The BasicTable component is a slightly misnamed table component to handle displaying tabular data but also handles sorting, filtering and more.
Example usage:
const headers = [
content: 'Column 1',
columnSize: 3,
classes: ['class1', 'class2']
content: <span>Column 2</span>,
columnSize: 4
const rows = [
columns: [
content: <span>row 1 column 1</span>,
columnSize: 3,
classes: ['r1c1class1', 'r1c1class2']
content: 'row 1 column 2',
columnSize: 3
key: 'row-one-key'
columns: [
content: 'row 2 column 1',
columnSize: 7
key: 'row-two-key'
columns: [
content: 'row 3 column 1',
columnSize: 3
columnSize: 3
content: 0,
columnSize: 6
key: 'row-three-key'
<BasicTable headers={headers} rows={rows} />;