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k3b edited this page Mar 4, 2016 · 27 revisions

Pick an area from a Geographic-Map

Note: The geograpic data in the map come from openstreetmap servers and is cached on the android device. You need an internet connection to download the data.

You can reach the Geographic-Map via


  • The geographic map shows markers at places where photos were taken.
  • The numer in the green marker indicates how many photos belong to the marker.
  • Blue markers represent selected photos if Gallery-View is in multi selection mode or if SEND_MULTIPLE.
    • Note: For performance/memory reason only the first 256 blue markers are shown.
    • Note: you can chance this limit in the Settings View under Max. Sel-Markers in Map .
  • If you tap on a marker the marker becomes red to indicate current selection and a photo belonging to the marker is displayed in the lower right corner.
  • Tap on the photo to hide it.
  • if you long-tap on a marker you get a context menu to
    • "Show in new Gallery" opens a new Gallery-View instance filtered by lat/lon of selected marker
    • to zoom to fit the area of the current marker.
  • If you tap somewhere in the map the "zoomin"- and "zoomout"-buttons become visible to change the map detail level.
  • If you double tap somewhere in the map the map zooms in one level.
  • If you swipe left/right/up/down you can change the current map area
  • The "Zoombar" below the map can be used to change the current zoom level.
  • The "Ok" button takes the current visible map area/zoomlevel to update
  • The "Cancel" button or the back button closes the map without affecting the calling activitry.
  • The menu *Filter" openes the Filter-View * purpose: Filter the photos that are visible in the map. * if Geographic-Map is started without intent-extra-de.k3b.extra.FILTER parameter the map uses the last used filter.

If you use the Geographic-Map as a "geo:" picker you can

  • tap on a green/blue marker to select the geo-location belonging to that marker (the marker becomes red)
  • tap somewhere in the map where no green/blue marker exists to select a place with no photo.

The Intent API support

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