In Windows 10 1809 (Oct 2018 version upgrade) the new YourPhone app allows a user to synchronise Messages & Contacts and the most recent 25 Photos in an Android phone with a Win10 workstation. The folder "C:\Users\ %username%\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.YourPhone_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Indexed\GUID\System\Database" has the Phone.db, an SQLite database with all synchronised messages & contacts.
SQLite query to view the Contacts
SQLite query to view the SMS Messages
Messages as displayed in the App:
Photos as seen in the App:
Note: .heic images are synced (can be found in the 'Recent Photos' folder as seen below), but are not displayed in YourPhone's app window.Photos as seen in the "C:\Users\ %UserName% \AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.YourPhone_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Indexed\GUID\User\PhoneName\Recent Photos" folder:
(Tested with Win 10 version 1809 (Build 17755.1) & Win10 version 1903 (Build 18875.1000) &Android 7.1.1)
UPDATE: Your Phone 1.19041.481.0 (Win 10 v18890.1000)
SQLite query to view the Notifications found at "C:\Users\ %username% \AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.YourPhone_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Indexed\GUID\System\Database\Notifications.db"
Separate folders (GUID) for each connected phone:
Settings.db lists all the applications installed on the phone, their version number, and icon (blob), as well as the notification setting (on/off) :
Query for the settings.db + Magnet AXIOM 3 custom artifact
Note: The Settings table gets/updates values only after the user changes any settings in the 'Your Phone' app settings (as seen in the image above).
UPDATE: Your Phone 1.19061.410.0 (Win 10 v18932.1000)
Photos.db: There is a 4th db file now: Photos.db lists all the synchronised images, timestamp, their size, location on phone, full thumbnail (blob), and full image (blob). Images are also saved in the 'Recent Photos' folder.
calling.db: 5th file - Call history
Note: YourPhone uses MS Graph Notifications which are registered by Windows Timeline "platform":"msa"