Implements feature hashing, also known as the hashing trick, a fast and space-efficient way of vectorizing features. Converts tokenized strings in to a sparse feature vector.
npm install hashingtrick.js --save
var featureHashing = require('hashingtrick.js');
var featureHasher = featureHashing.newFeatureHasher(18); // Feature vector will be 2^18 elements
var stringsToHash = ['hello', 'world'];
// Hash n-grams
stringsToHash.forEach(function(str){ featureHasher.add(str); });
console.log('sparseFeatureVector =', featureHasher.sparseFeatureVector());
console.log('sparseLength =', featureHasher.sparseLength());
console.log('length =', featureHasher.length());
console.log('fillRatio =', featureHasher.fillRatio());
console.log('collisions =', featureHasher.collisions());
console.log('collisionRatio =', featureHasher.collisionRatio());
console.log('valueCount =', featureHasher.valueCount());
// -- Output --
// sparseFeatureVector = { '13799': 1, '247186': 1 }
// Stats:
// sparseLength = 2
// length = 262144
// fillRatio = 131072
// collisions = 0
// collisionRatio = 0
// valueCount = 2
npm test
- 1.0.0 Initial release