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#Getting Started with DVisual

1.add the dvisual.js in your html file:

<script type="text/javascript" src="dvisual.js"></script>

2.create a DVisual instance by pass the id of canvas (a string):

dvisual = new DVisual('canvas_id'); you can create some dvisual graph elements by pass the argument.

args = {'X':["ClassA","ClassB","ClassC","ClassD"]
bar = new DVBarChart(args); you can add the chart elements into the dvisual and draw it.

dvisual.draw(); will get an image like this:


6.there are more arguments can configure the style of paiting,you can find it from the API doc.

#Class Formate Guide dvisual offer some basic graph elements like DVDot(),DVRect(),DVLine(),DVSector() etc.they are used to build the chart you used,but there is not need for you to use them.

the most commonly used DVisual graph elements are:


it's the chart that we used at the first of the tutorial.we passed two member in the args,'X' and 'Y',in most of class in DVisual,'X' indicate the component related to the X-axe,in this case it's the bars' other chart,X can also be the value in X-axe.

DVBarChart alse offer the 'stacked' bar chart,now the 'Y' is useless,becaues stacked bar chart need more data to support,it needs stackedY,stackedClass,stackedColor members in args,it will be easy to know there function by an example.

args = {'X':["bar1","bar1","bar3"],
		'stackedColor':[new DVColor(55,185,241,0.5),new DVColor(207,231,62,0.5)]}



a multiple version of bar chart,which means you can assign more bars for a x-label, now we use Ys to pass the values,[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] means 2 x-label,each label have 3 bars.Z to pass different kinds of bar's name,you can set there color by pass colors,otherwise random colors.

args = {'X':["A",'B'],'Ys':[[3,2,4],[5,7,8]],'Z':["first","second","third"]}
dvisual.addElement(new DVMulBarChart(args));



DVLineChart can show dot,line,area and bubble chart,and the first three chart can be drawed simultaneously by set the style like dot|line,the arguments in args are intuitive,X indicate the x value for all node,Y for y is a basic example:

divisual.addElement(new DVLineChart({'X':[1,2,3,4,5,6],


we can see the red dots and the lines connect them, the default color is we change the style to dot|line|area,we can get the area chart with dots and line.


as to the bubble chart,of course the need pass the third degree data,bubbleRadius,set the style to bubble:

divisual.addElement(new DVLineChart({'X':[1,2,3,4,5,6],'Y':[1,2,3,4,5,6],



DVMulLineChart is a extension of Line Chart,similar to the MulBarChart,the arguments now we need are Xs and Ys,if you want to draw bubble,Zs is also needed,classes is a list of string indicate different kind of dot/line/area/bubble,here is a example:

dvisual.addElement(new DVMulLineChart({'Xs':[[1,-2,3,4,5,6],[1,2,3,4,5,6]],


we haven't set the color,so it's random,you can set it by pass colors an Array of : the O's coordinates is not (0,0),you must notice that we draw two red line to figure out the zero value.


DVHistChart draw the histogram chart,it's a statistic chart for a set of data,so we just need a seires value by pass X an Array,and you can pass the sec for the segment length otherwise we will auto-calculate it.yStyle mean the style on y-axes,"percentage" or "value" you can is an example:

dviusal.addElement(new DVHistChart( {'X':[4.845526425588935, 4.259344936827764, 3.8098053040235538, 1.952000211472447, 4.635797415383389, 4.024019790968537, 3.3602908242946734, 5.904528760874355, 4.198898591038685, 3.590128975916881, 4.332713128186926, 3.1865396813511784, 2.5162865661667198, 4.712821025260148, 3.71360994330834, 3.8493524061913744, 3.7159258918857536, 5.51399789047954, 3.6300232108929382, 3.545076471891732, 3.0676446553817147, 3.2444930114999093, 3.5479330646839933, 4.976746738515327, 3.9332813190873934, 5.006312033998867, 3.404727953308918, 3.5033407619438233, 3.079551989356432, 3.8632840581876042, 3.157986089467415, 3.4195326824382866, 3.8080356643280124, 2.957309227091329, 4.118392736251364, 3.6411410599078917, 3.7624757886685964, 4.8647889699576226, 5.21796736714372, 3.976067213322964, 5.126928746440573, 3.974656703704623, 3.233580498913617, 4.395312593899124, 4.068962687058488, 3.891929789953702, 4.469243993566407, 4.334454703693426, 3.9209889294562856, 3.4434304992247453, 4.497549493028219, 3.416343894896489, 4.665283209646114, 4.680609105269387, 4.983997832840491, 3.6712180044043317, 3.265064804033842, 3.4698542145767295, 3.600410757683259, 3.258705331315113, 3.4711330714824475, 5.850035283124024, 4.4280162444420395, 2.9032881754752737, 3.8438971175165753, 4.876106607781984, 2.558687703308084, 3.5013932005344044, 3.5555419525521454, 5.1907150725045845, 4.011722379620389, 3.527897189378135, 4.10495828533477, 6.62176464809461, 4.2726902430636144, 3.900071148628866, 2.575252541466217, 5.328266087881893, 2.5589399335225336, 5.724120236174612, 4.4515392634560085, 4.7151321389757594, 2.8531894976428953, 3.4703243319242265, 2.2640882905146724, 5.0719845838182795, 3.574145032952119, 4.477360695988922, 5.779618114520955, 4.456319741265055, 3.8274174274387756, 6.050865845999171, 5.286157426108568, 4.197556181625366, 3.2386132037552726, 4.409816073319034, 4.225877761979799, 5.313407146149141, 5.042124222577709, 3.979632468039347],


