很多论文之间重合度较高,精读其中一篇即可,更多论文只是帮助拓展下思路。 这里会把博客未覆盖的论文简单总结下, 不过这里的论文我也只是泛泛读了下,要是有错漏之处,请指出~
1. Plan-and-Solve Prompting: Improving Zero-Shot Chain-of-Thought Reasoning by Large Language Models
zero-shot版本的Least-to-Most。用以下Prompt激活模型先分解问题再解决问题的能力:Let's first understand the problem and devise a plan to solve the problem. Then, let’s carry out the plan and solve the problem step by step
和Least-to-Most问题分解的思路类似,Decomposer few-shot prompt把问题分解成几个子问题,提出了层次化和递归的问题分解方案。
自动化构建COT few-shot样本的方案。先论证了few-shot使用和问题相关且多样的样本效果更好。自动化方案如下
- 第一步使用SentenceBert对问题进行编码并聚类
- 第二步每个cluster中从类中心向外遍历Question并使用zero-shot-COT自动生成推理,如果推理满足筛选条件(步数<=5,token<=60)则使用该指令样本来代表cluster 之后直接使用以上生成的cluster样本来作为few-shot-cot
- 结论1:更难(推理步骤更多)的few-shot样本效果更好,不好计算推理步数的样本可以用问题长度来替代。
- 结论2:推理时更多推理步数的思维链(感觉应该是没有跳过部分推理更合理些,因为有些时候模型会跳过中间推理步骤)和self-consistency联合使用效果更好
类似半监督的方案,利用模型自己生成COT,然后不断迭代进行COT微调,来优化模型COT的效果,具体流程 step1. few-shot-cot让模型对一个无标注数据集生成COT推理,只保留推理结果正确的样本,因为正确的样本COT的质量更高 step2. 利用第一步生成的cot样本对模型微调,然后用微调后的模型对数据集生成新的COT重复第一步 第一步第二步不断迭代,每次微调都是从头训练。同时针对模型无论如何都不能回答对的问题,可以通过加入Hint的方式让模型反推出正确COT。 我还好奇Hint的prompt模板长啥样子,结果多项选择问题作者直接在正确答案后面写了个CORRECT哈哈哈,在指令微调时会把Hint丢掉。 其实就是半监督+主动学习的思路
【关联:The CoT Collection等COT微调方案】
同STaR是COT微调方案,不过是使用Self-Consistency来生成COT样本。 同时和Specializing Smaller Language Models towards Multi-Step Reasoning相同论文采用了多种COT样本格式,包括few-shot-COT, zero-shot-cot等等,来避免模型对样本格式过拟合。
【关联:SelfConsistency, STaR】
使用大模型作为外挂知识库,先使用领域知识构建指令微调样本,再进行大模型微调,然后使用模型生成回答context,再基于Context让GPT回答。 哈哈但是在业界使用大家可不看回答准确率,使用外挂搜索和知识库的引用那是为了给用户检(甩)验(锅)真理的机会! 不过感觉这个思路可以替代一些传统槽位填充的方案
2.IRCOT: Interleaving Retrieval with Chain-of-Thought Reasoning for knowledge Intensive Multi-Step Question
加入外部知识抽取,抽取+COT推理交替进行。近似于只有信息抽取动作的ReACT。适用于多步推理需要依赖上一步信息获取和回答的场景例如多跳QA。Retriver先抽取K个相关文档作为Context生成COT,每次只取第一步推理,并使用该推理作为query获取更多上下文加入已有上下文。 但是这种pipeline的方案在业界可行度不高,毕竟latency很难接受。
【关联:multi-step 开放域QA的一些其他方案例如SelfASk,ReAct,DecomP】
把ReACT这类pipeline链式的调用方案,既后一步推理依赖前一步推理+工具调用+调用返回的方案,改成了利用LLM的推理能力一次性模拟生成所有推理和调用步骤[Planer],并发调用所有工具[worker]. 然后基于planer部分生成的类似于槽位填充的分析模板,把worker工具调用的返回结果填充进去,让LLM生成回答。 节省LLM token调用的同时大大优化整体推理的延时。
Q: Roger has 5 tennis balls. He buys 2 more cans of
tennis balls. Each can has 3 tennis balls. How many
tennis balls does he have now?
A: Roger started with 5 tennis balls.
tennis_balls = 5
2 cans of 3 tennis balls each is
bought_balls = 2 * 3
tennis balls. The answer is
answer = tennis_balls + bought_balls
和PAL相似,不过在单一类型代码的基础上进行了拓展,支持更多的符号化表达。在思维链中加入符号化的执行命令。基于Prompt,让LM收到问题后,生成NL和SL交替出现的思维链,其中NL是问题拆解的自然语言语句和ReAct的Reason相同,SL则是任务相关的可执行工具调用命令。 和ReACT不同的是,工具的执行和生成工具调用拆分开了,在生成完整的思维链之后,才会统一执行所有的SL语句。在Math World Problem,MultiHop QA,PDDDL和Logical Inference上进行了测试。举个栗子
Q:If there are 3 cars in the parking lot and 2 more cars arrive, how many cars are in the parking lot?
