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Releases: junegunn/fzf


14 Oct 17:06
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  • (Experimental) Added support for Kitty image protocol in the preview window (currently not supported on Windows)

    fzf --preview='
      if file --mime-type {} | grep -qF image/; then
        # --transfer-mode=memory is the fastest option but if you want fzf to be able
        # to redraw the image on terminal resize or on "change-preview-window",
        # you need to use --transfer-mode=stream.
        kitty icat --clear --transfer-mode=memory --stdin=no --place=${FZF_PREVIEW_COLUMNS}x${FZF_PREVIEW_LINES}@0x0 {} | sed \$d
        bat --color=always {}
  • (Experimental) --listen server can report program state in JSON format (GET /)

    # fzf server started in "headless" mode
    fzf --listen 6266 2> /dev/null
    # Get program state
    curl localhost:6266 | jq .
    # Increase the number of items returned (default: 100)
    curl localhost:6266?limit=1000 | jq .
  • --listen server can be secured by setting $FZF_API_KEY environment

    export FZF_API_KEY="$(head -c 32 /dev/urandom | base64)"
    # Server
    fzf --listen 6266
    # Client
    curl localhost:6266 -H "x-api-key: $FZF_API_KEY" -d 'change-query(yo)'
  • Added toggle-header action

  • Added mouse events for --bind

    • scroll-up (bound to up)
    • scroll-down (bound to down)
    • shift-scroll-up (bound to toggle+up)
    • shift-scroll-down (bound to toggle+down)
    • shift-left-click (bound to toggle)
    • shift-right-click (bound to toggle)
    • preview-scroll-up (bound to preview-up)
    • preview-scroll-down (bound to preview-down)
    # Twice faster scrolling both in the main window and the preview window
    fzf --bind 'scroll-up:up+up,scroll-down:down+down' \
        --bind 'preview-scroll-up:preview-up+preview-up' \
        --bind 'preview-scroll-down:preview-down+preview-down' \
        --preview 'cat {}'
  • Added offset-up and offset-down actions

    # Scrolling will behave similarly to CTRL-E and CTRL-Y of vim
    fzf --bind scroll-up:offset-up,scroll-down:offset-down \
        --bind ctrl-y:offset-up,ctrl-e:offset-down \
  • Shell extensions

    • Updated bash completion for fzf options
    • bash key bindings no longer requires perl; it will use awk or mawk
      instead if perl is not found
    • Basic context-aware completion for ssh command
    • Applied --scheme=path for better ordering of the result
  • Bug fixes and improvements


14 Jun 15:42
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  • Added new info style: --info=right
  • Added new info style: --info=inline-right
  • Added new border style thinblock which uses symbols for legacy computing one eighth block elements
    • Similarly to block, this style is suitable when using a different background color because the window is completely contained within the border.
    • This style may not render correctly depending on the font and the terminal emulator.
    • thinblock
      • BAT_THEME=GitHub fzf --info=right --border=thinblock --preview-window=border-thinblock \
            --margin=3 --scrollbar=▏▕ --preview='bat --color=always --style=numbers {}' \
    • block
      • BAT_THEME=GitHub fzf --info=right --border=block --preview-window=border-block \
            --margin=3 --scrollbar=▌▐ --separator=━ --preview='bat --color=always --style=numbers {}' \


27 May 06:57
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  • Fixed a bug where preview window is not updated when --disabled is set and
    a reload is triggered by change:reload binding


25 May 15:32
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  • Added color name preview-border and preview-scrollbar

  • Added new border style block which uses block elements

  • --scrollbar can take two characters, one for the main window, the other
    for the preview window

  • Putting it altogether:

    fzf-tmux -p 80% --padding 1,2 --preview 'bat --style=plain --color=always {}' \
        --color 'bg:237,bg+:235,gutter:237,border:238,scrollbar:236' \
        --color 'preview-bg:235,preview-border:236,preview-scrollbar:234' \
        --preview-window 'border-block' --border block --scrollbar '▌▐'
  • Bug fixes and improvements