if we set the 'sec':0.5,'yStyle':'percentage',we can get the image like this:



the data we need is intuitive,'X' is a list of string indicate each sector's name,'Y' contains their values,the style of DVPieChart decide the text in the sector,'empty','showPercentage' or 'showtext',if you want to 'showtext',you need pass the 'text' argument a list of string too.another argument 'colors',use it as in other is an example:

dvisual.addElement(new DVPieChart({'X':["ClassA","ClassB","ClassC","ClassD"],


another piechart is DVAreaPieChart(),all the arguments are same with DVPieChart(),but draw the pie in another style:

dvisual.addElement(new DVAreaPieChart({'X':["ClassA","ClassB","ClassC","ClassD","ClassE","ClassF"],


to get a Donut chart,you can set the ring_ratio indicate the inner empty core's radius ratio of the outer circle,for example:

dvisual.addElement(new DVPieChart({'X':["ClassA","ClassB","ClassC","ClassD"],



radar chart is a useful chart when you want to judge two kind of object in more than 3 arguments,let's see what we need:

  1. the objects' names:it's 'X',an Array(string);

  2. the arguments' names:it's 'arguments',an Array(string);

  3. each object's value on each arugument,it's 'Y',an Array(Array(double))

  4. the maxium of argument('argmax'),minium of argument('argmin'),0 and 10 in default.

  5. colors:random in default.

here is an example :

dvisual.addElement(new DVRadarChart({'X':["ClassA","ClassB"],



The Box Chart is another chart show some statistical value for the data,the input is also intuitive,'X' means each box's name,'Ys' contains the set of data for each box,It's easy for us to build an box chart as below and judge different data,include the median,Quartile,Bounds and can also pass the 'colors' for each box,of course,random in default.

dvisual.addElement(new DVBoxChart({'X':["ClassA","ClassB","ClassC"],


##DVDendrogram() The Dendrogram chart can intepret a tree ,for example a hierarchical clustering result,the most important you should pass is the 'tree' elements,an array contains the structure of tree,["A",["B","C"]] for can determined the base elements' style by pass the 'style' with 'text' or 'bubble',you can also appoint the bubble's color by pass the 'color' argument.

dvisual.addElement(new DVDendrogram({'style':'bubble','tree':[["A",[[["S",[[[[[["A","B"],"B"],"B"],"B"],"B"],"TM"]],"VB"],"ASD"]],["B","C"]]}))


##DVCircleConnectChart() Sometime we want to show some nodes' connecting relationships,so the DVCircleConnectChart will be pass the 'nodes' and 'edges' to this DVisual element,you can get a well organized picture,more optinal arguments can make the chart more is an example.

dvisual.addElement(new DVCircleConnectChart({'nodes':["AAAA","BBBB","CCCC","DDDD","EEEE","FFFF","GGGGGGG","HHHH","IIII","JJJJ","KKKK",'LLLL','MMMM','NNNN','OOOO','PPPP','QQQQ','RRR','SSS','TTT','UUU','VVV','WWW','XXX','YYY','ZZZ',"AAAA","BBBB","CCCC","DDDD","EEEE","FFFF","GGGGGGG","HHHH","IIII","JJJJ","KKKK",'LLLL','MMMM','NNNN','OOOO','PPPP','QQQQ','RRR','SSS','TTT','UUU','VVV','WWW','XXX','YYY','ZZZ']
								,'edges':getMulRandomtuple(51,50) //random data
								,'edgesValue':getMulRandomSet(10,50) //random data
								,'lineWidth':2 // maxium curve width.
								,'CurveColor':new DVColor(14,110,179) //color of the curve


##DVParallelCoordinate() the Parallel Coordinate plot is also a very important chart to show high-dimension data,the input format is also intuitive,'arguments' is an array of each feature,'Xs' is an two dimensional array and Xs[0] indicate the first data which length is same as the arguments.length,to project the specific data,you can appoint the 'ColorPattern',the format is [[DVColor1,indexs1,indexs2...],[DVColor2,indexs11,indexs12...]],the color of appointed index data will be the DVColor at the first position of the is an example

dvisual.addElement(new DVParallelCoordinate({'Xs':getMulRandomMatrix(20,100,5) //random data
									'ColorPattern':[[new DVColor(255,0,0,0.8),36],[new DVColor(15,38,237,0.8),6]]}));


##DVGraph() You may have used Gephi which is used to visualize Complex Network,the network actually is a graph,which become more and more useful nowadays,the social network,the finance network and so on.the most important arguments for a graph is node and edges,so you need pass through the 'nodes' (an array of strings indicate the nodes' name)and 'edges'(an array of tuple,which is in [start_node_index,end_node_index] format),'color' is also useful for the nodes and 'style' is 'directed' or 'undirected'.finally the DVGraph() will ignore the self-connecting edges.the layout algorithm is Fruchterman and Reingold Algorithm.

dvisual.addElement(new DVGraph({'nodes':["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","Ns","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"],
						'color':new DVColor(111,111,111),
						'ColorPattern':[[new DVColor(255,0,0,1),1,16,7]]}))
