This project was forked from et-slack-alerts
This is a timer-trigger based Azure Function App written in Python to monitor an Azure-based application for any given event (in our case, we focused on exceptions). If events have occurred, it will send alerts to a given slack channel.
The function is scheduled to run every 5 minutes (customisable) and performs the following tasks:
- Authenticates with an Azure Key Vault to retrieve relevant environment variables.
- Queries application insights to capture all log entries returned for a given query and timescale (both customisable).
- Filters unique operations (some log entries cover multiple operations, which can clutter up the returned logs.)
- Sends a second query to application insights to get the entire log history of a given operation.
- Builds a slack message containing a formatted table of unique event triggering operations in the given timeframe, with generated inline links to the relevant log histories.
- Sends a slack alert (via an environment variable-defined webhook url)
- Azure Functions Core Tools
- Python 3.7+
- Azure CLI
- Azurite (for local development)
- An Azure account/subscription
- An Azure Key Vault
- An Application Insights instance you want to monitor
This function requires several environment variables (defined within the given keyvault)
- An API key for your given app insights instance. You can obtain one of these via theAPI Access
section in the left hand side navigation of your Application Insights
- The 'Instrumentation Key' of the Application Insights instance. This can be found in the top part of the Overview section.slack-webhook-url
- A slack webhook URL for you to send messages to. For this part you will likely need to contact myself (@Danny on Slack) or a Slack administrator to get a custom slack 'app' set up. This is much more trivial than it sounds, a few clicks at most.tenant-id
- Standard for the entire organisation.resource-group-name
- The resource group name that the Application Insights instance is stored
- The name of the Application Insights instance.subscription-id
- The subscription id that the Application Insights instance is stored within.
az group create --name "finrem-slack-alerts" --location "uksouth"
az keyvault create --name "finrem-slack-alerts" --resource-group "finrem-slack-alerts"
az storage account create --name "finremslackalertsstorage" --location "uksouth" --resource-group "finrem-slack-alerts" --sku Standard_LRS
az functionapp create --resource-group "finrem-slack-alerts" --consumption-plan-location "uksouth" --runtime python --runtime-version 3.11 --functions-version 4 --name "finrem-slack-alerts" --os-type linux --storage-account "finremslackalertsstorage"
From the Azure portal:
- Navigate to the finrem-slack-alerts function app
- Settings -> Identity
- Select System Assigned
- Toggle Status on
- Save
From the Azure portal:
- Navigate to the finrem-slack-alerts key vault
- Access policies
- Create
From the Azure portal:
- Navigate to the finrem-slack-alerts function app
- Add tags
environment: staging
Application: financial-remedy
businessArea: CFT
ExpiresAfter: 3000-01-01
npm install -g azurite
"IsEncrypted": false,
"Values": {
"AzureWebJobsFeatureFlags": "EnableWorkerIndexing",
"AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true"
git clone
cd finrem-slack-alerts/alerts
<optionally install a virtual environment using e.g. venv>
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
First start Azurite in another tab
azurite --silent
Run the function
cd alerts
func start
cd alerts
az login
az account set --subscription "DCD-CFTAPPS-SBOX"
func azure functionapp publish finrem-slack-alerts