The Microsoft REST API Guidelines is a Microsoft-wide initiative to develop consistent design guidelines for REST APIs. The initiative requires input and feedback from a variety of individuals both inside and outside of Microsoft.
To provide feedback, please follow the guidance in this document. Please note that these are just guidelines, not rules. Use your best judgment and feel free to propose changes to anything in this repository, including the contribution guidelines.
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
- Creating issues
- Recommended setup for contributing
- Documentation styleguide
- Commit messages
- Pull requests
- You can create an issue, but before doing that please read the bullets below and include as many details as possible.
- Perform a cursory search to see if a similar issue has already been submitted.
- Reference the version of the Microsoft REST API Guidelines you are using.
- Include the guidance you expected and other places you've seen that guidance, e.g. White House Web API Standards.
- Include sample requests and responses whenever possible.
This is the repository for Microsoft REST API Guidelines documentation only. Please ensure that you are opening issues in the right repository.
- Fork this repository on GitHub
- Install Git to your computer and clone your new forked repository
- Install Atom, VS Code, or your favorite editor
- Install markdown-toc package
- Use GitHub-flavored markdown
- Use syntax-highlighted examples liberally
- Trim trailing empty lines from HTTP requests
- Retain only essential headers for understanding the example
- Use valid (e.g., member names quoted), pretty-printed JSON with a 2 space indent
- Minimize JSON payloads by using ellipses
- Write one sentence per line.
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"address":"187 Suffolk Ln.",
"countryRegion":"United States",
- Use the present tense: "Change ...", not "Changed ..."
- Use the imperative mood: "Change ...", not "Changes ..."
- Limit the first line to 72 characters or less
- Reference issues and pull requests liberally
Pull requests serve as the primary mechanism by which contributions are proposed and accepted. We recommend creating a topic branch and sending a pull request to the vNext
branch from the topic branch. For additional guidance, read through the GitHub Flow Guide.
Be prepared to address feedback on your pull request and iterate if necessary.