# 1. How many cars are there in the beginning? (independent, support: ["there are 3 cars in the parking lot"])
n_cars_begin = 3
# 2. How many cars arrive? (independent, support: ["2 more cars arrive"])
n_cars_arrive = 2
# 3. Final answer: How many cars are in the parking lot? (depends on 1, 2)
n_cars_total = n_cars_begin + n_cars_arrive
【关联:ReAct,PAL 】
固定大模型优化检索器的方案,之前的检索器优化方向主要是相关性,既更准确的计算query和检索Document之间的相关性。论文提出针对大模型的解码,可以有 一个新的优化目标。就是检索到的文档,在输入大模型作为context后,应该使得模型生成文本序列的perplexity更低,要达成这个目标损失函数的构造如下
- 计算相似度分布:抽取TopK相关的文档,对K个文档相似度进行归一化
- 计算LM似然函数分布:每个文档作为context和query拼接,计算正确输出y的条件生成概率,把K个文档的条件生成概率进行归一化
- 计算损失函数: 检索器的训练目标是最小化相似度分布和LM似然函数分布的KL散度。既保证相似度更高的Document,能提升模型正确token的解码置信度。
谷歌2022年发表的语言模型工具使用的论文,算是ToolFormer的前辈。整体思路和toolformer很像,不过那时的模型能力跟不上。 一个可以借鉴的点是Self-play的样本生成方式,先标注少量的工具使用样本,微调模型,然后采样query,调用工具得到结果和模型输出,如果输出和标注相似,则保留样本。 然后基于补充的原本再微调模型,重复以上过程,使用了弱监督的训练方案。
8. Search-in-the-Chain: Towards Accurate, Credible and Traceable Large Language Models for Knowledge-intensive Tasks
Self Ask的复杂优化版本,还是思维链推理和搜索工具结合。主要目的是提高LLM在正确的位置,正确使用外部检索,避免错误的Information Retrival破坏思维链。
- 先用LLM直接生成全局推理的思维链(Chain-of-Query),其中每个节点都是一个QA对,推理对应的prompt如下
Construct a global reasoning chain for this complex [Question] : Where do greyhound buses that are in the birthplace of Spirit If...'s performer leave
from? You should generate a query to the search engine based on what you already know at each step of the reasoning chain, starting with [Query].
If you know the answer for [Query], generate it starting with [Answer].
You can try to generate the final answer for the [Question] by referring to the [Query]-[Answer] pairs, starting with [Final Content].
If you don't know the answer, generate a query to search engine based on what you already know and do not know, starting with [Unsolved Query].
For example:
[Question]: Where do greyhound buses that are in the birthplace of Spirit If...'s performer leave from?
[Query 1]: Who is the performer of Spirit If... ?
If you don't know the answer:
[Unsolved Query]: Who is the performer of Spirit If... ?
If you know the answer:
[Answer 1]: The performer of Spirit If… is Kevin Drew
- 然后遍历每个节点,引入IR搜索,针对LLM已经进行回答的节点的Q召回Top1的Document,然后引入一个在Open-Domain-QA上训练的MRC模型,基于Query和Document进行答案抽取,得到答案G。然后基于以下Prompt,使用LLM来对该节点的答案进行反思和校准。
continue constructing the reasoning chain for [Question]: Q. Reference: di
- 针对LLM没有回答也就是以上的“Unsolved Query”,同样是用MRC进行答案抽取,然后用以下prompt,让LLM把答案填充到对应位置
According to the Reference, the answer for qi, should be g∗, you can give your answer and continue constructing the reasoning chain for [Question]:
Q. Reference: ∗i .
【关联:React, SelfAsk】
LLM调度所有Huggingface的模型,重点在多模态交互,拓展性相对有限,完全基于In-Context prompt实现,准确率有天花板,分成以下4个步骤
- 任务规划:基于用户的指令,LLM理解后解析成一系列子任务对应的模型调用列表,包括调用的模型,调用依赖,调用顺序,和输入
Query=generate a video with the title "An astronaut is walking in space" and dub it.
Task Planning:
1: {"task": "text-to-video", "id": 0, "dep": [-1], "args": {"text": "An astronaut is walking in space" }}
2: {"task": "text-to-speech", "id": 1, "dep": [-1], "args": {"text": "An astronaut is walking in space" }}
- 模型选择:LLM基于Model Card的模型描述,为以上每个任务选择合适的模型。
- 任务执行:按顺序调用模型得到每一步的结果
Execution Results:
1. {"generated video": "/videos/5696.mp4"}
2. {"generated audio": "/audios/3f9e.flac"}
- 生成回答:对模型调用过程和生成结果进行组合。
Response: Sure. I have read the image example.jpg for you. The inference result is 'INVOICE NO :
18301/102/T0305'. The model used for this task is microsoft/trocr-base-printed, which is best suited for
the task of image-to-text as it is fine-tuned on the SROIE dataset which is specifically designed for this task.
