#UI mediation sucks. Mediate behaviours, not views.
This example is an overview of using the Robotlegs Variance Utility to provide mediation against interfaces (behaviours), rather than concrete classes.
##Third party dependencies
##Usage instructions In Flashbuilder or IntelliJ, create a new project from the cloned source, and add the 3 SWC dependencies.
##Build instructions To build on your machine via Maven. Follow these steps:
Ensure Maven 3.0.3 + is installed
Install local dependencies (add them to your local repository)
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=libs/robotlegs-framework-1.5.2.swc -DgroupId=org.robotlegs -DartifactId=robotlegs-framework -Dversion=1.5.2 -Dpackaging=swc
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=libs/robotlegs-utilities-variance-1.1.swc -DgroupId=org.robotlegs -DartifactId=robotlegs-utilities-variance -Dversion=1.1 -Dpackaging=swc
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=libs/as3-signals-0.9-BETA.swc -DgroupId=org.osflash -DartifactId=as3-signals -Dversion=0.9-BETA -Dpackaging=swc
mvn clean install