Given a GPS coordinate anywhere on earth, we aim to find the nearest address by utilizing Nominatim. After a full Nominatim, we can the following script:
python --input_csv ../data/images/mp16/meta_mp16_train.csv --min_num_loc_total 50 --host <HOST> --port <PORT>
python --input_csv ../data/images/yfcc25600/meta_yfcc25600.csv --file_locations_filter ../data/semantic_partitioning/reverse_geocoding/locations_meta_mp16_train-min_50.feather --host <HOST> --port <PORT>
For our work, we use Nominatim V3.4.2 as geocoder and a planet-scale OpenStreetMap (OSM) dump from Mai, 2020. Source for reverse geocoding procedure is the MP-16 dataset comprising photos and respective GPS coordinates. Additionally, we provide the output for validation set (YFCC-Val26k).
The dataset is avalable at: The metadata (output of the reverse geocoding) of both datasets is licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) by the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF).
The postproccessed output of the reverse geocoding for each sample (image):
where h
holds the filtered address vector h_raw
as we only keep locations that occurs at least min_num_loc_total times.
For The MP-16 training dataset it was set to 50. The locations for validation are filtered according to the available locations of the training set.
Each unique location (joined osm_type and osm_id) contains additional metadata such as:
"id": "R4632581",
"osm_type": "R",
"osm_id": 4632581,
"geometry": "<shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon>",
"latitude_center": -16.3515846,
"longitude_center": 179.048837131356,
"category": "boundary",
"type": "administrative",
"admin_level": 4,
"rank_address": 8,
"isarea": true,
"name_en": "Northern",
"localname": "Northern",
"country_code": "fj",
"indexed_date": "2020-05-22T22:11:57+00:00",
"importance": 0.29157890191013,
"calculated_importance": 0.29157890191013,
"extratags": {"<...>"},
mkdir -p ../data/semantic_partitioning/reverse_geocoding
cd ../data/semantic_partitioning/reverse_geocoding
wget -O meta_mp16_train-min_50.jsonl.bz2
wget -O locations_meta_mp16_train-min_50.feather
wget -O meta_yfcc25600.jsonl.bz2
Original photos can be directly downloaded from Flickr utilizing a script from another repo.
Raw dataset visualization on the world map:
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
# one sample per line
df_dataset = pd.read_json("../data/semantic_partitioning/reverse_geocoding/meta_mp16_train-min_50.jsonl.bz2", orient="records", lines=True)
# metadata for each location including the geometry if available and its centroid
gdf_locations = gpd.read_feather("../data/semantic_partitioning/reverse_geocoding/locations_meta_mp16_train-min_50.feather)