Then I have converted the text to audio, the generated audio is /audios/da5s.wav
and the model used for this task is facebook/fastspeech2-en-ljspeech, which is a FastSpeech 2 text-tospeech
model which is suitable for the task of text-to-speech. Is there anything else I can help you with?
LLM Agent系统设计, LLM调度任意世界API,API无限制,主要包括以下几个组件
- 基础模型作为中心系统MCFM:,理解各种模态的用户输入上文和指令,生成完成任务所需的步骤(step1),以及API的调用代码(step3)
- API标准化平台:所有工具标准化入库,包括API Name,参数列表,API说明书,调用demo,补充注释。类型Huggingface的Model Card,通过标准化赋予API无限拓展性
- API选择器:根据MCFM生成步骤选择最相关的API(step2)
- API执行器:执行API任务
- Feedback:这部分暂未收集到足够的数据,所以暂未详述
简单说就是加入多种工具调用,零微调版本的AutoCOT。主要包括两部分,Task Library构建和Task Retrieval
- Task library 包括算数,代码,检索,COT推理,字符串编辑等5大类问题拆解+ 工具调用的few-shot library,以搜索为例,prompt library如下
In these examples, you are given a task description and an input. Break the input down into subtasks in order to solve the task.
You can use search functions like Google search in one or more of your substeps, if there in insufficient information. Other
functions like arithmetic and logical operations can also be used.
Description: (Knwon or Unknwon) Choose the option that best answers the question. If the question does not have a known
answer, choose "Unknown".
Input: How many hairs were on Neil Armstrong’s head when he landed on the moon?
choice: Unknown
choice: Five million
Q1: [search] How many hairs were on Neil Armstrong’s head when he landed on the moon?
Apollo 11 (July 16–24, 1969) was the American spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon. Commander Neil
Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin.
Neil Alden Armstrong (August 5, 1930 – August 25, 2012) was an American astronaut and aeronautical engineer who became
the first person to walk on the Moon.
Q2: [subquestion] Does the information help answer the question? There could be no definitive answer because the question is
too specific, about personal details not in public record, because the answer is not yet known, or the question is opinion-based.
#2: No. The question is too specific
Q3: [compare] What is the final answer?
#3: Unknown
Q4: [EOQ]
Ans: Unknown
Task Retrieval 针对新的问题会召回N个task prompt构成动态的In-Context,召回的方案包括用大模型计算相似度寻找相似的prompt,以及遍历多个任务集使用在测试集上效果最好的In-Context组合来使用。个人感觉在动态In-Context选择上还未出现较好的方案,不论是相似度还是测试集评估,泛化性都比较有限。
human-feedback 真的是字面意思,就是人工可以中间干预推理步骤,包括加入sub-task,修改sub-task和返回值等等,和https://godmode.space/的交互实现很相似。
- 模型对于首尾文档的理解效果更好,等相关信息出现在开头和结尾的时候效果显著更好,中间部分效果存在20%+的效果下降,效果存在U型曲线。所以多文档作为上文可以通过rerank把重要的放在首尾
- 即便是长文本增强的模型,当上文长度上升(10个文档->30个文档)模型效果也会有显著下降,GPT-3.5-turbo,GPT-3.5-turbo(16K)在超长文档上效果没有很显著的差异
- Skeleton stage: 使用指令+fewshot,让模型针对问题生成拆解项,prompt如下
[User:] You’re an organizer responsible for only giving the skeleton (not the full content) for answering the question.
Provide the skeleton in a list of points (numbered 1., 2., 3., etc.) to answer the question. Instead of writing a full
sentence, each skeleton point should be very short with only 3∼5 words. Generally, the skeleton should have 3∼10
What are the typical types of Chinese dishes?
1. Dumplings.
2. Noodles.
3. Dim Sum.
4. Hot Pot.
5. Wonton.
6. Ma Po Tofu.
7. Char Siu.
8. Fried Rice.
What are some practical tips for individuals to reduce their carbon emissions?
1. Energy conservation.
2. Efficient transportation.
3. Home energy efficiency.
4. Reduce water consumption.
5. Sustainable diet.
6. Sustainable travel.
Now, please provide the skeleton for the following question.
[Assistant:] 1.
- Point-expanding stage: 基于指令,对以上生成的每个子观点进行扩写
[User:] You’re responsible for continuing the writing of one and only one point in the overall answer to the following
The skeleton of the answer is
Continue and only continue the writing of point {point index}. Write it **very shortly** in 1∼2 sentence and
do not continue with other points!
[Assistant:] {point index}. {point skeleton}