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Emit Single 'move' Event Instead of Separate 'add' and 'remove' Events When Moving Cells in JupyterLab #16648

chanhee-park opened this issue Aug 7, 2024 · 0 comments


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chanhee-park commented Aug 7, 2024


When moving a cell in JupyterLab, the system emits separate add and remove events sequentially instead of a single move event. According to the defined specification, it should emit a move event to better track cell movements.


  1. Create and activate the JupyterLab extension using the code provided below.
  2. Open a notebook in JupyterLab.
  3. Add some cells.
  4. Move a cell to a different position within the notebook.
  5. Check the console log for emitted events and observe the add and remove events.
// Extension code:
import { JupyterFrontEnd, JupyterFrontEndPlugin } from '@jupyterlab/application';
import { INotebookTracker } from '@jupyterlab/notebook';

async function activate(_app: JupyterFrontEnd, notebookTracker: INotebookTracker): Promise<void> {
  notebookTracker.currentChanged.connect((_, notebookPanel) => {
    if (notebookPanel?.model?.cells) {
      notebookPanel.model.cells.changed.connect((cells, changed) => {
        console.log('changed.type:', changed.type);

const plugin: JupyterFrontEndPlugin<any> = {
  id: 'cell-tracker',
  requires: [INotebookTracker],
  autoStart: true,
  activate: activate,

export default [plugin] as JupyterFrontEndPlugin<any>[];

Expected behavior

When a cell is moved, a single move event should be emitted instead of separate add and remove events. The move event should have the following structure:

  type: 'move',
  oldIndex: fromIndex,
  newIndex: toIndex,
  oldValues: values,
  newValues: values


Operating System and version: macOS Ventura 13.6.7
Browser and version: Google Chrome 127.0.6533.88
JupyterLab version: 4.2.3

Troubleshoot Output
[notice] A new release of pip is available: 24.0 -> 24.2
[notice] To update, run: pip install --upgrade pip



3.10.11 (v3.10.11:7d4cc5aa85, Apr 4 2023, 19:05:19) [Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.30)]



which -a jupyter:






pip list:

Package Version Editable project location

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@jupyterlab-probot jupyterlab-probot bot added the status:Needs Triage Applied to new issues that need triage label Aug 7, 2024
@chanhee-park chanhee-park changed the title Emit Single Move Event Instead of Separate Add and Remove Events When Moving Cells in JupyterLab Emit Single 'move' Event Instead of Separate 'add' and Remove Events When Moving Cells in JupyterLab Aug 7, 2024
@chanhee-park chanhee-park changed the title Emit Single 'move' Event Instead of Separate 'add' and Remove Events When Moving Cells in JupyterLab Emit Single 'move' Event Instead of Separate 'add' and 'remove' Events When Moving Cells in JupyterLab Aug 7, 2024
@JasonWeill JasonWeill added enhancement bug and removed bug status:Needs Triage Applied to new issues that need triage enhancement labels Aug 13, 2024
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