yii2-sly-slider default options as defined in the source.
'widgetOptions' => [
'OnePerFrame' => 0, // One per frame mode.
// Item based navigation
'itemNav' => 'basic', // Item navigation type. `basic`, `centered`, `forceCentered`.
'smart' => 1, // Repositions the activated item to help with further navigation.
'activateOn' => 'click', // Activate an item on this event. Can be: 'click', 'mouseenter', ...
'activateMiddle' => 0, // forceCentered only. Always item in the middle of the FRAME.
// Scrolling
'scrollBy' => 1, // Pixels or items to move per one mouse scroll.
'scrollHijack' => 300, // Milliseconds since last wheel event after which it is global scroll.
'scrollTrap' => 0, // Don't bubble scrolling when hitting scrolling limits.
// Dragging
'mouseDragging' => 1, // Enable navigation by dragging the SLIDEE with mouse cursor.
'touchDragging' => 1, // Enable navigation by dragging the SLIDEE with touch events.
'releaseSwing' => 1, // Ease out on dragging swing release.
'swingSpeed' => 0.2, // Swing synchronization speed, 1 = instant, 0 = infinite.
'elasticBounds' => 1, // Stretch SLIDEE position limits when dragging past FRAME boundaries.
// Scrollbar
'dragHandle' => 1, // Whether the scrollbar handle should be draggable.
'dynamicHandle' => 1, // Scrollbar ratio between hidden and visible content.
'minHandleSize' => 50, // Minimal height or width of a handle in pixels.
'clickBar' => 1, // Enable navigation by clicking on scrollbar.
'syncSpeed' => 0.5, // SLIDEE synchronization speed, 1 = instant, 0 = infinite.
// Pagesbar
'activatePageOn' => 'click', // Event used to activate page. Can be' => click, mouseenter, ...
// Automated cycling
'cycleBy' => null, // Enable automatic cycling by 'items' or 'pages'.
'cycleInterval' => 5000, // Delay between cycles in milliseconds.
'pauseOnHover' => 1, // Pause cycling when mouse hovers over the FRAME.
'startPaused' => 0, // Whether to start in paused sate.
// Mixed options
'moveBy' => 300, // Speed in pixels per second used by forward and backward buttons.
'speed' => 300, // Animations speed in milliseconds. 0 to disable animations.
'easing' => 'easeOutExpo', // Easing for duration based (tweening) animations.
'startAt' => 0, // Starting offset in pixels or items.
'keyboardNavBy' => null, // Enable keyboard navigation by 'items' or 'pages'.
// Scroll Bar Navigation
'scrollBarActive' => 1, // Slide scroll bar `true` or `false`
'scrollBarPosition' => 'top', // Scroll bar position `top` or `bottom`
'scrollBarClass' => null, // Add custom class to scroll bar element
// Pages Bar Navigation
'pagesBarActive' => 1, // Slide pages bar `true` or `false`
'pagesBarPosition' => 'bottom',// Pages bar position `top` or `bottom`
'pagesBarClass' => null, // Add custom class to pages bar element
// Controls Navigation
'controlsActive' => 1, // Slide controls navigation `true` or `false`
'controlsType' => 'item', // Slide navigation mode `item`, `page`, `move`
'controlsClass' => null, // Slide navigation custom class
'controlsPrevText' => '<i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i>', // Navigation text label for prev
'controlsNextText' => '<i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i>', // Navigation text label for next