30 Apr 17:12
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  • Added zero event that is triggered when there's no match
  • New actions
    • Added track action which makes fzf track the current item when the
      search result is updated. If the user manually moves the cursor, or the
      item is not in the updated search result, tracking is automatically
      disabled. Tracking is useful when you want to see the surrounding items
      by deleting the query string.
      # Narrow down the list with a query, point to a command,
      # and hit CTRL-T to see its surrounding commands.
      export FZF_CTRL_R_OPTS="
        --preview 'echo {}' --preview-window up:3:hidden:wrap
        --bind 'ctrl-/:toggle-preview'
        --bind 'ctrl-t:track+clear-query'
        --bind 'ctrl-y:execute-silent(echo -n {2..} | pbcopy)+abort'
        --color header:italic
        --header 'Press CTRL-Y to copy command into clipboard'"
    • Added change-header(...)
    • Added transform-header(...)
    • Added toggle-track action
  • Fixed --track behavior when used with --tac
    • However, using --track with --tac is not recommended. The resulting
      behavior can be very confusing.
  • Bug fixes and improvements


02 Apr 14:37
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  • Added one event that is triggered when there's only one match
    # Automatically select the only match
    seq 10 | fzf --bind one:accept
  • Added --track option that makes fzf track the current selection when the
    result list is updated. This can be useful when browsing logs using fzf with
    sorting disabled.
    git log --oneline --graph --color=always | nl |
        fzf --ansi --track --no-sort --layout=reverse-list
  • If you use --listen option without a port number fzf will automatically
    allocate an available port and export it as $FZF_PORT environment
    # Automatic port assignment
    fzf --listen --bind 'start:execute-silent:echo $FZF_PORT > /tmp/fzf-port'
    # Say hello
    curl "localhost:$(cat /tmp/fzf-port)" -d 'preview:echo Hello, fzf is listening on $FZF_PORT.'
  • A carriage return and a line feed character will be rendered as dim ␍ and
    ␊ respectively.
    printf "foo\rbar\nbaz" | fzf --read0 --preview 'echo {}'
  • fzf will stop rendering a non-displayable character as a space. This will
    likely cause less glitches in the preview window.
    fzf --preview 'head -1000 /dev/random'
  • Bug fixes and improvements


15 Feb 14:27
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  • New actions
    • become(...) - Replace the current fzf process with the specified command using execve(2) system call.
      See for more information.
      # Open selected files in Vim
      fzf --multi --bind 'enter:become(vim {+})'
      # Open the file in Vim and go to the line
      git grep --line-number . |
          fzf --delimiter : --nth 3.. --bind 'enter:become(vim {1} +{2})'
      • This action is not supported on Windows
    • show-preview
    • hide-preview
  • Bug fixes
    • --preview-window 0,hidden should not execute the preview command until toggle-preview action is triggered


24 Jan 13:18
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  • Added a way to customize the separator of inline info
    fzf --info 'inline: ╱ ' --prompt '' --color prompt:bright-yellow
  • New event
    • focus - Triggered when the focus changes due to a vertical cursor
      movement or a search result update
      fzf --bind 'focus:transform-preview-label:echo [ {} ]' --preview 'cat {}'
      # Any action bound to the event runs synchronously and thus can make the interface sluggish
      # e.g. lolcat isn't one of the fastest programs, and every cursor movement in
      #      fzf will be noticeably affected by its execution time
      fzf --bind 'focus:transform-preview-label:echo [ {} ] | lolcat -f' --preview 'cat {}'
      # Beware not to introduce an infinite loop
      seq 10 | fzf --bind 'focus:up' --cycle
  • New actions
    • change-border-label
    • change-preview-label
    • transform-border-label
    • transform-preview-label
  • Bug fixes and improvements


