
      react: "",

console.log(await generator.htmlInject(`<!doctype html>`, {
  esModuleShims: true,
  integrity: true,
  preload: true,
<!doctype html><!-- Generated by @jspm/generator - -->
<script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha384-R+gcUA3XvOcqevJ058aqe2+i0fMjGxEgXlstX2GcuHSwkr03d6+GPKDBbCTlt9pt"></script>
<script type="importmap">
  "imports": {
    "react": ""
<link rel="modulepreload" href="" integrity="sha384-i6bD4Fz1JxnWeeJ6W+zAMk/LgkWeHJ/B+22ykUkjaKgPupuM4UDtOU/2bSE8sEyC" />