A collatz sequence, starting with a positive integern, is found by repeatedly applying the following function to n until n == 1 :
A more detailed description of the collatz conjecture may be found on Wikipedia.
The Problem
Create a function collatz
that returns a collatz sequence string starting with the positive integer argument passed into the function, in the following form:
Where Xi is each iteration of the sequence and N is the length of the sequence.
Sample Input
Input: 4
Output: "4->2->1"
Input: 3
Output: "3->10->5->16->8->4->2->1"
Don't worry about invalid input. Arguments passed into the function are guaranteed to be valid integers >= 1.
const collatz = n => {
const sequence = [n]
while (n !== 1) {
if (n % 2 === 0) {
n = n / 2
} else {
n = n * 3 + 1
return sequence.join('->')