16 Jan 16:51
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  • Added --listen=HTTP_PORT option to start HTTP server. It allows external
    processes to send actions to perform via POST method.
    # Start HTTP server on port 6266
    fzf --listen 6266
    # Send actions to the server
    curl localhost:6266 -d 'reload(seq 100)+change-prompt(hundred> )'
  • Added draggable scrollbar to the main search window and the preview window
    # Hide scrollbar
    fzf --no-scrollbar
    # Customize scrollbar
    fzf --scrollbar ┆ --color scrollbar:blue
  • New event
    • Added load event that is triggered when the input stream is complete
      and the initial processing of the list is complete.
      # Change the prompt to "loaded" when the input stream is complete
      (seq 10; sleep 1; seq 11 20) | fzf --prompt 'Loading> ' --bind 'load:change-prompt:Loaded> '
      # You can use it instead of 'start' event without `--sync` if asynchronous
      # trigger is not an issue.
      (seq 10; sleep 1; seq 11 20) | fzf --bind 'load:last'
  • New actions
    • Added pos(...) action to move the cursor to the numeric position
      • first and last are equivalent to pos(1) and pos(-1) respectively
      # Put the cursor on the 10th item
      seq 100 | fzf --sync --bind 'start:pos(10)'
      # Put the cursor on the 10th to last item
      seq 100 | fzf --sync --bind 'start:pos(-10)'
    • Added reload-sync(...) action which replaces the current list only after
      the reload process is complete. This is useful when the command takes
      a while to produce the initial output and you don't want fzf to run against
      an empty list while the command is running.
      # You can still filter and select entries from the initial list for 3 seconds
      seq 100 | fzf --bind 'load:reload-sync(sleep 3; seq 1000)+unbind(load)'
    • Added next-selected and prev-selected actions to move between selected
      # `next-selected` will move the pointer to the next selected item below the current line
      # `prev-selected` will move the pointer to the previous selected item above the current line
      seq 10 | fzf --multi --bind ctrl-n:next-selected,ctrl-p:prev-selected
      # Both actions respect --layout option
      seq 10 | fzf --multi --bind ctrl-n:next-selected,ctrl-p:prev-selected --layout reverse
    • Added change-query(...) action that simply changes the query string to the
      given static string. This can be useful when used with --listen.
      curl localhost:6266 -d "change-query:$(date)"
    • Added transform-prompt(...) action for transforming the prompt string
      using an external command
      # Press space to change the prompt string using an external command
      # (only the first line of the output is taken)
      fzf --bind 'space:reload(ls),load:transform-prompt(printf "%s> " "$(date)")'
    • Added transform-query(...) action for transforming the query string using
      an external command
      # Press space to convert the query to uppercase letters
      fzf --bind 'space:transform-query(tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]" <<< {q})'
      # Bind it to 'change' event for automatic conversion
      fzf --bind 'change:transform-query(tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]" <<< {q})'
      # Can only type numbers
      fzf --bind 'change:transform-query(sed "s/[^0-9]//g" <<< {q})'
    • put action can optionally take an argument string
      # a will put 'alpha' on the prompt, ctrl-b will put 'bravo'
      fzf --bind 'a:put+put(lpha),ctrl-b:put(bravo)'
  • Added color name preview-label for --preview-label (defaults to label
    for --border-label)
  • Better support for (Windows) terminals where each box-drawing character
    takes 2 columns. Set RUNEWIDTH_EASTASIAN environment variable to 1.
    • On Vim, the variable will be automatically set if &ambiwidth is double
  • Behavior changes
    • fzf will always execute the preview command if the command template
      contains {q} even when it's empty. If you prefer the old behavior,
      you'll have to check if {q} is empty in your command.
      # This will show // even when the query is empty
      : | fzf --preview 'echo /{q}/'
      # But if you don't want it,
      : | fzf --preview '[ -n {q} ] || exit; echo /{q}/'
    • double-click will behave the same as enter unless otherwise specified,
      so you don't have to repeat the same action twice in --bind in most cases.
      # No need to bind 'double-click' to the same action
      fzf --bind 'enter:execute:less {}' # --bind 'double-click:execute:less {}'
    • If the color for separator is not specified, it will default to the
      color for border. Same holds true for scrollbar. This is to reduce
      the number of configuration items required to achieve a consistent color
    • If follow flag is specified in --preview-window option, fzf will
      automatically scroll to the bottom of the streaming preview output. But
      when the user manually scrolls the window, the following stops. With
      this version, fzf will resume following if the user scrolls the window
      to the bottom.
    • Default border style on Windows is changed to sharp because some
      Windows terminals are not capable of displaying rounded border
      characters correctly.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements


18 Nov 11:45
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  • Fixed a bug where fzf with --tiebreak=chunk crashes on inverse match query
  • Fixed a bug where clicking above fzf would paste escape sequences