This software allows users to see their usual content on moblie devices coming out into their reality with the three dimensional visual orientation. Without buying a 3D TV, purchasing 3D produced films, wearing VR headset, or only see augumented reality in certain apps. AVR filter is a lightweight algorithm on mobile screens that runs across all platforms to bring the internet world into the real life.
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💻 Web Demo
🎥 Concept Video
⭐️ Official Website
✍🏻 Documentation
⚫️ The AVR Filter is currently under the proccess of provisional patent approval. All rights reserved.
⚫️ Web demo is free and open source
⚫️ The documentation is still work in progress
1️⃣ Virtual 3D Scene
📀 Youtube Test Mockup Here 📀
This is a virtual 3D scene with a YouTube UI Mockup. The color of the scene is distorted with the Anaglyph Effect, so users are able to see a 3D UI when they wear Anaglyph glasses
2️⃣ Video to 3D
Here are 3 film trailers you can watch in 3D with Anaglyph glasses. Each of these videos are running through the color distortion algorithm I made to stream in live with the anaglyph effect on broswer.
📀 "Repunzel" 📀![]()
📀 "Ratatouille" 📀![]()
📀 "Elemental" 📀![]()
3️⃣ PointCloud to 3D
🌸 PointCloud Garden 🌸
This demo converts pointcloud scene into anaglyph 3D in a digital space on broswer!![]()
4️⃣ Youtube in 3D
🗳️ YouTube Box 🗳️
This demo embeds Youtube in a 3D digital space with all youtube ui functional!![]()
AVR filter is a software that recolors and re-positions the pixels on users’ mobile devices to depict 3D illusions that is similar to the visual people see in theaters for 3D films. This product aims to bridge the gap between current 2D device users into familiarizing 3D interaction with their daily used software to migrate them into using 3D devices (VR headsets and AR glasses).
1. Three.js WebGL Environment & Anaglyph Effect
The original idea was to have the software picks every pixel on the screen and rearanges them. However since I had a hard time figuring out how to talk to the gpu of a laptop. I decided to re-create a digital 3D scene and set three cameras in different perspectives. Later, I re-color the picture taken from the cameras with the monochrome color (red & blue) to the individual camera and combine them together with shaders
const vertexSource = `
attribute vec3 color;
uniform float time;
uniform float size;
varying vec3 vColor;
varying float vGray;
void main() {
// To fragmentShader
vColor = color;
vGray = (vColor.x + vColor.y + vColor.z) / 23.0;
//original is divided by 3
// Set vertex size
gl_PointSize = size * vGray * 1.0;
//original point size is 3
// gl_PointSize = size;
// Set vertex position
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position,1.0);
const fragmentSource = `
varying vec3 vColor;
varying float vGray;
void main() {
float gray = vGray;
// Decide whether to draw particle
if(gray > 0.9){
gray = 0.0;
gray = 5.0;
// Set vertex color
gl_FragColor = vec4(vColor, gray);
function drawParticles(t){
// Update particle info
if (particles) {
const imageData = getImageData(video);
const length = particles.geometry.attributes.position.count;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i+=1) {
const index = i * 4;
const r =[index]/255;
const g =[index+1]/255;
const b =[index+2]/255;
const gray = (r+g+b) / 3;
particles.geometry.attributes.position.setY( i , gray*10);
particles.geometry.attributes.color.setX( i , r);
particles.geometry.attributes.color.setY( i , g);
particles.geometry.attributes.color.setZ( i , b);
particles.geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true;
particles.geometry.attributes.color.needsUpdate = true;
3. Perception Sliders
The effectiveness of the anaglyph effect depends on:
⚫️ how close the pixels are closer to the camera,
⚫️ camera angle,
⚫️ the gap between the pixels,
⚫️ the complexity of the image currently showing.
In order to have all these settings avaliable at all times, I made them into sliders and placed them on the bottom of the website; therefore the user can always adjust it to their best viewing experiences.
I see this project as an attempt of XR - extended reality. I wanted to allow the digital creature who lives freely under the logic of the computer come into this physical world. This action of having things that live digitally exist in the physical world has always been my focus. Therefore, the next couple steps will be:
- find a way to run object detection live
- find a way to generate depth map live
- invent a way to do it 3D without glasses
I'm currently under the process of registering a provisional patent, so I can find investor who is willing to work on this with me...
💻 Three.js Anaglyph Library
💻 Three.js Facemesh
Dr. Jingyun Wang
Daniel Shiffman
Shanwn Van Every
Nima Niazi
Austen Li
Mickey Oh